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Can we use mud as treatment like healing therapy for healthy body?

Can we use mud as treatment like healing therapy for healthy body?


Today I am going to discuss about  use of mud (clay)  as a treatment like healing therapy for healthy body.  How to get rid of body and mind's problems with the use of mud (clay)?

Our body is made up of five elements. Earth, sky, water, fire, air. 

We never pay attention to these five elements in depth. Because we get this element free by nature. 

We have not paid their price. That is why we consider them negligible. 
  • Due to this thinking, problems related to mind and body bother us. This is the main reason of our body problems.
We never respected these elements and did not give equal status to God. 
  • We used to think that, it is just happening on its own. While it is not so, the truth is that we are all made up of these five elements.
By giving the best respect to these 5 elements in our life, we can get rid of all kinds of physical problems and diseases.

All we have to do is to respect these five elements with a sense of dedication in the depth of mind. . 

I am Sharing my experience about mud benefits and it's  treatment.

How can we create the best for ourselves, body and mind by paying a little attention to this clay element?

Our body is made up of earth that is  soil. The mind is also the part of this body, but in it the information running life remains in the form of Inner Software.

Is our body made from soil?

How can we make our life happy and happy? All the elements we get in this existence, all are found from soil or earth. 

The most important of these is soil. All the food items or fruits we get as food are all born from this soil.

When we are all born from this soil, and in the form of food, we are taking these elements inside us. 

So are we or are all the parts of our body also part of this soil? Isn't our body also mud?

Now you will say that there is life in the body, it hurts or speaks while walking, and you are saying that there is mud. So what's right?

Let us try to find the answer to this question. Is there any similarity or difference between humans and plants?

    • Trees have a main similarity between plants and us, the basis of life is the process of breathing.
    • The tree plants take Carbandioxide in the breath and we take oxygen.
    • Trees take manure and water and we also take manure and water.
    • Different tree plants remain in the same place, but we can move around.

Mud therapy in Naturopathy

There are following types of crops in the same garden.
  • Mangoes are planted in mango trees.
  • Chili plant is planted.
  • A carrot crop is being produced.
  • Bitter gourd is being harvested.
  • Flower cultivation
You tell me that in the same field the same soil is turning into mangoes and sweet mango is being produced.
  • In this field, chili crop is being produced from this soil, and the taste of chills is pungent and sharp.
  • A carrot crop is being prepared from the same soil in this field, and the carrot has a sweet taste.
  • In this field, bitter gourd is prepared from the same soil and is giving the opposite taste of mango.
  • Different colors of flowers are prepared from the same soil in this field. 
  • These flowers also create a variety of fragrances and make the environment happy.
You tell me that the same soil in the same field is changing in so many forms. how ?
  • What is that? Which is producing different flavors of the crop from the soil of the same field.
  • While there is no difference between soil and water, manure.
That is, the seed's Inner life software, which, according to the gene of the seed, is transforming the soil into a crop with the same properties or genes.

How do you do mud therapy at home?

What is an inner software? Now we know this. Similarly we are also made of clay. 

Our Inner life software is building our body by converting soil-ready crops into food. ,
  • Mud bath therapy does not mean that you can take mud from anywhere and start bathing mud
  • Nowadays the level of soil pollution has increased significantly. Therefore it is necessary to have non polluted mud for mud bath therapy benefits.

Which mud is used for mud therapy?

While planting paddy as a farmer, the field is prepared by plowing it with water. 

The farmer works with soil while preparing the field. 
  • It is a kind of Mud bath therapy with pure soil. Its experience can only be known by the farmer who has done this work. 
  • By doing this, the dead cells of the body come out of the body.
But today in the environment this experience is not possible for everyone. 

So here I am going to present mud therapy according to the inner life software.

Mud therapy benefits & treatment at home 

First of all, whatever kind of food we take. Greet the food by dedicating it from the heart.
  • Think deeply about whether we, ever, have been 100% devoted to anyone. May be not?
  • Think that this front is going to make food part of our body. When this food is 100% devoted to our body, we should not accept this food as a lucidity of God?

