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10 things we don't know about creative work.

10 things we don't know about creativity. Creativity is a multifaceted and complex process that requires a range of skills and attributes.  From imagination and originality to time management and organization, there are many factors that contribute to successful creative work.  By cultivating these qualities and continuously learning and growing, you can maximize your potential and achieve your creative goals. Whether you are a professional artist, writer, designer, or working in another creative field, these 10 things can help you bring your work to life and make a meaningful impact. 10 Best Easy Steps for Creativity. 1: Imagination and originality:  This refers to the ability to think outside the box and come up with unique and innovative ideas. It's important to cultivate a curious and imaginative mindset in order to generate.     fresh perspectives and original concepts.            2:Open-mindedness and flexibility: ...

Top 10 Strategies to relax Your Mind During tough situation

Top 10 Strategies to relax Your Mind During tough situation. In this article we are going to discuss 10 best strategies to relax mind when situations are not in our favour. 1:  Thoughts are the seeds of Success. Every  thoughts have four effects - Every thought creates emotion. It affects every cell of our body. It reaches the person we think about. It radiates into the environment. This means that our thoughts are linked to our emotions , health , relationships and environment .  Hence we have to careful about choosing the thoughts. This is backbone of our personality and   destiny . Self Respect and love youself. 2:  Don't prove yourself.  We are under the  illusion that someone else is responsible for what we think and feel. Whenever we point the finger at someone else about what we feel, we make ourselves a slave to that person or that situation.  That is  emotional dependence. How we think, feel and then behave is our reaction. Thi...

10 an easy way to develop decision making ability

10 an easy way to develop decision making ability Most of the people live in poverty. What is the main cause of live such a pity life? I think one main reason is unable to taking right decisions . In this article I am going to discuss only 10 main facts about devlopment of right decision making . We all  are responsible for where we are today and for what we have or do not have.  There is only one reason behind all this that our decision making ability and it affects our life. Every person is an individual and every person is a wonderful creation of this universe. Being easily influenced by the "opinions" of others. If we are being influenced by the thoughts of others, we will have no desire of our own. What are the best simple steps  to develop decision making ability?  1:  Acceptance:  First of all, accept our body is the perfect machine of this world.  Our brains are 100 times better than any other machine in the world. Till today we never thought...

How to get your flow state by accepting challenges

How to get your flow state by accepting challenges? In the flow state neither past nor future exists.  In the state of flow only the present exists. The state of flow generally means that we become engrossed in whatever task we are doing and no other thoughts arise in our mind. Flow state simply means that we are focused on the work or things we are doing. Concentration or a balanced mind simply means that there is good communication between the neurons present in our right and left brain.  This is also a state of flow. Isn't flow state a big event?  In a state of flow our mind is in a state of balance. Whenever any work is done in a state of balance of mind, then the results of that work will also be best balanced.   Therefore, to get the state of flow, first of all go deep into your mind and see which work gives you satisfaction. Second, you have faith and belief in the work for which you are going to surrender. My experience has been that whenever I am te...

Enhancing Your Potential through Desire and Imagination.

Enhancing your Potential through Desire and Imagination. Merely desire is not enough.  The act of desire combined with imagination increases our potential. For whatever purpose we have expressed our  desire , it is impossible to succeed without process, to achieve that objective.   We always wish but do not do the necessary actions to achieve the results of   desire .  Therefore, we do not get answers to our prayers or imagination. We all keep  desires  in our heart, but how to make those  desires  reach the desired result with the help of  imagination ?  For this we do not adopt any method of action. This is the reason for not realizing our  potential .  There is  desire  but because of not deciding the process, we are not able to utilize our  potential  properly. In this article, I have discussed about expanding our  potential  with the help of  desire and imagination. How ...

Is there victory over fear lies in our faith & determination?

Is There victory over fear lies in our faith and determination. Neither I am a doctor nor am I going to discuss about fear in detail.  In this article, I am sharing my spiritual experience on "Victory over fear" .  How can we overcome our fear on the basis of  faith or belief system ? The root cause behind any kind of fear  is in our faith. According to psychologist, fear is a type of emotion.  Fear  is not logical it is a kind of psychological cause or pressure. Fear has settled inside us as a memory.  Think for a while if a small child is playing and a snake comes in front of him, will that child be afraid? He  will never be afraid.  Because the fear of snakes hasn't been fed in his mind yet. That child can catch the snake and play with it.  Even if the snake stings that child.  Because even the snake has its own fear , that no one should kill him. But gradually as we get older.  Our memory starts filling up with thoughts...

Unraveling Guilt, Emotional Echoes, and Dependence

Unraveling Guilt, Emotional Echoes, and Dependence. I am going to share my experience on " emotional  dependence"    on basis of  two main reasons. How did  I get rid of problems like guilt and Criticism ? How painful is the result of emotional dependence? I have been doing all my work as an honest person with great devotion.  Despite having the qualities of a proactive person in me, I have fallen victim to negative thinking at many times.  I have always been working as a person full of positive energy in my teaching profession.    I succeeded as a best motivator and trainer with  teacher's training program. But despite this, I have gone through the experience of guilt many times.  Many times I have critiqued myself and others. I am a person of " spiritual  instinct"   and I have a lot of interest in subjects like "spiritual and ethics".    In spite of all this, I have been reacting more intensely to t...