Understanding Idealistic Educational Philosophy The famous philosopher Plato is the proponent of idealism. According to Plato, idealism has been explained in this way. The world is divided into two parts. Material world Thought world Material World : The material world means that everyone has to perform their duty in this material world. If a person performs his duty as a teacher selflessly, then he is an example of an ideal teache r. Which works to give a new direction to the society. Thought World: The world beyond the Physical world i.e. deep contemplation of thoughts, here thoughts are everything because human intelligence is refined through thoughts. It is necessary for an ideal teach er to have high thinking ability. Therefore, the main formula of idealism is that ideological and spiritual power is supreme. So The main objective of...
In this latest blog we have tried to explore the interesting relationship between way of living, thought process and destiny. How the choices we make in life, combined with our mindset, can determine the path of our destiny. Join us on this enlightening journey to better understand the deep connection between your actions, thoughts, and the course of your life. The Key is "Thoughts =>feelings=>Attitude=>Actions=> Personality=>Destiny"