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Solution of problem lies within us

Solution of Problem lies within us

Solution- problem-disease-lies-within-us

At the level of conscious mind, we keep looking for solution of the problems from outside . While every solution to the problem lies within us in the subconscious mind

Problems continue to come in everyone's life. Life is the name to face the problems. If problems do not occur, life will become dull because we feel full of energetic and happy when the problems are solved

  • But how do we see the problem?

  • How do we accept the problem?

  • How do we react to problems?

These questions are more important because people get upset when problems comes. We Become irritable, some people suffer from tension. 

We can influence problems by working on ourselves rather than worrying about problems.

For this we have to work on our area of ​​influence. Problems change radically in us

  • The power of the new dimension of hearing in life is born within us. With internal change, we see the problems of ourselves and outsiders. 

Because of this, our perspective is broadened and the attitude of looking at our problems also changes. Our approach is broadened. For this reason, solutions to our problems arise from within us. 

By looking at the problems calmly and patiently and accepting the problem, the solutions are found from within us. That is, our inner life software has solution to our every problem.

The solution to the problem lies within us. Today, I am presenting on the basis of experience and the solution to the problems faced in my daily life.

How to solve your problems easily and by adopting some common methods can make life problem free?

The point of view to to see the  problem is the problem.

Reason 1: How do  we look at any problem?

That's Point of view is not our own. The way we are living today and whatever be the attitude we have this is given ....

  • By our family, 

  • By our relatives, friends and 

  • Our attitude is written by other people according to their thinking and circumstances.

Reason 2.   The composition of our life is written in childhood.

The write of childhood programming is strong. And we grow up and see the problem with the same thought process

  • Our approach to solving problems is outdated. 
  • We are told by those people who do not how to solve the problem themselves. 
  • They have imposed their vision on us to see and solve the problem in our rituals. 

Every human being is a unique personality. Each has its own separate composition. So how can others' way of solving the problem solve our problem?

To solve problems and diseases at the level of the mind and at the level of the body. 

Nobody has any problem with our problem and disease.

  • I only make a difference if I am in trouble or I am sick.
  • Everyone can give assurance, but the pain is inside me, it has to be cured by me. The problem will be solved only by me. 

Solution to problems and disease at mind and body. 

  1.  Solution at the level of the mind.
  2.  Solution on body level .
Mind is software, body is hardware. If there is a problem in the software, then Programming means Thought Process will have to be changed. 

The body is Hardware. If the disease has arrived in the body, then some exercises and experiments will have to be done on the body.

Exercise, Yoga, Pranayama, Motivational books etc. have to be done for the body. 

Just as the food of the body is food, similarly the food of the mind is thought. The food of the mind has a tremendous effect on the body.

  •  What should be the food of the mind?

  •  Should the food of our mind be according to us, or according to the society?  

These questions are the reason for problems to flourish.

Try to find the answer to these questions, I have presented the computer hard disk as an example by comparing it with the mind .

How can we live a happy life by correcting the food of our mind? You can get rid of your daily life problems.

We cannot answer whether we are a perfect creation of existence or not. Until we have known our "Inner Software" ie "I". 

Only after knowing our Inner Software can we reach a conclusion by changing the Way of Living. Before talking today, it is necessary to know what is the meaning and function of these three words.

  1. Body: what "I" own body?

  2. mind: Is "I" the mind?

  3. I : "Who am I"?

Do these three sentences have different meanings or are all three the same? Let's try to understand with an example.

What do we say when our feet hurt?

  • My leg hurt.

  • My body hurt on my leg.

What do we say when it comes to pain?

  • I have a pain in my leg.

  • My body is aching.                      

All the first sentences here say, my foot is hurt, and my foot is hurting.

No person says that my foot is hurt and my foot is aching. It may have been clear from this example that the body is hurt, I feel pain.

  • What do i mean? That means my body part gets hurt, then at that time we say that I am hurt. 

  • While the truth is that the foot is a part of the body and the foot is hurt.

  • So where does the pain occur to the cells of the body, to the mind or to the "I"?

