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Showing posts from July, 2020

Create Positive vibration change behaviour.

Create Positive vibration change  behavior. आज मैं इस  ब्लॉग में यह चर्चा कर रहा हूं कि, Behaviour को Positive Vibration से कैसे change कर सकते हैं? आज लोग ज्यादातर critics क्यों करते हैं। आइए जानते हैं।  Criticism :  Reason and Result: Criticize करने से अपने अंहकार को पोषण मिलता है। दिल को ठंडक मिलती है। मज़ा  आता है। दिल हल्का हो जाता है। दूसरों को अपने से नीचा दिखाना है। Result: यह सारे उत्तर एक मिथक है। सत्य कुछ और है। Criticize करने से हमारे अहंकार को पोषण मिलता है। Criticize अहंकार का भोजन है। अहंकार, क्रोध पैदा होता है। क्रोध से stress पैदा होता है। इससे हमारे शरीर में एवं मन में Toxic thought and acid का level   बढ़ जाता है। और हमारा अंहकार बढ जाता है।कार और बढ़ जाता है। इस कारण मन , अस्थिर हो जाता है। मन से Negative Vibration generate होती हैं। परिणाम स्वरूप हमारा negative Behavior बनता है। अंहकार कारण हमारे behavior's पर negative effect पड़ता है। हर छोटी से छोटी बात पर आलोचना करना आज आम बात हो गई है। हर कोई कि...

Can we use mud as treatment like healing therapy for healthy body?

Can we use mud as treatment like healing therapy for healthy body? Today I am going to discuss about  use of mud (clay)   as a treatment like healing therapy for   healthy body.   How to get rid of body and mind's problems  with the use of mud (clay) ? Our body is made up of five elements. Earth, sky, water, fire, air.  We never pay attention to these five elements in depth.  Because we get this element free by nature.  We have not paid their price. That is why we consider them negligible.  Due to this thinking, problems related to mind and body bother us. This is the main reason of our body problems. We never respected these elements and did not give equal status to God.  We used to think that, it is just happening on its own. While it is not so, the truth is that we are all made up of these five elements. By giving the best respect to these 5 elements in our life, we can get rid of all kinds of physical problems and diseases. A...

Can a Grand Vision create to Life Success?

Can a Grand Vision create to Life Success? Vision   is the main basic factors for smooth and successful life. It expands our attitude. By expanding the vision , we can change the thought process and keep the foundation of a successful life.  Expanding the vision is the basic approach to successful life. How to  Expand your perspective and vision for a successful life? So let us first find out the solutions of these questions. These questions are determine our vision.  What will our environment be like? Where will we be in the future. How would you be living life?  How will our economic situation be? At what point will we be successful? In this article I am going to discuss some basic tips to expand  vision  for success.   How can we get success in life?  What is Powerful  vision ? Powerful Vision created at three  levels. Accepting the problem as a challenge in life. Keep moving slowly with patience and confidence even in adv...

Unveiling the Power of Good Habits: Creating our Future and Mastering the Art of Habit Formation

Unveiling the Power of Good Habits: Creating our Future and Mastering the Art of Habit Formation. Do good habits shape our future? Does our work become easier by forming the right habits? As are our habits, so is our future? Are our good habits the foundation of our future? In response to these questions, I am discussing about the functions of Habits and the best formation of good habits in this  blog.   Habits are ours. It is not provided by nature. The biggest thing is that made unknowingly. Habits can also be changed.  Habits are deep in our mind. Stored as the software, which we have inadvertently created. It is formed on the basis of the information given by our five senses to the conscious mind. When a task repeats many times, the subconscious mind stores the information of that work inside itself. This collected information becomes our habits .   Our brain gives us instructions accordingly stored information and we are forced to do the same thing. T...

Solution of problem lies within us

Solution of Problem lies within us At the level of conscious mind, we keep looking for solution of the problems from outside . While every solution to the problem lies within us in the subconscious mind .  Problems continue to come in everyone's life. Life is the name to face the problems . If problems do not occur, life will become dull because we feel full of energetic and happy when the problems are solved .  But how do we see the problem ? How do we accept the problem ? How do we react to problems ? These questions are more important because people get upset when problems comes. We Become irritable, some people suffer from tension.  We can influence problems by working on ourselves rather than worrying about problems . For this we have to work on our area of ​​influence. Problems change radically in us .  The power of the new dimension of hearing in life is born within us . With internal change, we see the problems of ourselves and outsiders.  Becaus...