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3 best easy steps to achieve success in life and every field

3 best easy steps to achieve success in life and every field.


In spite of all the difficulties and inconveniences, success is the only way to get results while doing the work effectively.

But we all are measure our success by the eyes of others.  Achievement or success in life is  importance for each person.  But every person is going to chase the success on basis of others standards.

From the views of others we measure our success or failure.  This is one of the main problem of our thinking process.  With this thought process, life's troubles begin. 

Our life is our own, so the measure of success should also be our own, not by others.  

  • Getting bread for two times is a success for someone.  
  • So no one can be successful in peace, for someone, it can be a success to achieve high status, for someone.
  • Earning more money can be a success for someone.
  • One can be successful in saving his house from flood, then one can be successful in playing laughing in his family. 

In many ways there are different success scales for different people.  We consider success to be a high place, whereas the truth is something else.  

We got limited time and limited energy.  Time and energy have been received because we have kept the balance of nature. 

What is Success?

Transfer your power further by following the growing generation according to survival.  Because we have not always lived here.  

Therefore, our success should mean whether I have fulfilled my duties, responsibilities and responsibilities in the best way.

Have I been able to do my best in advancing the new generation by giving the right shape of life, the gift given by nature.  In my view, this is the success.  What do you see? 

Today I am presenting some facts of how to achieve success in life ? It may be different for each person . Hope you will like it.

Many questions arise in our mind  like

  • What are the sources of success in life?
  • What is the way to get success in life?
  • What do you need to succeed in life?
  • What are the rules of successful life?

The solution to the excitement of all the questions is being given in 3 steps.

1:To be master something

The basis of success is based on mastery.  Mastery means to be at your best in your important work.  Mastering is not a day's work.  It demands time.

  • Yes, of course, a small start brings big results in the future. 
  •  Mastery leads to success.

Starting of a distance always starts at zero.  We just get stuck at this zero when it comes to doing something different.  

From the realm of thinking, we find it difficult to master any one task.  Whereas, in reality any thing or seed demands time to become fruit.  And it always starts with a small step. 

Like a small seed turns into a huge tree.  As we move forward on the path of mastery in some work, our confidence increases.  Our ability to achieve success increases as a result. 

Mastering one thing makes other things easier.  It is also a means to achieve success.  As our knowledge grows.

Our skill increases and at the level of experience, we can be sure and give our future the shape we want.

2:  Achieve Success by Thought Process.

Recipe for success in life with procedure.

If you want to achieve success in life, then you have to work at 3 levels:

  • New ways of changing the way of living will have to be adopted.
  • Change the thought process and be ready for the new challenge.
  • Have to learn to accept challenges by trusting your inner software.
Successful people work differently than normal people to achieve results, it comes on our own after we achieve our mastery.

3: Domino Effect. "Start with a small thing".

If a smaller domino, such as a palm leaf or brick, is stacked in a series or placed in increasing order of size, a smaller domino can drop 50% larger than it in size.


  • Each standing domino represents a small fraction of potential energy.  
  • The more dominoes are erected, the more potential energy they represent.  
  • By aligning them, you can create an interesting series of energies.


When a small thing is set up in a correct way, it can install many other things.

By taking the example of the domino effect, we can solve a big problem from the beginning with a small thing.  

When we set our priorities properly, then we spend all our energy in doing the most important thing.  So it becomes easy to achieve the greatest success.

What are the ingredients of Success?

We can achieve great success from a small beginning by doing two things continuously and giving time.  Those are two things

  • One is to set your priorities properly 
  • And second is to spend all your energy in doing the most important work.

Mastering skills requires more time.  Mastery elevates you as a person with knowledge and experience.

Let us start with a small thing.  Everyone has equal time to work.  Okay one question is, why is one person successful and the other unsuccessful?


  • The first one does more work than the other.
  • Focuses on small things.
  • Maintains a concentration to a microscopic level.

The domino effect clearly shows that we have only one rule to achieve success by mastering any work.  "Start with a small thing".


You have only two things.  

  • Fixed limited time  and 
  • Limited energy.

With these two things, you can move forward.

You have to start small using limited time like others, and light the torch of life with limited energy.  

To achieve success, follow your domino principle and start with a small domino and conquer the big domino.

A balanced life is a lie.  Life is a process of balance.  Life is not a work of balance.  The question of balancing work and life is a question of priority.

Balance is not to run after, but balance means to find priority here. 

How to achieve Success in life and carrier ?

A formula is given here.  Setting your priorities first.

Priority ------> Balance -------->Selection -------> Success ----------> Destiny has to change.

Therefore, you have to set your priorities to change your results and fortunes.  

By setting priority, you have many options to solve the work. In this way we can  achieve success in life  and different importance for each persons.

This is the base of success, only then you can change your destiny.  

In Conclusion:  

Balance in life comes by setting its priorities. Balance does not mean that once the priorities are fixed, life will be in balance forever. 

This does not happen. Just as it is morning, it is evening, it is night, it is day, so the priorities also change with time. 

Change is the only rule of nature. There are also changes in life. Every stop has different primary priorities. But if we come to set priorities what is necessary for us.
This gives us a lot of choice options. With the option, we have opportunities to master. We get success in the result. Our actions are the pillars of our success.

In this way we can  achieve success in life is  different importance for each persons .This is the basis of success, only then you can change your destiny. 


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