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How do we develop the qualities of honor and respect in children?

How do we develop the qualities of honor and respect in children?  


Why to make children responsible and respectful 
If every parent is rearing children in the best way, why is today's child growing up and forced to live under stress and depression?

Today, children are not obeying their parents.  Irritability is usually seen in the nature of children
Most parents are troubled by the problem that the child does not listen when they are order.

I wrote an article on this problem: how to nourish your child through positive vibration?   I have tried to give solution by drawing your attention to certain aspects.
Childhood is like a plant. Seeing this, new energy and love is communicated in everyone's mind.

What are the factors due to which children do not behave responsibly and respectfully?  

Children's childhood makes us realize our basic qualities. Such as love, bliss, peace, faith, purity etc.
Each child is full of basic qualities in its original form. Therefore, it behaves in this material world with a low price. 
All children in childhood live under the influence of Inner Software.
  • Inner software means that everyone lives in this vast existence. We are all perfect creation of this vast existence.
Our past is our childhood. Today, not all of us can imbibe the qualities of our childhood.
Because in order to live in this material world, we have stopped trusting our Inner software. 
Only according to the information coming from outside, has adapted itself to the circumstances.
This type of thinking is like a chain reaction. Because of this thinking, we and this society start imposing unnecessary information on children's childhood. 
And the child starts growing up considering this information as logical. Gradually, the child starts losing his childhood.

Parents teaching accountability and responsibility

Parents have the main responsibility to handle childhood.  But in this material era we all forget the basic qualities of our childhood. Raising children, we start doing as we are today.

In this material era, all parents vie to prepare their children for the best person or position. A child is raised, as if a beautiful idol is being carved out of a stone.
While truth is something else, the child is the perfect creation of this existence. 
That is why in childhood all the basic qualities of this existence are present in the child. 
Every parent is making a future for their child. They live in the misconception that they are the best parents in this world and are raising their children in the best way.

There are 5 responsible behaviors factors

  1. Perfect parents Mentally: If every parent is raising children in the best possible way, then why are children forced to live with stress and depression when they grow up?  The only reason for this is to think of the best parents while raising children.
  2. Living in the past: Our way of living changes with time and time is also changing.  Our whole body changes but our thought process still remains stuck in the past.  For this reason, as parents, we believe that our thinking is the best.
  3. Not Proper Communication: We look for solutions to the problems that come with time according to the past.  Just a lack of communication starts between us and the children.  The problem starts from here and the children go away from us. While everything is changing.  Why are our thinking not changing?  Problems are also solved in the thinking process itself.
  4. Thoughts process: If we are talking to a child, the words we say reach the child later, the type of energy we have generated reaches the child first.
  5. Energy transformation.  Most of us parents keep generating energy through these three thought processes.
  • What I believe is the right choice
  • As I think, this is the best idea.
  • As I create meaning in something.  That is           right.
  • The type of energy vibration is generated by these three processes.  The same type of energy is transferred to children.  So be mindful of what energy you are transferring.
Our child is the mirror of our conduct and outlook.
This is hundred percent true, because whatever we show to the child, whatever knowledge we impart to him, the child is not able to learn it.  Whatever you think deep down in your mind, he accepts it.
We should think that children learn from us only what is included in our habits.  Our mind and behavior changes as we live our lives.
Therefore it is wrong to blame the child.  We say that the child does not listen to us.

Who is responsible for children's Behavior?

As Dr. James Dobson very aptly said in his book 'Dare to Discipline', Discipline is the method you set for the child and not the child for him.

William Glasser, the father of the reality therapy method, asserts that parents must understand that discipline is an action against a child's prohibited behavior and is taken as a form of corrective affection, so it is accepted by the child.

  • Punishment is a response that is transmitted to the child and taken as a protestant reprimand, hence causing deep resentment.
  • To make sure the child understands this difference, Dr.  Glasser suggests having a loving conclusion to the disciplinary session.  With this loving control, the parents are able to give personal value to the child.

You must have an impact on others, good or bad, positive or negative.  This is one reason why it is so important to have the right attitude and good behavior towards others.

How will you discipline your child if he doesn't obey you?

We play a role in the life of the person we touch.  In fact, we may have the key to someone's future.

  • If we want to make our child accountable and respectful, then while dealing with our children, it should be kept in mind that their respect should not be hurt under any circumstances.
  • Before building a building, we plan the entire design of the building in our mind. 
  • Then its map is made and then the construction plan starts. In the clear image of the size of the house, we make it in our mind.
  • We carve out one thing in a mental map. After this, our house takes shape in physical form. The creation of the image of our brain is real.
By taking this concept, we can make our child's future. This is the only option we have. 
First of all we have to erase the scripts imposed by society from our minds. Only then we can do 100% results in our fever.
For example, suppose our behavior is over-reactive towards children. When children start doing something that we do not believe to be right, we immediately start stressing a lot. We erect a protective wall. It is a type of control.
If you control the child, it will go far away from us.
  • It Creates a control barrier.
  • This is the wall. this will down his respect.
  • Energy does not transfer. He will not be able responsible  man 
Resistance will be generated if there is no energy transfer.  Wrong Result will be generated by generating resistance. 
  • The child will be stubborn.
  • The child will become angry.
  • The child will become irritable.
  • The child will become stressed and start living under stress
Our focus is not on long term development and understanding but on short term behavior. 
If the children do not act according to us, then we take a negative attitude. And sometimes they also become violent.

