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Top 10 Strategies to relax Your Mind During tough situation

Top 10 Strategies to relax Your Mind During tough situation.

In this article we are going to discuss 10 best strategies to relax mind when situations are not in our favour.

1: Thoughts are the seeds of Success.

Every thoughts have four effects -

  • Every thought creates emotion.
  • It affects every cell of our body.
  • It reaches the person we think about.
  • It radiates into the environment.

This means that our thoughts are linked to our emotions, health, relationships and environment

Hence we have to careful about choosing the thoughts.This is backbone of our personality and  destiny.

Self Respect and love youself.

2: Don't prove yourself. 

We are under the  illusion that someone else is responsible for what we think and feel.

Whenever we point the finger at someone else about what we feel, we make ourselves a slave to that person or that situation.  That is emotional dependence.

How we think, feel and then behave is our reaction. This determines our destiny.

We have the freedom to choose our response. We are not machines that respond on our own. 

We need to be aware of an automatic way of responding that even if we get hurt, it is our creation and that we have a choice about how long we want to be like that. We can choose to respond to stability, calm, and love.

3:Take your Responsibility: 

Just as a farmer thoroughly examines the quality of a seed before planting it, similarly we need to examine our thoughts that they are seeds that bear fruit in the form of words and actions. In other words, we need to take responsibility of our thoughts.

4:Self respect and Love: 

Our first duty is not to hate ourselves. Because in order to move forward it is necessary that first we have faith in ourselves and then on God. 

One who does not believe in himself can never have faith in God. ( Swami Vivekanand)

5:Create Powerfull thoughts.

If  negative thoughts  are running in our mind, it is as if there is a hole in the bucket and the tap has been left open. 

In this way, neither the bucket will ever be filled nor the spilled water will be of any use. 

Similarly, due to negative thoughts from our mind, energy will continue to be depleted and our mind will never be relaxed. so don't create negative thoughts for anyone.

If our thoughts are less then the body also remains physically healthy and our relationships also remain free from obstacles and full of joy and satisfaction.

State of relaxation of mind.

6:Don't  Criticize yourself: 

We all have enmity in our mind. We are fighting. We have been educated in such a way that we are fighting with the whole existence. 

  • Like a competition. May the whole life be against us. As a result, we get separated from the main stream of life, we start living a lonely life, isolated from the society.

So surrender yourself to this existence. That is, thank this existence for your every action, even the worst situation. 

Because any situation comes to strengthen you and broaden your outlook. This is how the brain reaches a state of relaxation.

7: We are not supreme power:

Things always happen, according to me, this is not going to happen. The situation comes from outside and we feel sad because of our every thought.

  • So take care of your mind. Do Pranayama and yoga. If I don't take care of my mind, I can not take care of anyone.

8: Believe in your subconscious mind: 

That's why I don't have to go to anyone in the worst situation. You have to come on your own. I am the solution of the situation. 

  • Learn to trust this mind. 
  • This is the only solution provider. 
So Empower Yourself to Create positive thoughts and Good Wishes for Everyone

9: Keep yourself busy with your hobbies: 

When we work on the best quality within us, we become wise at the level of experience.

  • So always keep your mind engaged in some work. This is the only way to calm and relax the mind.

Trying to calm your mind is futile. Because you can turn a flowing river, you cannot stop it. 

Similarly, this mind is also a kind of life which is constantly flowing. just need to give it the right direction

10Maintaining a calm state of mind.

Maintaining a calm state of mind does not mean that you do not think, but that you think as much as is necessary and take care that you do not form unnecessary thoughts.  

Also, make sure that in addition to creating necessary thoughts related to day-to-day tasks, you should also create positive thoughts that are based on the positive qualities or attributes of the soul.  

The positive qualities are peace, joy, love, happiness, purity, power and wisdom.  This is called positive thinking and positive thinking will reduce the number of thoughts we have throughout the day.  

This is somewhat of a state of silence.  Silence not only increases our efficiency, but it also keeps us more focused and mentally stronger in a variety of negative situations.  

Moreover, a concentrated and calm mind makes you think clearly and as a result you take right decisions.  

In conclusion:

So to put your any situation in mind  in the form of thoughts is the first step for solutions. Then our subconscious mind do the work on our problems. Giving all the problems to mind is  as to relax the mind.


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