Where there is an injury, there is pain but the whole body should not feel pain.

Other body parts are healthy. They keep doing their work but due to injury or wound, our mood changes.

  • The mind feels pain and the mind is directly related to the body. The body also moves in the same mood. Because we are the controlling mind. 

If the mind is not right, how can we be okay? That is, problems and diseases are born at the level of the mind.

Solution to problems and diseases are also found at the level of the mind and body. That is, the solution to the problems lies within us

Problems at the level of body and mind .


Body and mind can be two different things or say that the mind is also a part of the body. In which information is gathered.

Our body is like hardware. Hardware means in computer language, everything that we can touch with our hands is hardware. 

In the same way, our brain to hardware is the whole body. We can call the brain like a hard disk of a computer.

In which there is a collection of information. Hard Disk means in a computer where the information related to files on the computer. Operating system software etc. are saved.

Is Our mind works like a hard disk? 

Information is also stored here by the user. The location of the hard disk in the computer. This is called secondary memory. You can also call it a repository of memories. 
  • Similarly, information is stored on the hard disk. We call these information software, software means everything that we cannot touch with hands, can only see and hear.

  • Like a hard disk is a part of a computer. Similarly, the brain is a part of our body. 

This mind is nothing else, like a hard disk contains information, programs etc. in the form of software.

In the same way, we also have information in the form of data, programs and software.

  • Now you must know some difference: that body and mind are two sides of a coin. There cannot be another without one.
  • I am trying to explain mind and body composition through hardware and software.

Hard disk has software installed to turn off the computer or booting system. 

  • How to turn on the computer?

  • How will the computer work?

  • How and how does the computer work etc.?        

The above information is the work of an operating system or also called operating software.

How the computer will interact with the USER is a network of initial information called operating systems.

Similarly, our mind also works. Operates our body and also reacts to the information coming from outside. 

There is also free space in the hard disk and where we complete a task and save it as a file. 


Similarly, there is software in our mind to run our body. Which I call Inner Software in my blog, ie who am I?


Problems and diseases are like VIRUS


In this physical age we also download some wrong software inside ourselves.

Which can be called virus software .

  • Such as fear, fear, arrogance, blaming, wrongly earning money, exploiting, grabbing another part and creating bad feelings for another, creating dirty thoughts etc.

The main problem is the software. Those who enter our mind and start breaking the software of our mind. That is, they give rise to problems and diseases.  


I want to tell you one thing that computer language is machine language, that is, we type anything.

  • The computer only understands 0 and 1 i.e. 0 means light on and 1 means light is on. Similarly, by turning on off into language, then it shows us as output in our language of calculation.                 
  • A computer virus is a program that came from outside. 

This reverses the language of our correct program, ie if 01010 was written as the first language, then after being infected by the virus the language will become 10101 and the software inside will be messed up.

We also have problems like the VIRUS Program. 

Similarly, software like viruses in our mind can also be called problems, due to which the programs and software inside our mind go awry.

And we get upset. Due to disturbances at the level of the mind, disturbances at the level of the body also arise. Diseases are caused

We succumb to psychosomatic diseases in which there is a risk of heart attack due to depression, stress, etc.

Antivirus: The solution to problems lies in the inner software. Now we talk about how to fix software that is bad from viruses? 

  • By putting antivirus in the computer, the said software, which had earlier become 10101 due to language virus, now 01010 is in its old state.

Similarly, when we read spiritual consciousness, Yoga, Motivational books in our mind and watch Motivational videos.

They all work as antivirus. The main purpose of my block is also to present your inner life software to you as an antivirus. 

With all these antivirus software, we can kill the virus of our mind. By solving the problems and diseases in the mind and disturbing the mood, you can again trust your inner software and find your original state i.e.

  • Calm, Patience, Confidence, Health, Prosperity. That is, the solutions to our problems lies within us. 
 I know 100% about myself.
  • I and only I know 100% of myself what I am?
  • What are my mistakes?
  • What are my goodies?
  • What is my strength?
  • What do I like?
  • What do I dislike ?
Only I know about my body and hundred percent.  