  • Threatening or punishing children has become common. Because of this, the spirit of rebellion keeps on igniting inside the children.

Children suppress this feeling in childhood. But later on, it emerges in unpleasant and ugly forms.
What is a good example of respect? Energy transformation.
Like a smart phone.  To transfer data to other smart phones, we mostly use WI-FI, Bluetooth etc.
It is important to note that these are non living things.
Let's take the example of  wi-fi or Blutooth.
  • Data will be transferred from one mobile to another only when one mobile sends a request for send and the other mobile accepts that request.  
  • If the second mobile request is not accepted then data transfer will not happen.
  • We and our child have been living. If we have to send our message to the child, then acceptance is necessary before sending and receiving.
Similarly, you have to accept every good bad habit of your child first. 

How do you raise a polite and respectful child?

By the help of Acceptance and Approval method we can solve this problem.
Over reaction is the actual problem. Our problem are not the real problems.
You can change it with love, otherwise the child will go away.  We have learned a lot about sending, but accept that our listening has reduced.  
  • This is the root of the whole problem.  Just as a plant kept in a pot is dried without water in 5 days.  After giving some water, it blossoms again and there is no need to give it a cashew nut.
  • In the same way, by accepting the child's mistakes, we can feed the child by giving him loving water.  
  • Therefore, always treat the child calmly and lovingly.
  • The child is like a plant, it has to be grown with loving thoughts.

By Acceptance Method.

You have to understand that the child's journey is his own.  Let them decide for themselves because times are changing.  Everything is changing.
  • This is the eternal law of nature that everything is changing.
  • Every moment is changing.
  • Accept the child as it is.
  • Whatever the habit is in the situation, accept it.
You cannot change a child until you accept.
  • Love the more the mistake you make, the more you love and forgive.  
  • To love, accept and forgive is the blessing of existence. 
  • With these three qualities, you can give the shape you want to your child.
The change that you want in children will have to be brought first in itself, only then the child will accept you and will bring changes in himself.
  • Always remember that every child in this world has a unique personality.  We are the only biological parents.
  • We are simply carrying forward the laws of nature by preserving seeds.  It's a huge existence as a parent to a child.
So whether you nourish the child properly or not, he will find his own way on his own.  He can survive in this nature in positive form or negative form.

How can a child show respect for themselves?

  • Later, even if the child grows up, he stops telling us his thing or any problem. Why?
  • Now kids with their friends.  Let's share their point.
  • Earlier we used to accept the child's talk all the time. And he used to tell us  everything.
  • Friends approve and acceptance.  This is the biggest reason.  
  • We never talk to children growing up with approval and acceptance.  This is our big mistake.

By Approval Method .

  • To give high energy and positive energy to the child, to send vibration of love , honor and respect.
  • Don't be judgmental towards the child. Neither of love  Energy will be blocked.
  • To guide the child by making an image of clear, powerful and positive instruction in your mind, that you are doing wrong, but with love.
  • Everyone needs Approval and Acceptance.
  • When the child is older then we stop approving.  We stop accepting.  Hence the problem occurs.

How do you get children to take responsibility for their actions?

You have to give information about the world and not make it yourself. Due to this he will become responsive.
  • Because your journey has changed over time, the answers to future situations will not come from your past.
  • It is natural for circumstances to change with time and knowledge.  It is not necessary that a solution will be found in accordance with the solution that has already been found.
  • Therefore, prepare your child for what is to come.  Prepare for future situations.  This will make the child realize his responsibility.
  • This will help to deal with the problems ahead.
  • Patience, courage, faith, peace and positive thoughts are some of the qualities that we should develop in our children.
It is a process that will help the child to fight against adversity in the coming times. To enable the next generation. 
You have to give information about the world and not make it according to your own. With these methods, your child is sure to be self-responsive and honor.

What is the most psychologically damaging thing you can say to a child?

The child is currently in low energy.  He has to give high energy from his thoughts.
  • Our biggest mistake is to consider the child as our property.  
  • We  adopt a dictatorial attitude on the child.
With both these thoughts we give low energy to the child.
  • This type of thinking in the result deteriorates our relationship with the child.
  • Slowly the child does not move according to us, so why are we angry?

Solution: How do you show respect for children?

Whatever may be the situation,
  • keep yourself in peaceful. 
  • Keep your mind  in none anger zone.
  • Whatever happens, talk to your children with love.
  • Condition yourself in such a way that you always have to smile.
  • Always stay polite.
  • Keep  remote control of your mind within you.

In Conclusion: 

Taking responsibility for your child's future, the child should be full of knowledge. The child will have to be strong enough that he can emerge from comfortable situations and succeed on his own.
Maintain your responsibility and self-response in adverse circumstances.
Follow the path of life to come forward with courage, patience and faith. By living in this way and thinking process and positive vibrations we can change our child and their destiny. 
It is our responsibility that our child can emerge as a responsible and disciplined human being. By using these solutions, children can become responsible and respectful.


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