Manage ups and downs in life is like driving a car Ups and downs are common in human life. The name of this ups and downs is life. But sometimes we are not able to manage the ups and downs properly. Situations are coming from outside in life should be welcomed. Situations are a kind of challenge. The one who accepts the challenge is the winner. Because in such difficult situations our inner strength becomes stronger, and our best comes out. Whereas in life we get stressed due to small problems. This stress also affects our entire family. So what should we do to easily handle the adverse situations that come in our life and make our life happy? In this article, I have presented the example of car gears as a way to manage the ups and downs of life. Life is like a car. Gear is required to drive a car . We have to change the gear of the car according to the ups and down . Occasionally, the gear of Reverse has to be used. If the car has to start,...
In this latest blog we have tried to explore the interesting relationship between way of living, thought process and destiny. How the choices we make in life, combined with our mindset, can determine the path of our destiny. Join us on this enlightening journey to better understand the deep connection between your actions, thoughts, and the course of your life. The Key is "Thoughts =>feelings=>Attitude=>Actions=> Personality=>Destiny"