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The media influence our thoughts feelings and actions

The media influence our thoughts feelings and actions.

Has today's media become so powerful that it can change our feelings by influencing our thoughts? 
Are we all stuck in the media game? 
It will be discussed in detail in this article how our actions are depends on our thoughts?
  • Due to the thoughts and emotions , a human is different from a perfect robot.
  • We all are clay mannequins, just this effigy have some feelings in the body.
Each person's feelings  are individualized on their thoughts. These feelings create attitude in us.
Like our attitude, the same kind of actions are made by us? we all stuck in the media game? 
Today's media has access to every household. TV is the biggest example. Today the role of TV has left behind even the big cinema world. 
Be it big celebrity, political leader, TV is considered the first choice for its promotion and dissemination.
This is so, TV and mobile has made its way to each one's bedroom. Today the new form of media is social media, in which mainly smartphones have shown new dreams especially to the younger generation. 
  • It has made its reach into the hands of each.
  • Where TV is limited to one place in each house. 
  • The smart phone is available everywhere 24 hours.  
We can all share our talk at our own time. This social media has left the distance and time behind.

How does the media influence your mind?

The theory of science says that at zero degree centigrade or lower temperature or at an abnormal position, it is difficult to convince / influence a person.
  • It is difficult for a person to accept a thing in the circumstances.
  • When we are in our home bedroom, we all are in their most common or comfort. At this time our mind and body conditions are all normal. 
At this time the ability to take brain is high. Whatever the news is served at this time, it effects much. 
Watching the news in the morning and reading the newspaper has become a fashionable, that we do not get back. Is it right? 
The media or social media, is everyone has a competition, which is the first to share the information. 
Who receives information first and forwards. Just in this blind race, we also start riding. 
All News Media Channels are engaged in serving the news by putting spices in this race. This is also social media too. 

  • Social Media 's situation is bad, because we don't know the news or videos are right or wrong. we all are engaged to forward the message every time.

Using Social Media today, it has become easy to spread the communal violence or create confusion in society. The news of the morning has the highest impact/influence
  • Let's try to understand from an example. Why a beggar comes  to beg in the morning? Does not come in the evening, why? 
The depth behind this is that our mood is quiet in the morning. We would be full of new energy and start the day with good wishes. 
In the morning we are full of our basic qualities.  If the same beggar comes to beg in the evening, we will not beg.
Because in the race of life, we lose positive energy level by all evening. 
The type of information that is being played in our minds , which is being played by the media, it is a conspiracy to change our feelings somewhere. 

Advertising, whether news or any kind of information, all are playing from our emotions and feelings. 

Media influence on Society.

An important formula, you say it spiritual or scientifically it depends on you. 
Attention ----> Energy Flows ----> Grow(result)
Like our attention, whether negative or positive, the same kind of thought pattern in our brain produces the same kind of feelings.  It depends on our attentions.

  • These feelings grow in us.  Our attitude is formed in the same way as our feelings and it is clearly visible in our actions

Therefore, the root of any action lies in our attention.  The media constantly maintains our attentions.
  • Whether we keep our attention positive, but both social media or TV media are constantly attacking our attention.  
This is why our energy flows in the same direction. As a result, it changes our thoughts and changes our energy level in the form of feelings and as the result our way of actions changes.

Negative influence of media on emotional health.

Well now it comes to emotional health.  We also do morning walks, are vegetarian, also take nutritious food, nothing is going to happen with no drinking and no smoking. 
  • If we focus only on physical health and not focus on emotional health, then our state of mind becomes unbalanced. And we can suffer from many types of diseases.

