Top 10 Strategies to relax Your Mind During tough situation. In this article we are going to discuss 10 best strategies to relax mind when situations are not in our favour. 1: Thoughts are the seeds of Success. Every thoughts have four effects - Every thought creates emotion. It affects every cell of our body. It reaches the person we think about. It radiates into the environment. This means that our thoughts are linked to our emotions , health , relationships and environment . Hence we have to careful about choosing the thoughts. This is backbone of our personality and destiny . Self Respect and love youself. 2: Don't prove yourself. We are under the illusion that someone else is responsible for what we think and feel. Whenever we point the finger at someone else about what we feel, we make ourselves a slave to that person or that situation. That is emotional dependence. How we think, feel and then behave is our reaction. Thi...
In this latest blog we have tried to explore the interesting relationship between way of living, thought process and destiny. How the choices we make in life, combined with our mindset, can determine the path of our destiny. Join us on this enlightening journey to better understand the deep connection between your actions, thoughts, and the course of your life. The Key is "Thoughts =>feelings=>Attitude=>Actions=> Personality=>Destiny"