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Explain the role of teacher as per idealist school of thought

Understanding Idealistic Educational Philosophy 


The famous philosopher Plato is the proponent of idealism. According to Plato, idealism has been explained in this way. The world is divided into two parts.
  1.  Material world
  2.  Thought world
Material World:
The material world means that everyone has to perform their duty in this material world.
If a person performs his duty as a teacher selflessly, then he is an example of an ideal teacher. Which works to give a new direction to the society.
Thought World:
The world beyond the Physical world i.e. deep contemplation of thoughts,        here thoughts are everything because human intelligence is refined                    through thoughts. 
It is necessary for an ideal teacher to have high thinking ability.
Therefore, the main formula of idealism is that ideological and spiritual power is supreme.
So The main objective of idealistic education is to develop the physical and mental development of students on the basis of development of natural self, mental self, social self and spiritual self.
Idealistic education, which emphasizes the importance of ideas and values, can play an important role in shaping the spiritual identity of individuals.

Idealism and education 

According to idealism, while giving importance to thoughts, feelings and ideals, accept that life is the attainment of spiritual values and development of soul. The goal of human life is to follow the idealistic philosophers.......
  • Attain salvation,
  • Positive development 
  • Realization.
What is the contribution of idealistic philosophy in education? To understand this, it is necessary to understand its basic principle or spirit by the help of these three basic concepts. 
  1. Metaphysics
  2. Epistemology
  3. Axiology: 
  • It means metaphysics. That is, what is the subtlest basis of idealism
  • What is basic reality?
  • According to this, the basic objective of the teacher is to give the students the knowledge of the Supreme Soul.
  • Ideology is true according to idealism
  • In idealism, the body is mortal. The soul is eternal truth.
  • The mind is more important than the senses because knowledge of the ideological truth is not possible with the senses. It lays greater emphasis on the spiritual aspect.
  • It made by two words Episteme means knowledge and Logy means science.
  • It means what is visible in front of us .
  • Which is real and  tangible.
  • Its main basis is sense generation. Our senses are divided into two parts. senses of action and senses
  • One can learn the correct use of knowledge only with the help of equanimity i.e. a teacher.
  • The basic objective of an idealistic teacher is to work towards giving the right direction to the society.
  • As an example, the task of finding directions is to be done like GPS.
  • Contemplative: When we start gaining knowledge from our own experiences. The state of self-knowledge is also achieved with the help of a teacher.
  • It is made by two words Axios means Value and Logy means Science.
  • it means Moral Values: 
  • What is the moral basis of using architecture or things, this is the value philosophy.
  • Satyam Shivam Sundaram is knowledge. The moral basis of the use of knowledge is Satyam Shivam Sundaram. 
  • Only an idealistic teacher can help us to face the ultimate truth, soul and God with the help of knowledge and thought.

Idealistic school of thoughts: 

Thoughts are seeds of life, teachers are the gardener of nurturing the thoughts in right direction.  Therefore, in today's era, the role of teacher becomes even more important. Teacher gives right direction to the society.  This is necessary for the society. 

But when it comes to an idealistic school of thought, the teacher is expected to provide a moral direction to the society by presenting his ideal as a perfect role model.

  • Idealist teachers also place a strong emphasis on individualized instruction, recognizing that each student is unique and has different needs, interests, and learning styles. 
  • They strive to create a personalized learning experience for each student, encouraging them to set their own goals, work at their own pace, and take ownership of their own learning. 
  • Idealist teachers also believe in the importance of fostering creativity, self-expression, and a sense of wonder in their students, and they often use innovative and experiential teaching methods to achieve these goals
  • The future of any country depends on the character of a teacher more than the education system of that country.  
  • Just like a teacher with idealistic views, the same type of economic, social and moral values of the society will developed.  

Therefore, it is the job of an excellent teacher to disseminate the ideas of knowledge to the next generation.

Today's society has come under the glare of modernity.  In such a society, if the teacher's thoughts are not idealistic, then will it not affect the thinking of the society?

Teachers are also a part of / made from this society.  But every society today desires the same type of teacher same as Vedic age.  

For example, in Indian Vedic education system, Gurukul used to have the ideal of teacher, moral values, virtue.

  • Idealist teachers also place a strong emphasis on the importance of fostering moral and ethical values in their students. 

They believe that education should not only be about imparting information, but also about helping students develop a sense of personal responsibility and social justice. 

To this end, Idealist teachers encourage students to examine their own values and beliefs, and to engage in meaningful discussions and debates about moral and ethical issues.

The Idealist Perspective on Teaching:

We can achieve the position of inner self  by the help of under  these for steps:
Development of natural self
  • Development of the Natural Self aims to examine the interrelationship of idealistic education and the development of a natural sense of self in students. 
  • Idealistic education, rooted in the philosophy that ideas and values are fundamental to learning, provides a unique framework for nurturing the intrinsic qualities of the individual. 
  • The development of the natural self attempts to explore how educational practices within a normative framework contribute to the formation of a natural self, allowing students to develop a strong sense of identity, autonomy, and authenticity.