Because our emotional health itself explains the difference between a perfect robot and a human being very well.
  • Emotional health also has an impact on physical health.  Therefore, we must always be vigilant in our selection of ideas and in the quality of feelings.  
Information received from the media emotionally blackmail us.  The media plays with our emotions and attacks our emotional health.
Media influence our emotional health because we are also attached to the media. Let's try to understand with an example.
How does media influence our thinking ?
News channel. It is an industry that plays/ influence with our emotional thought and has more impact on our mind. 
News channels show only those who have more influence on our mind
During any (COVID-19) illness, news channels have been instrumental in creating more of an atmosphere of fear.
  • Information of fear causes stress. Stress is the root of other diseases.
  • Why do we cry after watching a movie?
  • Because while watching a movie, we associate ourselves with an actor. 
  • Whatever happens to the actor in the movie, we feel the same feelings with us.
This is the attachment.
  • The same TV channels also play with our emotions.
  • It depleted our creativity.
  • The impact  of media imprint on mind.We stop thinking on TV and smartphone.
  • We think we are getting relaxed. While our creativity is waning.
  • Our mind goes inside the TV, and the mind goes under its influence.
  • Thoughts of fear, hate, doubt, sorrow are generated from TV.
Due to these thoughts our feelings are affected. It is like sweet poison. Gradually this becomes our attitude. 
It can also be negative and can also be positive. Its result is also seen in our actions.

What is the impact of media to you as an audience?

The information or perceived knowledge transmitted by the media continues to influence our emotional feeling and nurture our attitude in the same way, and this attitude is reflected in our daily actions. 
Just as there will be actions, so will personality. And this personality will help in building our destiny
Hence keeping media in mind, we need to pay attention to our feelings.
  • Do not be afraid or sad about any incident in the news.
  • We often get sad. They assimilate the grief or fear of the incident and share it among their family and friends. Is it true? No .
  • We cannot correct the incident that has happened.
  • What to do if feelings of fear and doubt start to arise?
Do not come by telling the incident. You cannot do anything when an incident happens.
So what can we do? Instead of expressing sorrow.

Any person or family with whom a bad incident has occurred. Then we can do the following fact first.
  • Detach yourself from the event. This incident will not happen to you. Generate such strong thought.
  • Things were different in the past in front of you. Today the circumstances are different. 
  • Your past  account is different, the other person's past account is different from you. 
  • That is why the incident has happened to others. It does not necessarily happen to you.
But there is an important principle of this existence, that our ability to respond to everything is unlimited. 
We can also be responsible for any kind of incident in the world, provided we are aware of this existence and ourselves.
  • By generating strong thoughts like this, we get rid of the feelings of the event and we can keep our mind strong by neutralizing our response by taking responsibility for the event.
  • Because this is in our hands. And this method is best and right.
  • Everyone is a unique personality in this existence.
Any person or family with whom a bad incident has occurred.
  • They have to bless them that God gives them the ability to face this hour of sorrow, give them power.
  • From the depths of your mind, you have to send thoughts of prayers to them by becoming peaceful and powerful in your mind.
  • If there is a fire, what to send? Fire or water.
  • By doing this you do not generate thoughts of fear and sorrow. For yourself as well as others with whom the incident has taken place.
By doing this, your mind is not strong but weak. You have only prayers in your hand, you cannot do anything for anyone else to reduce the impact of an event.
In the same way our emotions and feelings are strong. As a result, our attitude generates a sense of generosity and humility. 
We grow stronger, which is seen in our actions or say that we surrender to this event and play a social responsibility.
This duty-conscious citizen of the society stops and starts doing his duty. This is the demand of today's society. 

We only do this thought with our mind. The fear of fear in the mind will end and we will be calm.

In Conclusion: 

All of us, despite having a unique personality , are basically the same. Within us all, a perfect creation of this existence exists as inner life softwareAll of us, no matter how harsh from outside? But there is no stone. The basic qualities of emotions and feelings like compassion, peace, blessings, love etc. are already present inside all of us. 
But we live in a world where we are forced to ignore our original identity. 
For this reason, they get trapped in the information of external media or society and start living by ending their basic attitude
Life is yours, you can determine how you want to live? To influence your feelings and actions by being influenced by the media or to live according to your own identity.


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