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Distinguish between self centered language and social centered thinking

Distinguish between self centered language and social centered thinking


The way we communicate and think can have a profound impact on our relationships, both personal and professional.

In this article, we will explore the difference between two common perspectives self centered language and social centered thinking – and how to balance the two for more effective and meaningful interactions.

What is Self Centered Language?

Self centered language is a way of speaking and expressing oneself that is primarily focused on the speaker and their own needs, wants, opinions, and experiences.

  • This type of language is characterized by phrases such as "I think," "I feel," "I believe," "I need," etc.

While speaking in this manner can be a way of asserting oneself, it can also come across as self-absorbed or egotistical, making it difficult for others to connect with the speaker.

What is Social Centered Thinking?

Social centered thinking, on the other hand, is a way of thinking that focuses on the collective well-being and considers the impact of one's actions and decisions on others.

This type of thinking takes into account the thoughts, feelings, and needs of other people and emphasizes cooperation, empathy, and collaboration. It is often characterized by phrases such as "we," "us," "let's," etc. and seeks to find common ground and solutions that benefit everyone involved.

How to Balance Self Centered Language and Social Centered Thinking:

While it's important to assert oneself and express one's needs, it's also crucial to consider the needs and perspectives of others.

  • Striving for a balance between self-center language and social-center thinking can lead to more positive and effective interactions.

In a work setting, for example, focusing on teamwork and collaboration can lead to a more harmonious and productive environment.

In a social setting, actively listening to others and seeking to understand their perspectives can build stronger relationships and a more inclusive atmosphere.

In many cases, the distinction between self-center language and social-center thinking can have a significant impact on the way that people interact with each other. 

  • For example, in a work setting, a self-centered individual may focus on their own needs and accomplishments, while a socially-centered individual may prioritize teamwork and collaboration. 

Similarly, in a social setting, a self-centered individual may dominate conversations and focus on themselves, while a socially-centered individual may actively listen and seek to understand others.

Overall, it's important to be aware of the way that one speaks and thinks, and to strive for a balance between self-centered language and social-center thinking.

By considering the needs and perspectives of others, we can build stronger relationships and create a more positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

In Conclusion:

In conclusion, understanding the difference between self-centred language and social-centered thinking is key to improving our relationships and communication skills.

By striving for a balance between the two, we can create more positive and meaningful interactions, both personally and professionally.


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