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The Core Equation of Innovation in Everyday Living

The Core Equation of Innovation in Everyday Living

Keep in mind that if we think less, but think positively and powerfully, we will save a lot of brain energy. 
As a result we will be able to perform better physically in all our tasks. Let's think something positive and know the right equation of innovation in life.

Follow these steps to keep commitments and strengthen your integrity with true equation of innovation in life.

1: Believe your Subconscious mind: The subconscious mind is like a child.  Whatever type of information is sent by the conscious mind to the subconscious mind through logic, the subconscious mind acts according to that information.

2:You are not in competition.  Commit with caution.  Your commitments should be in line with your priorities, momentum, capacity, resources and values.

3. Set Goal:Every morning, reaffirm how to live and what to do to get closer to success.  Imagine that you have achieved the goal.  They are like signals for your mind and body to cooperate.

4: Accept  Problems: As soon as we accept a problem, our subconscious mind automatically starts working on its solution.Don't let a single thought of doubt or fear weaken your commitment.  believe in yourself.

5: Mind is Like a Child: The mind does not listen forcefully  to anyone. It's behave like a child. Therefore, energy transformation at the level of mind occurs through love and respect.

6: First Take care of mind: First take care of your mind, only then you can take care of your body. Only then can you take care of your family. Only then can we concentrate and be successful in our work field.

7: This is the true equation of innovation in life.

8:Wish and Hope: Don't just try, wish, or hope.  Take a decision and be determined to succeed.

9: Devotion to Service: By doing any kind of service, if we become troubled by our condition then there is no point in doing service.

10: First fix your internal flow state.

Innovation to Everyday of living

11: Living in Present: Work to be happy with your current situation. This is the right situation and right success. This is a state of mind.

12: A very easy technique of radiating good wishes at the level of the mind is looking at others as a spiritual being of light i.e. looking at the spiritual form of others. 

13: Don't compare anything: If we look around us, we have more resources than the people around us. If we have to compare then do it with those people who do not have the same resources as us.

14: Believe In this Existence: We are in a better position than other people. We have everything that many people do not have. We have to change our thought process. Existence has given us more than we need.

15: Cultivate Gratitude: This vast existence has given us many things which it has not given to other people. By sowing this comparative thought in our hearts and minds, we can reap the harvest of life wisdom only in a state of inner care.

16:Unique personality: We have to think from the depth of the heart, that is, the deepest dimension of our mind, start saying to the subconscious mind that I am the best person in the world because nobody is like me. 

17: Faith in Nature: Have we ever thought what is the main need of a person's life? Air, water, food, energy, all these things are provided by nature to the rich and the poor in equal quantity.

18: Thanks to Nature. Nature does not discriminate against anyone. Nature has created a balance with everyone. We are worried because someone have a lot. But nature does not discriminate any thanks to this nature.

19: Change thought Process. The only way to be happy is to think deeply.  To be grateful to that existence, nature or the universe that this existence has given me so much.  Like air, water etc.

20: Visualization: Visualize yourself by going deep into your mind through your inner software. Talk, oh existence, you have given me more than I need. Thank you. I am so lucky to have you with me.

In conclusion:

Everything lies in our present moment. So take care of your thoughts and just chill.These practices help you take commitments seriously. 


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