  • This food is going to change in our body within 72 hours. That is, one soil is going to change into another form of soil.
  • So why don't we always pray very sensitively with food before taking food that whatever disease is there in my body, help me to overcome that disease.

  • This is a type of mud therapy. This mud therapy can also be called inner life software therapy.
We have done Mud therapy in two ways here. First, we have generated positive vibration from our mind. 
  • This Positive Vibration works on each and every cells of our body. The body is formed by each and every cells.
  • Thus the food that we have eaten has now been transformed into Cells.
  • Second, our inner life software is a relief that works all the time. Our Subconscious mind works according to what we feel.
Example of Seed. Mud therapy treatment for healthy body

In this example, the process of making the seed from mud and the tree from seed has been told.

We take the example of a seed, of any crop, take wheat. Wheat making software is present in it.
  • As long as the wheat remains in the store for several months without water and then it is sown in the earth as a seed. 
So it gives the grain of wheat, air, water, fire essential nutrients from the earth under proper conditions. Wheat sprouts into the earth and turns into a wheat crop.

Treatment process exists in the mud itself.

  • How is it spread?
  • How are leaves made in it?
  • How do you put flowers in it?
  • How it has 10 times seeds than a seed.
  • How would these seeds have a cover to protect themselves?
It is all stored in the software of that seed. This is the operating system of that seed. 
  • This is the inner software of that seed. Take the seed of any crop. When a plant is made from seed to plant, tree to tree, this plant provides oxygen to live life. 
Think that this seed was alive even without water when it was in store.

live means, it has grown and is later helping us to stay alive. Is the tree not playing a more important role than us in nature? And what about us?

It is clear from this example that in mud therapy, there is a treatment to make our body healthy.

How mud therapy works ?

Soil and our body are made of the same substance. So we can use mud therapy to keep our body healthy.
  • To keep the body free from any kind of allergy, you can apply clean wet mud paste on the body for 1/2 hour.

  • By doing this, the dead cells of the body will be separated from the body, instead of these cells new health cells will be started.

  • But a belief has to be kept in mind that, clay and my body are made of the same substance. And it will definitely work and give benefits.
  • When we are made of clay and have to be mixed with clay, what is ego?

  • If you feed this thought process in your mind in depth, then diseases and psychosomatic diseases related to our body will be eradicated automatically. 
  • We will be transformed into a healthy body and perfect mind. Our thought process works on us.

Mud therapy treatment and benefits.

Practice 1:
  • Spend some time sitting the ground     and soil in contact.
  •  First of all thank the earth. Thank this soil.
  • Your ego will disappear. Your body will be in balance.

Practice 2:  

  • Thank tree plants. Spend some time going under the trees.

  • Break the leaf of the tree and start  watching carefully for 2 minutes.
  • Take the leaf of the tree in your hand and   sit in a state of salvation for 5 minutes. Put the smart phone away.

  • While doing this, only bring the idea of ​​. thanks to that leaf or this nature in your  mind, and keep calm.
  • A leaf keeps the entire inner software of the tree inside. Our breath moves through this type of leaf.

  • Whatever experience happens to you will be your experience, and will be 100% positive.
  • Your mind will be relaxed.
  • Your body will come in recovery mod.
  • Your inner strength and immune system will be better.
Practice 3:
  • Spend time in the morning walking barefoot in the soil.
Result. :
  • Stress of the brain will be less.
  • The brain will experience relaxation and peace.
  • BP will be low.

In Conclusion: Change the way of living by mud therapy

When our body is made up of soil, then why should we not use soil as a natural medicine to cure the diseases of the body.

We have come to know that there is a difference between soil and our body. 

This soil is part of our body and mind. But there is an inner life software running this body.

In this way, we can keep our body healthy by using inner life software and mud treatment like therapy.


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