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Is there victory over fear lies in our faith & determination?

Is There victory over fear lies in our faith and determination.


Neither I am a doctor nor am I going to discuss about fear in detail.  In this article, I am sharing my spiritual experience on "Victory over fear".  How can we overcome our fear on the basis of faith or belief system?
The root cause behind any kind of fear is in our faith.
According to psychologist, fear is a type of emotion. Fear is not logical it is a kind of psychological cause or pressure.
Fear has settled inside us as a memory.  Think for a while if a small child is playing and a snake comes in front of him, will that child be afraid?
He  will never be afraid.  Because the fear of snakes hasn't been fed in his mind yet.
That child can catch the snake and play with it.  Even if the snake stings that child.  Because even the snake has its own fear, that no one should kill him.
But gradually as we get older.  Our memory starts filling up with thoughts of fear.
If we focus on our fear,  when any adverse circumstances come.  In this situation we get scared.
We get scared, because that information is already fed into our brains..  A thing or a situation is like a trigger.  
Which creates feelings of fear in us and those emotions release the hormones of fear and we get scared.  This fear is like weakening oneself in a way.

There are three main reasons of fear.

What are fear factors? Based on my experience I have described only three fear factors in this article.
  1. Not believing in your mental power.
  2. Week determination. 
  3. Emotional dependence.
Mental health, determination and faith are mutually supportive. These all are the part of emotional codependency.
By working on any one in the right way, making all three effective, one can get rid of the situation and one's fear.
Very often the circumstances are not according to our desires and we keep fighting externally to bring them to our will.
It is a type of psychological pressure that causes emotional codependency.  Because our inner state of mind is not powerful enough and our mind lacks the power of determination.  Hence feelings of fear are generated.

Victory over fear means strong determination and faith in oneself

Bringing oneself into a phase of power, which is not an external force, but an inner power or power of the mind.
Will free us from the effects of difficult situations of varying intensity.
  • Mental strength is better than physical strength or the strength of our role or fear that we can have.  
The power of the mind can change the feelings of fear in a short time and turn them into positive soon.

The real cause of fear is weak determination.

One aspect of our fears that we sometimes don't give enough importance to is how determined we remain at every step of our lives.
How do we use the power of that determination to conquer all kinds of odds?
Determination and faith complement each other and nothing else.  Determination means telling ourselves that we will be free from negative and unnecessary thoughts.
  • Fear of failure: Fear is in our faith and it is not anywhere others.  If we believe that I will fail then you will surely fail.
  • If you have faith that I will be successful with determination, then you will definitely be successful.
Without determination, whatever we do on an external level, we will not be able to control our desired fear with the help of it.

Easet way to Learn to face your fear .

This is because the moment we start working on our fears.  There may be an obstacle in our way and the moment we see the obstacle, whether or not we have the spiritual power to overcome the obstacle depends on whether....
  • A difficult situation will arise in front of us in the form of fear that will try to break the promise made to us.  And will make us emotionally unstable and weak.
So the spiritual power that we should have in our mind should be in the form of an attitude full of hope, patience and of course determination along with thoughts and feelings.
The beginning of any kind of fear is in our mind.  Therefore, one should be very consciously oriented towards determination and then that determination should also come in the process of getting rid of fear.

Does Emotional Dependence Cause a Feeling of Fear?

  • The main reason for our fear is to let the past dominate us.  Deeply in our faith the fear was sown in the past. Which keeps on appearing before us from moment to moment according to the changing circumstances.
  • The more times we keep comparing and evaluating ourselves on an external basis, the more often we will find ourselves less and more frustrated.  And will continue to nourish the seed of fear.
  • Every moment is changing. Similarly we, you and mankind are also changing. So why isn't our clinging to the past changing?  This is why emotional dependence is the main cause of fear.
  • Because of fear anger arises.  Due to anger, there is no appetite and digestion power becomes weak.  Mental and character harmony is lost.
All this is the result of emotional dependence, so we are living in fear.
Victory in front of fear has only one meaning that.........
No matter how strong the winds of various negative situations, remember that my steady inner state of mind is more powerful than the outer one.
If we stay strong, the fear will weaken and in a very short time we will be able to victory over fear.

Simple way to victory over fear:

  • To increase the will power of the mind.
Will is a power of the mind, which is present in each of us in some form or the other and we all can increase it as much as we want.
  • First, it should be realized that I alone have the responsibility to determine and challenge the negative situations or fears in my life.
Even as a person I have a strong need to improve my nature, overcome my fears and be successful in every area of ​​my life.
  • To shower love and best wishes to all.
Sending best wishes from the heart to those who create adverse situations is a kind of fearless feeling.  
Which will make relationships more beautiful and filled with peace, love and joy.

  • State of mind 

You have to work on the state of mind.  It has 2 parts physical health and second emotional health.
  • So for physical health, do exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
  • For second emotional help, do meditation and yoga thrice a week.
By doing both of these exercises, you are getting ready to face the fear by experiencing the spiritual power within you.
It is a long process and over time you will conquer the fear.
Never create a feeling of weakness in the mind because you are a unique personality.  There is no other in this world like you.
Never think about the state of balance in life because life is not balanced.  It is the flow of a river, where it finds its way, it flows.

How to get rid of emotional pain or fear?

  • First of all, the feeling of fear is in our brain and not in the real problem.
  • Therefore, first of all, do not think about fear  consider it as a thought generated by a weak mind.
  • First Accept the thought of ​​ fear, the feeling of fear is within me.
  • Birth and death are certain.  We're not going to be alive forever.  That is why there is hardly any fear greater than the fear of death.
  • But we keep dying moment by moment due to fear many times due to circumstances.  Is it true?
  • So think every day with every moment  we are getting closer to death, so what is there to fear?

In Conclusion.

We have our mind.  The feeling of fear arises inside us, so the problem is not outside.  The problem of fear is within us.  
Therefore, we have to find the solution of the problem not outside but within ourselves.
The state of fear is rooted in our faith.  So whatever determination we believe will happen to us.
If fear is to be conquered, fear must be fought.  "Who is afraid, understand that he is dead" That is why it has been said that there is "victory over fear".


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