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How does inspired wishful thinking affect our character?

How does inspired wishful thinking affect our character?


Inspired wishful thinking not only affects our character  but also creates a strong personality?  

Let's try to know how a thought determines the future with our character? 

The thought is born in our mind first.  The kind of thought, the same kind of feelings will arise in us.  Attitude is made as it is felt.  

The same type of habits will be built in us as our attitude, and these habits build our character. This means that our thinking directly affects our character.  

Therefore, there is a tremendous role of thinking in character building. Thought is like a seed.  It has to become a plant or tree.  

Therefore, our thinking is responsible for the creation of good character or the estimation of bad character.

Inspired wishful thinking means

The inspired wishful thinking is the same way as someone showing us light in the dark.  

We move forward with the help of that light.  To proceed or not to move is our own decision.

It is our personal experience, how far we want to go or whether we have got our destination or not.  It all affects our character.

The thoughts of a great personality are born out of his experience.  

On the basis of the experiments done by those great personalities and the way their character was created, they have put their experience in front of the world in the form of thought.

But not everyone's character can be created by the thought of inspired will power of great personalities.  

Because if it had happened, everyone would have become great and his character would also become great.
  • We are all perfect creation of this existence.  We have forgotten that we all have been here for some time.  To remind ourselves of this, the result of our actions comes in the form of adversity.
Now the main thing is, are we ready to emerge from these situations? 

To overcome these situations, first of all we need to look inside ourselves, only then the inspired wishful thinking will starts working for us.
  • First of all, we have to clear the dirt of our mind, only then will the inspired wishful thinking affect our character.
Because like milk is put in a clean utensil.  That milk will remain clean.  If put in a dirty vessel, the milk will also become dirty.  We can consider ourselves as utensils.

Our character is always in the seed of thinking.  Character can be created at any time, because the law of nature is the law of change, so the inspired wishful thinking is already present in us.  Just need to give him a spark.

Affect of inspired wishful thinking on character.

Inspired wishful thinking affects our core character in a way.  The thought of motivated will affects our character only when we want change from within.
  • Self improvement is the biggest task in the world.  The same person is affected by Inspired wishful thinking, who wants to change his character.
  • If someone is in big sorrow.
Inspired wishful thinking can create a perfect character.  The thinking of apostolic will only affects the character of the person who wants to change in every way.

Inspired wishful thinking we are many times in spite of being positive. They begin to move towards negativity. 

But those who have strong intentions and courage, they are able to impress on their mind with the help of motivated willful thinking and build their perfect character.

Benefits of inspired Wishful Thinking

Wishful thinking is always to wish the best by mind, word and deed towards courage, loyalty, dedication, responsibility and duty.

Thinking of all these qualities affects our character over time and our life leads to success.
  • If a person always thinks well for others by mind and deed, then his thinking affects his character.  First of all, it is his destiny.
By cultivating the habit of wishful thinking, we can reap the harvest of good character.  

wishful thinking reflects his character in a person's work.  Whether he has any kind of belief about himself.
  •  Living a life of complete satisfaction under Wishful Thinking is a sign of a good character.
  • Thinking like collaborating others makes him happy in the happiness of others and makes us great by influencing our character.
Whatever kind of karma we sow inside us in the form of wishful thinking, we will reap the same kind of karma in future.
  • Our deeds appear more in character than words, but their seeds are in our special thinking.
  •  If our thinking is good, the first benefit is that our concentration and character to control ourselves is formed.

If we keep good thinking for others, then the quality of understanding the point of view develops.
  • If we know ourselves, then our point of view will be broad, that is, we will also respect the arguments of others.
  • If we think of thinking completely, then we can accept the challenges in our world and develop the habit of safety of learning.

In Conclusion:

Just as there is a fire presence in the matchstick at all times, but to burn the fire, the matchstick has to be rubbed.  

Similarly, the inspired wishful thinking will exists in us, but we have to prepare ourselves for it.  

The name of this preparation is wishful thinking.  This thinking affects our character and we can build our destiny.


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