How to get your flow state by accepting challenges? In the flow state neither past nor future exists. In the state of flow only the present exists. The state of flow generally means that we become engrossed in whatever task we are doing and no other thoughts arise in our mind. Flow state simply means that we are focused on the work or things we are doing. Concentration or a balanced mind simply means that there is good communication between the neurons present in our right and left brain. This is also a state of flow. Isn't flow state a big event? In a state of flow our mind is in a state of balance. Whenever any work is done in a state of balance of mind, then the results of that work will also be best balanced. Therefore, to get the state of flow, first of all go deep into your mind and see which work gives you satisfaction. Second, you have faith and belief in the work for which you are going to surrender. My experience has been that whenever I am te...
In this latest blog we have tried to explore the interesting relationship between way of living, thought process and destiny. How the choices we make in life, combined with our mindset, can determine the path of our destiny. Join us on this enlightening journey to better understand the deep connection between your actions, thoughts, and the course of your life. The Key is "Thoughts =>feelings=>Attitude=>Actions=> Personality=>Destiny"