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Showing posts from February, 2021

What is the meaning of the thought believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet?

What is the meaning of the thought believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet?  Believe in Yourself means that we know our body and mind very well. That is, they are using their body and mind abilities better.  This means that we are full of happiness and are walking on the road to success. This means that the world will be in your feet. We are only a small part of this nature, but the thoughts we think in our mind, the thoughts together with the air create changes in our body and mind. Every thought spreads with the wind in nature.  Because we are all part of this nature, it is a natural phenomenon.  We already have the ability to accept every change that occurs in this nature.  Every event in this existence impacts us knowingly and unknowingly.  We are completely dependent on nature.  Therefore, whatever thought we generate strongly, it always influences our work. Every thought of ours affects every cell and every cell in itself works l...

How does inspired wishful thinking affect our character?

How does inspired wishful thinking affect our character? Inspired wishful thinking not only affects our character  but  also creates a strong personality?   Let's try to know how a thought determines the future with our character?   The thought is born in our mind first.  The kind of  thought , the same kind of feelings will arise in us.  Attitude is made as it is felt.   The same type of habits will be built in us as our attitude, and these habits build our character. This means that our thinking directly affects our character.    Therefore, there is a tremendous role of thinking in character building . Thought is like a seed.  It has to become a plant or tree.   Therefore, our thinking is responsible for the creation of good character or the estimation of bad character . Inspired wishful thinking means The inspired wishful thinking is the same way as someone showing us light in the dark. ...

How to increase speed and thinking in exam?

How to increase speed and thinking in exam? Increasing speed and thinking in the exam i s the same as being calm in front of a lion.  The image above is given just as an example.   Those in the image consider the lion as a exam for a while and  we can consider a little girl as our mind. Imagine for a while, how many emotions in this image are expressing.  During the exam, our speed of thinking becomes the same as, a lion came in front of us. The exam is a phobia, has unintended fear and it directly attacks our thinking speed , during the exam, we forget to remember everything we want. As soon as you exit the exam hall, the answers to the questions begin to be missed.  It happens in the student life all along.   What is the reason for this happening? Let us find the solution of this question. Why does thinking speed affect in exam? Similarly, our mind gets warm during the preparation of the exam.  And we do not think properly in this envir...

Nakaratmak vichar urja ke parbhav

Nakaratmak Vicharon ka Parbhav नकारात्मक विचार जैसे ईर्ष्या,डर, चिंता और विपरीत परिस्थितियां हमारी सोच और तंत्रिका ग्रंथियों को नष्ट करती हैं। इसी कारण हमारे अन्दर मानसिक और शारीरिक बिमारियों का जन्म होता है। नकारात्मक विचार (Nakaratmak vichar) कितनी ऊर्जा का उपयोग करते हैं ? यह जानने से पहले चर्चा करते हैं , कि विचार क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?  क्या विचार ही जीवन का आधार है ? आइए इन प्रश्नों से इस blog में विचार विमर्श करेंगे। यदि हमें सफल होना है या जीवन में कुछ भी बनना है, तो हमारे पास विचार होना आवश्यक है। विचार एक प्रकार से गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल की तरह अदृश्य बल या कृपा है।  विचार से शब्द उत्पन्न होते हैं। शब्दों से उसी प्रकार का कार्य हमारे द्वारा किया जाता है । बार-बार एक कार्य को करने से हमारी आदत का निर्माण होता है ।  और अंत में यही परिणाम के रूप में हमारा चरित्र बनता है। यही चरित्र हमारी सफलता, सौभाग्य की ओर ले जाता है।  Vichar Urja ke Prkar:  नकारात्मक विचार ऊर्जा के प्रकार विचार दो प्रकार से हो सकते हैं सकारात्मक विचार और   नकारात्मक विचार। सकारात्मक ...

How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy?

How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy.   How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy ?  Before discussing this, let's discuss why the thought is important. Thought is the basis of life. If we have to succeed or become anything in life, we must have powerful  thought .  The  thought  is invisible force or grace like a force of gravity. Words arise from thought .  The same kind of work is done by us with words.  Repeatedly performing a task builds our habit. At the end the proof becomes our character as a result.  This character leads to our success, good luck or failure and degradation. Types of  thought energy. Thoughts  may be of two types:  Mental Thought and  Made Thoughts  or we can say  Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts. Positive thought means that a person is living life in the association of this nature or existence.   The more a person tries to get closer to this existence, the ...

How to do the better thinking on the student in the classroom?

How to do the better thinking on the student in the classroom? The better thinking of th e student in the classroom  mostly  depends on their teachers and school environment.  The first and foremost thing to create the best thinking on the student is the environment created by the school, where the student starts learning. The future of a student is formed in the classroom itself. The future of the students depends entirely on the teacher.  Whatever is taught by the teacher and whatever is explained by the teacher, the student's mind gets engraved on the brain. In this way the role of the teacher becomes very important. When students go to the school    the   student's mind is like a blank note book.  In the classroom,  whatever will be written in the mind of the student in the form of information it would be  matter of thinking. For better thinking on the students in the classroom. The future of any country lies in the classroom of t...