  • When I know all things about myself. So why don't I take my responsibility myself?
  • It is wrong to hold others responsible for their problems.
  • If I hold myself responsible for mistakes and problems, then only we get the options of answers to problems from inside, otherwise we do not.

  • Because when I know all about this body, we should not find solutions to our problems. We should find solutions to our problems within us .    

How to solve the problem by subconscious mind with inner life software ?

Let us sit quietly and talk to our subconscious mind. Talk to your inner software.

This is why you will definitely get solutions to your problems.

But before that, we have to accept that I am an Inner Software and the subconscious mind answers my questions.

  • This is the solution to fight every problem and disease in me. First of all, you have to accept your mistakes. 

Before I know the answer to this question, I would like to ask you a question. 

  • What do we first do to build a beautiful house? The answer to all of you will be: First of all make a clear image of the house in your mind.

The type of house to be built. When making a house image or making a map, take care of every little thing. 

  • Where will the bedroom be?

  • Where will the kitchen be? 

  • How will the balcony be?

  • should make 

We clear image of all these questions in our mind. Clear image for everything is painted in its mental picture. 

  • Clear Image making in mind means, send a picture of a clear image to your subconscious mind. And our subconscious mind starts working, how to make the house beautiful?

  • The subconscious mind takes to transform this image into physical creation and realization. The rest of the work is in existence.

  • And our house becomes what we thought. 


The physical creation is to be solved by creating a clear image at the mental level and free from diseases.

  • The way a house map is first created, it is like software.
  • Then the physical composition on the ground is the house. It is like Hardware. This is our basic principle.

First mental creation is made, the physical creation is created.

This principle also works 100% in getting rid of our problems and diseases. By this  example, we can overcome our problems with our diseases.

How to Change the way we view the problems?

Solution 1: By Subconscious mind. 

  • First of all, we have to accept our problems and diseases. 

As soon as we accept a mistake, accept the problem, then we get to experience an infinite peace and from within we start getting answers to those problems. Acceptance is 50% Solution.

  • First of all accept your problem and disease, that yes I have this problem and disease

  • Change the way you view the problem.

  • Leave the old Thought Process to see the problem. Not try to Solve this problem but to sit quietly and look at the problem. Have to go deep.

  • 10:00 minutes everyday is also a lot of time. Now hand over the problem to the Subconscious mind 

  • You don't have to do anything. 

  •  Inform the subconscious mind as your servant or the doctor who solves your problem.

  • Now, in the mind, like a map of a house, make a clear picture of the problem free in the mind map, even 5 minutes is a lot of time.

Now thank your subconscious mind, body cells, nature, existence. As if your problem is solved. 

Solution: 2. By Inner Life Software. 

The simple way to get rid of problems and diseases is now to understand an example of home. I am presenting another example. 

  • If you want to know the solutions of problems and diseases in more depth, then you can find the path of freedom from problems and diseases from within yourself with the help of Inner Life Software.
Let us try to understand with an example. 
  • Hot tea has fallen in your hand, and your hand has burnt a little, or at any other situation your finger is slightly cut with a knife. What do you do ?

  • The answer to all of you will be, do not bother with little burns and cuts. If there is a sound from inside, there is a slight injury, it will be cured.

Where does such belief come from?

  • Such belief comes from our Inner Software. 

  • The moment Inner Software starts working as soon as our hand burns, or cuts. 

  • Healthy Cells Producing and Damage Cells Begin to be cut off. 

  • This injury heals over time. But it takes time.

In Conclusion:

Even in the case of disease, we can create a new healthy body for ourselves by doing mental imagery at the level of both our mind and body and by doing yoga, meditation, exercise at the physical level. You can get solutions to your problems lies within us .

Solutions for all our problems and diseases are present within us.

We do not need to find out. No problem in the world is bigger than our inner life software program.

The problem seems to be big at the level of the conscious mind, whereas if the level of the subconscious mind goes, then the solution of any problem and disease are in the inner software itself


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