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What are the benefits of belief in destiny?

What are the benefits of belief in destiny?

  • Is Our destiny  in our hand?

  • What are our positive and negative beliefs
  • Can we actually create our destiny by the help of belief system

Based on my experience I am sharing  answers of these questions with some facts about beliefs and destiny. 

If one has good destiny, it means that one must have created positive and powerful thoughts in one's past life.

Creation of positive thoughts will convert into powerful thoughts of mind, it is a belief system of human being.  This is  the basic concepts towards destiny.

Our Belief plays a very important role in the creation of destiny. It works like an operating system. Such as computer operating system works.

Just as an operating system is required to run a computer, the belief system works like an operating system in the making of destiny.

What are our beliefs?

Belief is a person's facts, which he believes to be true. Like believing in God is a Belief.

My Belief can change the entire system inside me. It can be both negative and positive. 

The biggest wrong belief  is   "I am a body". All people consider themselves body. 

  • This is the biggest powerful negative belief and this is the obstacle in building our destiny.

  • At the level of experience, we consider ourselves as body. Because experiences are gained from this body.

But if we have to build our destiny, we have to remove this beliefs system.

The Beliefs system is like an operating system. This changes the model of the entire body.

Benefits of Beliefs system

Some affirmation or visualization as are as follows.

  • I am energy
  • I am pure inner life software.
  • I am son of almighty.

These are the three strong beliefs to create destiny.

Earning money honestly is a powerful belief. The benefits of this beliefs system is that we will always do the right thing and when we work properly, positive energy is generated. 

Existence also returns to the correct result response. As luck, we get the results of its harvest.

Belief ===> Thoughts ===> Feelings ===> Attitude===>Personality==> Destiny.

There is a significant hand of three facts in the construction of destiny . 

Based on these facts, and way of living standards we can build destiny as well. Following are the facts.

  • Beliefs System
  • Past Experience 
  • Information 

1:Belief System .

If we believe a fact to be true, then it must have an effect on the creation of our destiny.

2:Past experience: 

How were our previous experiences? Both good and bad experiences have an impact on the creation of our life and destiny.

3:Information Quality: 

As the information is filled in our mind, the same type of thoughts are generated in the mind.

Our life is affected by our thought process. Role of information is important in creating our destiny.

We have just seen that three factors can make a destiny.

Let me only talk about the belief system here. How a belief system is beneficial in creating destiny.

  • Like our Belief, the same type of thoughts are generated in the mind.
  • Same type of thoughts are generated in the mind, the same type of feeling we feel.
  • Feeling or emotions is a game of chemicals in our brain.
  •  Attitude becomes the same as our feeling. Despite our unwillingness, we move about our Attitude in our body gestures. 
  • If we generate feelings of anger, then anger will also arise in Actions . Our personality will be that of an angry person.

Nobody likes an irritable or angry person. What is the use of this type of personality? 

That is why it is said that one of the three factors Belief is the root of the creation of our destiny.

Our Belief is a type of trust. This belief also works. A person who adopts a Belief gets the same benefit. That is, he becomes the creator of destiny.

When our faith system will be strong, then every action of ours will stand on the foundation of honesty. 

The result will be that we will always do the right thing. This is also the rule of existence, that do the right thing and create the right destiny.

In Conclusion :

If there is no economic equality today, we are also responsible for it somewhere. 

This means that we would not have performed our duty honestly. 

If we are aware of the symbol thing, then our responsibility is unlimited. If we are aware, then the ability to respond to each of our tasks is also unlimited.

If we have a strong Beliefs system to act responsibly, the advantage is that we will do the symbol work with 100% efforts from our level. 
It is also said in the Bhagavad Gita that we have the right to do karma only not in the desire for results. 

The result will remain together. The benefit of such Belief will create hundred percent of our destiny.


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