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Awesome thought process & way of living standard

Awesome thought process & way of living standards


Way of Living standards affect our lives. Wherever we are today, in whatever circumstances we are, there is only one reason for all of them. What is our thought process and way of living? A person's attitude towards life, reacting to problems and taking responsibility depends on whether the person is mature or not. While the individual's wonderful thought processes are expressed positively, the individual's outlook towards life expands as he matures.

In this blog, I am discussing some amazing thought process, how we can change and strengthen the thought process and way of living.

Personal victory before social conquest 

Until we know how we see ourselves till then we cannot understand others. That is why we cannot even understand how others see themselves and others. 

Because of this thought process, today everyone imposes their point on others.

Without knowing how the other's views are towards each other? All problems start from here. 

  • For this reason, the outlook of life is narrow. It is only through an awesome thought process that we can see life from a new, detailed perspective.
  • Everyone considers himself to be impartial, because he has not yet fully known himself. 

For this reason, each person's ability to connect with others is diminishing and each person feels isolated.

The solution to this problem is to first know yourself "who am I?". What is my identity? These questions lead us to self awareness. 

Today, our nature, thoughts and way of thinking are not ours. We have received all this from outside.

Because of these awesome thought process we and you, your way of living standards  are made. 

Awesome thought process to achieve personal victory:     

  1. Adopt character based approach. 

The character-based approach speaks louder than our words and actions. That is, we must first promise and fulfill ourselves.

Only then will we be able to promise and fulfill others. Let us try a million that if our reforms improve without others, then it is our mistake. 

Our awesome thought process keeps working silently. We create the vibration as we think. This vibration reaches others first.

No matter how we wear the mask. Therefore, in personal life by taking the principle of character based way of living standards we will have to create our. Then our life will be fruitful. 

2: Accept Responsibilty . Change the way of living.

I, only I am responsible for the mistake. This sentence changes our Way of Living standards. This mistake in life is the first proof of our being human.

There is no one who has never made a mistake. But there is no one who has accepted the mistake with an open heart.

Say these words if there is a mistake or if the work is not done correctly ................

  • I am responsible for the major mistake.

  • I take responsibility for the mistake. 

We never think like this and this is the biggest reason for our problems. In these sentences, the way of living is full of change.  

Have we ever thought carefully about the above facts? In the event of a mistake, we always think of putting others responsible.

Even if there is a mistake or not, we have been saying and doing the following facts in our favor only.         

  • I can do no wrong.

  • I'm good I'm right 

  • What I am saying is the best solution to the problem.

  • I think the best.

  • My job is best

  • Everything I'm doing is perfect.

When another person does not believe anything about us, we justify it wrong. Such a thought process is a sign of imperfection. 

A mature person always accepts responsibility. Whether it is his fault or not.  

  • Our responsibility is broadened by taking responsibility. 

  • In our mind, a lot of options are found to solve a mistake or problem. 

  • Taking responsibility is easy and keeps yourself separate and strong from others' awesome thought process  to.  

When we take responsibility for anything, our ability to respond expands. We have more options to solve problems.

Our attitude of reaction changes. Because of this our way of living standards also diverge from others. This is where our identity of maturity develops. 

3: Trusting your inner life software.

All the things we have thought up and written above, our by all of inner software remains untouched them.

Our inner software is the eternal truth of nature, works according to nature. 


Whatever we have written above, we have received inadvertently from society, our elders and our gurus.

Our way of thinking has been made according to whatever we have been listening to since childhood, whatever information we have been collecting. This thought process has to be changed. 

  • The environment around us is where we live. Whichever religion, region, country we grew up in, it becomes our way of thinking. And this becomes our way of living standards.

  • Because everyone in the society thinks the same thing that we wrote above "that I am not wrong. You are wrong".

Indirectly, despite not wanting, we keep this kind of information stored in our subconscious mind. 

Our Subconscious Mind transforms these things into work in the body. And it becomes our behavior forever, that I am right in a quantity and you are wrong.

Therese of the world is all wrong. This indicates immaturity. 

  • As we think and whatever information we take from society. All of the inner software makes no difference. This inner software is our life. This is what works in our body. Which we call "I".

  • It functions equally in all individuals. wrong  thought process Due to, we justify ourselves and others wrong.  

  • If we understand such a thing, we are all the same inner software  run by them, then our way of living standards will change. 

I may be wrong too. See life with this awesome thought process  

  • "I" in my inner software  is working as. But my conscious mind is constantly taking information from outside, so my thinking or thinking may be wrong.

  • I am also a human. I am also made of this clay, the soil from which the front is made.

  • I also have the same inner software which is inside the front.

  • Just as each person's experience is different, similarly each person's way of thinking is also different.

  • Both of us are right in our place.

For example: Two persons A and B are facing each other . A book is laid on the table in the middle. The viewpoint of the two people will be different.

Because both are sitting opposite to each other. Both people will give different opinions on this book.

This principle or thought process Using way of living can change the by. 

  • So whenever something goes wrong, something goes wrong, something happens that you don't like, if the results don't come in your favor.

  • First of all, you have to say to yourself that I am also right and my place in front is right. I am responsible for this problem. I accept my responsibility.  

You have to say this statement from your heart with great wisdom. Like you are talking to your inner software. Tell your subconscious mind.

4:Only I know Hundred percent about myself:                

I and only I, hundred percent know about myself, what am I? What are my mistakes? What are my goodies? What is my strength?

What do I like? Don't like it? Only I know about my body and hundred percent.  

  • When I know about myself. So why don't I take my responsibility myself? It is wrong to hold others responsible.

If I hold myself responsible for my own mistakes and my own problems. Only then can we find alternatives to answers to problems, otherwise not. 

Because when I know all about this body, we should not find solutions to our problems. We should find solutions to our problems inside.


5: Interdependence:

Dependencies can be expressed in three ways:

  • Dependency 

  • Self reliance

  • Interdependence

Interdependence is above dependency and self-reliance. Interdependence is a sign of maturity. It is a sign of a strong team leader.

Interdependence is like when two trees grow together at some distance. Both trees support each other's roots as well as make the soil fertile and strong by the roots.

As interdependent individuals we have a deeper connection with others. Interdependence affects our way of living standards.  

6: Experiential life value:

Whatever happens to us, it our thought process becomes part of. Experiential life values ​​vary from person to person.

  • Therefore, the each person way of living standards is also different for. On the basis of experience, we try to understand life, but experience is life, such a thought process is not right. This existence is vast.

We are also a small particle of this existence and we cannot understand existence on the basis of our experience.

If we understand this then our way of living standards will change. 

In Conclusion:

No matter how we awesome thought process live life with, it our somewhere way of living standards continues to affect.

Therefore, each  person makes thought process him different from others. Therefore each person's different way of living standards  is free to live with.  


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