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Enhancing Your Potential through Desire and Imagination.

Enhancing your Potential through Desire and Imagination.


Merely desire is not enough.  The act of desire combined with imagination increases our potential.

For whatever purpose we have expressed our desire, it is impossible to succeed without process, to achieve that objective.  

We always wish but do not do the necessary actions to achieve the results of  desire.  Therefore, we do not get answers to our prayers or imagination.

We all keep desires in our heart, but how to make those desires reach the desired result with the help of imagination?  For this we do not adopt any method of action.

This is the reason for not realizing our potential.  There is desire but because of not deciding the process, we are not able to utilize our potential properly.

In this article, I have discussed about expanding our potential with the help of desire and imagination.

How to fulfill our Passion by desire and imagination?

  • The most important thing is to make a definite action plan to implement our desire.  
  • When we are sure that this plan of action is correct, repeat this process over and over again in our imagination.
  • When this process is accepted by our subconscious mind then we start getting desired results.
  • Desire is a seed and imagination is the way to nurture that seed
  • With the desire to have knowledge and ability, our potential increases manifold.  Because with the cooperation of these three attributes, our sphere of influence increases.
  • A strong desire is the starting point in the process of becoming and doing.  Where we can make our dreams come true.
  • There is a big difference between being good at something and being ready to have it.  That's why it is necessary to have strong faith in the mind.  nothing can be achieved by mere desire.

Why do Imagination?

If we have a strong desire to achieve something, but at the same time keep thinking about the limitations that act as a hindrance in the fulfillment of desires, then it creates inner conflict.  
  • Therefore, while imagining, do not focus on obstacles.  Otherwise we will be left where our desire was born.
  • Whatever exists in this world today, its creation first becomes mandatory in our mind, then that creation takes shape on the surface.  
Therefore, imagination is an essential ingredient in shaping desire on the physical form.
Do not make mistake in doing Imagination.

If we have a strong desire to achieve something, but at the same time keep thinking about the limitations that act as a hindrance in the fulfillment of desires, then it creates inner conflict.  

How to improve Creativity by imagination ?

So while imagining, do not pay attention to the obstacles.  Otherwise we will remain where our desire originated.

  • Whatever exists in this world today, its creation first becomes mandatory in our mind, then that creation takes shape on the surface.  
  • Therefore, imagination is an essential ingredient in shaping desire on the physical form.

The power of the human mind is unlimited.  It increases our potential only when we are aware of it.

But we do not understand the method by which we can make every situation within our reach as a means of transforming, by desire  and imagination,  into a physical equivalent.

The easiest way is to convert desire into desired result.

  • Add faith to your will.
  • Add emotion to your imagination.
  • It is necessary to make a continuous effort to imagine the activity.
  • The most important thing is to trust your subconscious mind with patience, faith and reverence.
The only way to keep the desire well established in the mind is to keep giving instructions again and again.

For this reason the desire is accepted by the subconscious mind.
When the right principles are combined with your will, the mind doesn't have to work hard to accept it and your power increases.  You get your desire results.
Faith is a chemical element that mixes with desire and establishes a direct communication with the intellect.
  • Imagination is like a workshop which has the power to execute our will.
  • The most influential form of imagination is creative imagination.
  • Victory in desire and imagination is always of imagination.  The imagination is impressive.  
  • Desire without imagination is of no importance.
  • Whereas imagination wins over desire.  So the only way is to increase your potential.

In Conclusion.

Imagination is the actions plan. It is the  base of desire. To bring the desire to the desired result through imagination.

By using desire, imagination and faith, we can reach the desired result by increasing our potential and with the help of subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is a medium for realizing desire and imagination.  So by trusting our subconscious mind we can get our desired results.


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