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Showing posts from January, 2021

Explain the role of teacher as per idealist school of thought

Understanding Idealistic   Educational Philosophy  The famous philosopher Plato is the proponent of idealism. According to Plato, idealism has been explained in this way. The world is divided into two parts.  Material world  Thought world Material World : The material world means that everyone has to perform their duty in this material world. If a person performs his duty as a teacher selflessly, then he is an example of an ideal teache r. Which works to give a new direction to the society. Thought World: The world beyond the Physical world i.e. deep contemplation of thoughts,        here thoughts are everything because human intelligence is refined                    through thoughts.  It is necessary for an ideal teach er to have high thinking ability. Therefore, the main formula of idealism is that ideological and spiritual power is supreme. So The main objective of...

What different between mental thought and made thought?

What different between mental thought and made thought?  There is a very fine difference between mental thought and made thought .  For example, a coin has two sides:head and tail.   If a coin is considered as a mind, then head and tail can be considered as mental thought and made thought. With the help of examples in this blog, I am presenting my side on mental thought and made thought. When we buy a new note book from the market, what is the quality of the paper like the original quality of the note book?  Whatis the line pattern?  What is note book size?  etc.  Properties remain also present in note book  when something is written on the note book.  The same example also fits in our mind about mental thought and made thought .   Our mental thought is our basic quality and our made thought like written in note book.  mad e thought imposed on our mind from outside. Definition of mental thought and made thought Menta...

Social media: Attitude ko prabhavit karne me best khiladi hai.

Social media Attitude ko prabhavit karne me best khiladi hai.   क्या आज का Social media   इतना  शक्तिशाली हो गया  है, कि हमारे thoughts को प्रभावित  कर हमारे Attitude को change कर दे ?   इस Blog के माध्यम से इस बात  पर अपना मत प्रस्तुत कर रह हूँ, कि  कहीं हम सभी  Social media  के खेल में तो नहीं फंस रहे हैं ?  इस बात पर भी विस्तार से बात होगी कि कैसे हमारे Actions  हमारी thought  process पर निर्मित होते रहते हैं?   क्या हमारी भावनाओं के कारण ही human being,  एक perfect Robot से अलग होता है?    हम सभी मिटटी के पुतले है , बस इस पुतले रुपी शरीर में कुछ भावनाओं के कारण ही हम इंसान हैं। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की भावनाएं उसके thought process  से उत्पन्न होकर  व्यक्तिगत होती हैं।   यही भावनाएं हमारे अंदर  Attitude  का निर्माण करती  हैं।  जैसा हमारा  Attitude  होता है , उसी प्रकार के Actions हमारे द्वारा निर्मित होते  रहते है ?  आज का...

Kya paristhitiyon ke dwara ham bhagya badal sakte hain

Kya  Paristhitiyon ko swikar karke ham  apna bhagya badal sakte hain:   कारण कर्म सिद्धांत , दर्शनशास्त्र का एक सिद्धांत है। यह भारतीयों के मन मस्तिष्क पर अच्छी तरह से अंकित है।  चाहे आप इसे हमारा अंधविश्वास कहें या विज्ञान के परे का ज्ञान कहें, मैं भी इसी सिद्धांत पर अपनी सहमति व्यक्त करता हूं। इसी सिद्धांत के आधार पर।मैं निम्न प्रश्नों पर चर्चा कर रहा हूं ,कि  कैसे हम अपने (Bhagya ko Badal skate Hain) भाग्य को बदल सकते हैं? कैसे हम अपने  ( Bhagya  ka Nirman ) भाग्य  का निर्माण कर सकते हैं? किसी भी कर्म के पीछे कारण होता है। बिना कारण के कर्म नहीं होता है। जब कर्म होता है, तो फल जरूर मिलता है। चाहे कर्म किसी भी रूप में हुआ हो, वह फल के रूप में जरूर बदलेगा या हमारे सामने आएगा। जब हमारे कर्मों का फल हमारे सामने आता है, तो हम सभी दो प्रकार से प्रतिक्रिया करने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं। यदि कर्म का फल सकारात्मक है, तो हम अपने को भाग्यशाली मानकर खुश होते हैं। यदि परिणाम हमारे हिसाब से प्राप्त न हो,तो  हम सुरक्षा के मूड में आ जाते हैं य...

Distinguish between self centered language and social centered thinking

Distinguish between self centered language and social centered thinking The way we communicate and think can have a profound impact on our relationships, both personal and professional. In this article, we will explore the difference between two common perspectives self centered language and social centered thinking – and how to balance the two for more effective and meaningful interactions. What is Self Centered Language? Self centered language is a way of speaking and expressing oneself that is primarily focused on the speaker and their own needs, wants, opinions, and experiences. This type of language is characterized by phrases such as "I think," "I feel," "I believe," "I need," etc. While speaking in this manner can be a way of asserting oneself, it can also come across as self-absorbed or egotistical, making it difficult for others to connect with the speaker. What is Social Centered Thinking? Social centered thinking, on the other hand, i...

Because many people have wrong thoughts about their personality

Because many people have wrong thoughts about their personality Our biggest wrong thought   about our personality , is that we consider personality only as a body.   It is true that through the body we get all the experiences of this existence.  Our five senses carry out this task well.   Our conscious mind receives information or knowledge from outside.  By accepting this information as true, we all keep generating our right and wrong thoughts .  Is our original personality based on   information received from outside?  Are we just body or mind?  Is it wrong to consider body as    personality ? I am going to describe  the answers to all these questions  through this article.   I am a unique personality. I am the only one in the world.  There is no other in the world like me. We have seen this evidence while making Aadhaar card in our country (India) . The impression of our five fingers doe...