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Because many people have wrong thoughts about their personality

Because many people have wrong thoughts about their personality

Our biggest wrong thought  about our personality, is that we consider personality only as a body.  

It is true that through the body we get all the experiences of this existence.  Our five senses carry out this task well.  

Our conscious mind receives information or knowledge from outside.  By accepting this information as true, we all keep generating our right and wrong thoughts.
  •  Is our original personality based on   information received from outside?
  •  Are we just body or mind?
  •  Is it wrong to consider body as   personality?

I am going to describe  the answers to all these questions  through this article.  

I am a unique personality.

I am the only one in the world.  There is no other in the world like me.

  • We have seen this evidence while making Aadhaar card in our country (India). The impression of our five fingers does not match any other.  The impression of the pupils of our eyes never matches any other.

In the world, the impression of fingers and mannequins of any person is never found with the impression of any other person.  This episode makes it clear that we are a unique personality.

  • There is no one like us.  We are unique personality and we are perfect in ourselves.  

We all have a lot of wrong thoughts about our personality.  I am also discussing these in detail.

1:Why we always compare ourselves to others?

This is our biggest mistake.  For this reason, we do not consider ourselves to be perfect personality and shorten our thoughts and hurt ourselves.  They are bent upon destroying their destiny on their own.

  • Our thoughts are the biggest drawback of our personality.  We do not trust our inner life software and rely on external information excessively.

Due to this wrong thought, it is common practice to not identify yourself and compare yourself to others and keep on playing with your perfect personality.

2:Don't compare personality to others.

Assessing oneself as weak and inferior to others continues to erode his personality

This is our biggest mistake. This principle of nature is, one person at a time, is born to do a specific task.  And no one else can do that work in a perfect way.
  • Why do humans compare their success with someone else's success?
  • Why do we make whatever we achieve seem less than others?

We feel the happiness of others more than ourselves.  Even if we do not know others more than ourselves.

 3: Treat your thoughts as paramount.

This is also the biggest wrong thought about your personality.
  • Like the fingers of our hands are not equal.
  • Just like our faces are different. 
  • Similarly our thoughts can also be different about anything. 
  • We should understand this. In this situation, it is a wrong thought to impose forcefully in every situation.
  •  Everything has its value. 
  • From an insect to a large bird, from a mouse to a eagle, everyone fulfills their role as a food chain.  
  • Just as all creatures matter.  
  • In the same way, people with different thoughts have importance in this existence.  Therefore the world is regal.
We can't say that I know everything.  Just on the basis of these thoughts our personality goes in the wrong direction.

4: Like if our face is not  so Preety/beautiful/ handsome.  

We say this about our personality in the eyes of others and think that we are not smart.
  • We do not consider our personality beautiful because of the thoughts set by others.  
And we start losing our confidence. Is it true ?Is being beautiful a bed way to judge a perfect personality?  

You will now know the answer to this question very well.
  • We all have limited time.
  • We are all here for some time.
  • We are all living our own lives.
  • We are all powered by our inner life software.
  • We are all unique personalities.
No matter how beautiful or smart someone is, but it is not necessary to have perfect personality.

She/he does not necessarily have to correct her/his moral value internally.  So listen to the feelings inside you. Accordingly we should run our life. Our body and mind always gives us the signal, 
  • What should we eat?  
  • What not to eat ?
  • How much should I eat?  
  • Are we properly taking care of the body?  
We get all the answers from inside with inner life software, if we are aware of the body, then it is possible.

Therefore, an attempt to convert wrong thoughts about his personality into right thoughts can be done as follows.
  • Scientists say that our cell is produced all the time.  For example, the duration of red blood cells is 120 days.  
  • After this, new granules are formed.  Our body becomes a new body in 11 months. 
  • With this thought, our old and wrong thoughts about our personality can be changed.
  • Just like lights are needed to get rid of darkness.  Similarly, to get rid of wrong thoughts, right thoughts have to be generated.
  • Our inner life software keeps on working for our good all the time.  Or say that our subconscious mind keeps working for our good and to keep the body healthy.  
  • This is also the natural law.  Taking this thought along and using creative theory, our subconscious mind can build our personality deeply.  
  • Diseases arise in our body due to wrong thoughts. 
If we want to improve our personality, then our subconscious mind will have to generate right thoughts by constructive problem suggestion.

In Conclusion:

There is no perfect personality here.  There is something missing in everyone.  As it is said, to live a normal life, the ratio of positive and negative should be 80:20. 

Realizing this lack forces us to move towards development.  Therefore each creature is dependent on each other at some level.  

This is also the natural principle and this is also the life to live.  Interdependence helps in building our right life thoughts and enhances our personality.  This is what we should also do.


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