The media influence our thoughts feelings and actions. Has today's media become so powerful that it can change our feelings by influencing our thoughts? Are we all stuck in the media game? It will be discussed in detail in this article how our actions are depends on our thoughts? Due to the thoughts and emotions , a human is different from a perfect robot. We all are clay mannequins, just this effigy have some feelings in the body. Each person's feelings are individualized on their thoughts. These feelings create attitude in us. Like our attitude, the same kind of actions are made by us? we all stuck in the media game? Today's media has access to every household. TV is the biggest example. Today the role of TV has left behind even the big cinema world. Be it big celebrity, political leader, TV is considered the first choice for its promotion and dissemination. T...
In this latest blog we have tried to explore the interesting relationship between way of living, thought process and destiny. How the choices we make in life, combined with our mindset, can determine the path of our destiny. Join us on this enlightening journey to better understand the deep connection between your actions, thoughts, and the course of your life. The Key is "Thoughts =>feelings=>Attitude=>Actions=> Personality=>Destiny"