Development of social self

  • Development of the Social Self aims to examine the role of normative education in shaping the social self – the aspect of an individual's identity that emerges in relation to the broader social context. 
  • Based on philosophical principles that prioritize ideas and values, idealistic education provides a unique lens through which individuals grow and contribute to social mobility. 
  • The Development of the Social Self sheds light on the mechanisms through which normative education promotes the development of the social self and its implications for individuals and society.

Development of mental self

  • The Development of the Mental Self seeks to explore the role of normative education in shaping the mental self-cognitive and intellectual aspects of an individual's identity
  • Based on philosophical principles that give priority to ideas, values and intellectual development, idealistic education provides a unique platform to individuals to enhance their mental abilities. 
  • Development of the Mental Self The aim is to explore the mechanisms through which normative education contributes to the development of the mental self and its broader implications for cognitive skills and lifelong learning.

Development of Spiritual Self - 

  • The purpose of Developing the Spiritual Self is to examine the role of normative education in shaping the spiritual self – the aspect of a person's identity that relates to a sense of purpose, values, and connection to a transcendent dimension.
  • The development of the spiritual self in idealistic education involves exploring how individuals, within the framework of idealistic educational philosophy, develop a sense of purpose, values, and connection with the broader, transcendent dimension. 
  • Idealistic education, which emphasizes the importance of ideas and values, can play an important role in shaping the spiritual identity of individuals.
  • Rooted in philosophical principles that give priority to ideas and values, idealistic education provides a unique context for individuals to explore and develop their spiritual dimensions. 
  • The Development of the Spiritual Self attempts to explore the mechanisms through which idealistic education contributes to the development of the spiritual self and its broader implications for personal meaning and values.

Unveiling the Teacher's Role in Idealism : 

According to the idealist school oft thoughts, the role of a teacher in today's context becomes that of a leader.

  • The first basic duty of an idealistic teacher is to seek the development of the natural spirit of the students in the context of education. It is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the importance of ideas and values.
  • The second fundamental duty of an idealistic teacher is to develop students' social self by exploring how students can, within the framework of an idealistic educational philosophy, construct their identity in relation to the broader social context.
  • The third basic duty of an idealistic teacher is to explain the importance of ideas, values and intellectual development in the mental and physical development of the students in the context of education. It explains how students connect with and develop their mental abilities.
  • The fourth fundamental duty of an idealistic teacher is to help the student develop the spiritual self by exploring how we can create a sense of purpose, values, and connection with the broader, transcendent dimension, within the framework of an idealistic educational philosophy.

Idealist Thought and Ethics

Just as nature remains in the mood for change all the time and the law of change is only a quantity of truth. 

According to this theory, today's teacher's role demands a leader out of a motivational teacher.

  • Thought  must be idealistic but the responsibility of teacher has increased. The teacher's role can be defined as the engine of a train.

Just as a train engine carries all types of coaches and reaches the destination, similarly a teacher takes his society forward by resorting to an idealistic thoughts  of teachers.

The teacher's attention and character must be significant. This is the thinking of an idealistic school of thought.

  • The teacher has his character above his attention, because character is the only thing which is capable of sustaining success, prosperity.
  • A nation can never succeed without the  character of their people.
  • Only the teacher can put the foundation of character in the society.
  • Ethics and ideals have an effect on the mind.  Hence the teacher's role becomes even more important. 
  • The teacher is a guide, but the teacher's mind and thoughts will always have an impact on the students.
  • An ideal teacher always nurtures the growth mindset as well as makes his learners aware of the fixed mindset.
  • Idealists are given importance in the idealist teacher, moral values are promoted, but does society prefer morality?
  • The personality of  teacher should be effective so that he can improve the personality of the students in the school
  • Teacher is a philosopher. Should be as friend and guide
  • The teacher should have the detail knowledge of his subject as well as ethics and values.
  • The teacher should show the ideal path to the society by presenting his best ideal in front of the children.

In conclusion:

According to the idealistic ideology, the role of the teacher is paramount in shaping the intellectual and moral development of the students. Idealist philosophy emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge, truth and virtue as essential components of education. 
In this context, teachers are not mere conveyors of information but are seen as mentors and guides who inspire students to strive for excellence, inculcate a love of learning and develop a strong moral character. 
The idealistic perspective underlines the teacher's responsibility to foster a harmonious and purposeful learning environment, encourage students to explore their intellectual potential, and contribute positively to society. Ultimately, the idealistic view of the teacher underlines the deep impact teachers have on shaping the minds and values of the next generation.


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