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Can a Grand Vision create to Life Success?

Can a Grand Vision create to Life Success?


Vision is the main basic factors for smooth and successful life. It expands our attitude. By expanding the vision, we can change the thought process and keep the foundation of a successful life. 

Expanding the vision is the basic approach to successful life. How to Expand your perspective and vision for a successful life?

So let us first find out the solutions of these questions. These questions are determine our vision. 

  • What will our environment be like?
  • Where will we be in the future.
  • How would you be living life? 
  • How will our economic situation be?
  • At what point will we be successful?

In this article I am going to discuss some basic tips to expand vision for success.  How can we get success in life? 

What is Powerful vision?

Powerful Vision created at three  levels.

  • Accepting the problem as a challenge in life.
  • Keep moving slowly with patience and confidence even in adverse circumstances. With this thought process definitely we will get victory.
  • Working on the adverse conditions, we have to stay positive, then we definitely get solutions to the problems.

How do I write a vision for myself?

Our mind easily understands anything in the form of an image.
Example: Don't look bad
  • It is said here in three words. The brain imagines all three words as an image and gives results. how?
  • Bad word: Mind creates image of bad word in mind
  •  Don't: There is no image. Therefore the mind does not pay attention to this word. No more does not make an image in the mind.
  •  Look: The image of seeing creates the mind.
  • When saying "don't look bad" our brain creates the image of bad look, and bad images come out in our mind.
  • Therefore it is always said that while doing visualization, always positive image is to be made in the mind and words.
Example: Instead of looking bad, always look good things.
  • Whatever we want to become in our life, implant a clear image in our mind.
  • Even today, if we do not have that thing or behavior etc., still we have to imagine by making a clear picture in our mind.
  • Our subconscious mind justifies this picture because you have generated clear thought and clear image.
  • The subconscious mind does not differentiate between truth or falsehood, so we will make a picture in our mind and work on it by giving time. The same will be formed in our future.

With the help of visualization and imagination, we sow the seeds of karma in our mind.

  • Our thinking expands.
  • Our Vision expands.
  • We are attracted to success.

We have to face the pressure of adversity, only then our best comes out. 

3 best way to change your vision for success life.

One main  basic factor for great vision is circumstances. First let us discuss this main reason. 
Circumstances give us an opportunity to expand our vision .We cannot be better if adversity does not happen to us.
  • Circumstances provide us an opportunity to think and understand from both positive and negative angles.
  • Circumstances force us to think deeply.
  • Circumstances strengthen our inner strength.
  • They bring out the best quality inside us.

  • Gives a new dimension to solve the difficulties of life and helps bring positive change in us.
  • Our vision of the world expands. How to calmly handle difficult situations. 

1:Abundance mentality 

People with a lack of abundance mentality often say that there is only so much for me while there is so much for others. 

This vision never lets you think like a big leader. 

Does not allow to succeed. Whereas people with a lack of abundance mentality skimp in praising others.

They do not know that they are developing a mentality of low vision day by day.

On the other hand, the mentality of abundance is a greater vision for the rich. 

The abundance mindset expands your thoughts and vision and create success.

  • Things you do not have, yet you think that if you already have that thing, then your vision is expanded. One day or another, you have that thing.

According to "Leesa Nicolas"

If you lack ; Focus on lack, if you focus on things that you don't have, you will get lack. When you talk about them with your family, when you talk about them with your friends, when you tell your kids that you don't have enough money - "We don't have enough money for that." 

we can't afford it" - then you will never afford it, because you will attract more lack. If you say abundance, if you want prosperity, then focus on abundance

This is the law of nature. Sowing is done before harvesting. Therefore, be full of abundance mentality in every field. Sowed the seeds of his success. This is to expand the vision.

2:To develop a character based vision.

We become what we think. Our vision is determined by what and how we think? That is the beginning of our success.
We can treat people very well, but if inside you are not the way you behave. So you will not be affected by others.
It is said that if a voice comes out of the heart, it definitely makes an impact. 
  • So always be what you feel. 
  • Not what people want. 
  • You have your own life, so create a character-based vision
First of all its biggest thing is that harmony with its core qualities is necessary.


Always look at things and people in a general way. There is neither good nor bad in this existence. 

When our work of choice is done, we feel good, otherwise we feel bad.

This becomes the principle of thinking of all. While the truth is something else. Life is neither good nor bad. 
  • Life is the way to live. As air flows, water flows. Water and air do not discriminate against anyone. Like air and water are always in their flow. 
In this way, we do not have to live in anyone, nor do we have to live in attachment to anyone.

This is the idea of ​​fairness in our vision and create success.

In Conclusion:

How much we have lived in life does no matter. Experience of life, suggests that the past is a memory. only we have today and we have to move forward.

Focusing on the present day is to be appreciated today, only then life will be better.In this way
vision creates success and new direction and gives us a new dimension.


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