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Two thoughts on empathy

Two thoughts on empathy.


In this article, I am going to discuss about  two thoughts on empathy. Before discussing about this topic  i would like to discuss the meaning of empathy.

Empathy means listening and understanding the intentions of the other person and then reacting by feeling..  

The reaction can also be silent and can also be expressed  with eyes. That is, what is going on inside me is also going on outside. 

  • Can we succeed in our life by taking these two thoughts?  
  • It is important to know first that what is the difference between empathy and sympathy

In the state of empathy our perspective of another person's inner life and situation is broader and based on problem solving.  

  • Empathy means to feel the  feelings of others  as they are . 
  • Sympathy is like an evaluation.
  • Sympathy is the result of reacting to the feelings and thoughts of others.

In Empathy, individuals feel through the feeling of others.You see the world the same way. The way the other person looks.

  • Empathy is not same as sympathy.
  • In the situation of  Empathy we can feel  with eyes and heart.
  • Empathy is like amount of money deposited in a deep emotional attachment bank account.

Difference between Empathy and Sympathy

Let's try to understand Empathy and Sympathy with an example.

There are three friends A, B and C. All three friends are 15–15 years old. B's father just dies. B is in great sorrow. C's father died 2 years ago. When he was 13 years old. A's father is still alive.

When A goes to meet B, he cries a lot seeing B's sorrow.  He becomes sad, and consoles B.  A joins in B's sorrow.  This is sympathy.  A is saddened by B's suffering but does not know or feel how one can lives without a father.

When C goes to meet B, C konws very well that B is passing in which situation. The pain that B is feeling and the terrible calamity that has come upon B, is also felt by C, because C has passed through this situation 2 years ago. C knows what the father's love and blessings.

How is parenting done in the hands of the father?  Without a father, it is difficult and full of financial disaster. Here B and C are the same situation . 

C is having Empathy with B internally. This is the example of Empathy not sympathy

First thoughts on empathy: As I am, so is the other.

There is no difference between me and the other. Let's try to understand with an example.

While begging a beggar our hand is up and the beggar's hand is down. We consider ourselves rich and beggars poor while begging. It nourishes our ego.

  • This incident does not allow us to understand why this beggar is begging?
  • What is the reason of this?
  • Who is responsible for it ?

But if we think of Empathy, but the idea of ​​Empathy originates in our mind only

When we know ourselves. Or what is our real identity? Only then the idea of ​​Empathy will be born in us. 

When the thought of ​​empathy arises, while giving alms to the beggar, we will give alms with both hands in such a way that the one in front is also one of us. 

How can i improve my empathy skills?

That is, the person in front is also a magnificent creation of this world. It also has the same inner software inside of me. 

His circumstances are different from us today for some reason. 

That is why he is doing the work of begging, or else the same inner software is working inside us and beggars. 

Both we and that beggar are the perfect creation of this existence. These kinds of expressions create thoughts of empathy in us. 

The thought of ​​this kind of empathy arises in us a sense of generosity and humility.

When empathy is awakened, we consider ourselves blessed while seeing the beggar to begging. 

  • We thank this existence, that you have made me capable of in a position to donate to someone. 
  • I can help someone by donating. My sympathy shows or expresses how fortunate I am that I could be helpful  to someone.
I being has some meaning. This type of empathy works at the level of the mind. Whether or not the beggar is good, we are benefited. We continue to do good  and create our own destiny.

Second thoughts on empathy: Not all of us are immortal.

Empathy discusses some other thoughts. When it comes to beggars, let's assume that we have to keep the idea of ​​Empathy.

When it comes to dealing with a colleague in an office work place, we fall into the role of Self Defense. 

Somewhere we are not feeling small. Or my other partner will overtake me. And we join the competition.

Either way the standard of his success starts living his life according to the standards set by others. In this way we live in a fear. 

  • If we generate this thought of empathy in the mind every moment, that we are not all immortals, then we will connect to ourself to this existence. That means we will know who we are?

We are not immortal. One day we all have to leave here. We have been here for some time. This is our life. People have come and gone even before us. 

Even after us people will come and go, but this vast existence will always be there. Everything will find itself in existence at the end of time and new things and life will be created.  

Benefits of empathy. 

With this thought process, we can channelize our lives in a new direction, that we are here for a limited time. What is the purpose of our life? Why we came here? This is how I feel .............

  • to enjoy.
  • To help someone.
  • To continue this life process.

If we always remember our death. And we are mortal, remember the Empathy thought, so we can understand the other person also.

Can appreciate other's feelings. And create an atmosphere of the possible. This is Empathy.

 What can we learn from empathy?

We have always been evaluating success according to others. Have we ever tried to peep in our internal depth? 

But only true happiness and true success can be attained only by Empathy expressions and thoughts.

  • We must change our thought process and think  like we are all made of the same soil.
  • All the living beings have same inner software is working inside us too.
  • We all are differ only on the level of thinking.
  • Our competition is from whom and why?
  • If these thoughts are given a little attention, then it expands our thought process.

    In Conclusion:

    In this way, with these two ideas of sympathy, we can bring happiness and peace in life.  This can be a way to connect both our body and mind with spirituality.  It reduces the distance between what we are and what we are not.


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