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How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy?

How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy. 

How negative thoughts use up a lot of energy ?  Before discussing this, let's discuss why the thought is important. Thought is the basis of life.
If we have to succeed or become anything in life, we must have powerful thought.  The thought is invisible force or grace like a force of gravity.
Words arise from thought.  The same kind of work is done by us with words.  Repeatedly performing a task builds our habit.
At the end the proof becomes our character as a result.  This character leads to our success, good luck or failure and degradation.

Types of thought energy.

Thoughts may be of two types: 

  • Mental Thought and 
  • Made Thoughts  or we can say 
Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts.

Positive thought means that a person is living life in the association of this nature or existence.  
The more a person tries to get closer to this existence, the greater will be the change in immunity of that person.
  • The use of positive thought energy can turn the bad luck generated by negative thought energy into good luck.  Each of our thoughts generates energy.
  • The same kind of vibration would be all around us as we thought.  
  • What is the reason that one person is successful and the other person is unsuccessful?  
  • One person is rich and another person is poor?
The only answer to this is that the person must have generated positive or negative thought energy for himself.

Effect of negative energy.

People who are having negative thoughts, words and actions will have to face sorrow sooner or later.
This is because sometimes the law of karma may take time to catch up with someone but sooner or later they will have to face the consequences of their actions.
The following thoughts in the mind generate negative energy.
  • Feeling or acknowledging its weakness
  • Accepting disqualification.
  • Feeling anger or frustration.
  • Inefficiency, accepting.
  • Lose enthusiasm and excitement.
  • Getting used to  inferior yourself.
  • To imagine the evil.
  • Doubt .
The more often we feel or accept these thoughts, the more often we hurt our confidence.  Weaken confidence and cut the root that nurtures success.

What is negative thought energy?

The seed of negative thoughts is fear.  Fear is a mental illness that comes from outside and grows in our conscious mind.
  • Despite the fear that nothing happens, the energy of our body and mind keeps dissolving slowly.
  • Negative thought energy is the same as fear,Like a bucket full of water and a small hole in the bucket.Like air and water, combined with moisture, slowly the iron turns iron into rust.
  • 90% fear is myth.  These are generated by ourselves in our thinking and we keep blaming others.  
Due to our ignorance, our negative thoughts deplete the energy of our mind and body slowly.
Cause of fear
  • We don't believe in ourselves.
  • We do not understand our life process.
  • We do not believe in this nature or existence.
  • We don't trust our subconscious mind.
  • Due to ignorance of fear we always generate negative thought energy.

Negative thoughts result from the use of negative energy.

Due to the use of negative  thoughts energy,  we all  are the victim of the following problems 

  • Are not able to function properly at the spiritual level.
  • They have an effect on the brain and weaken on the mental level.
  • Due to the maximum damage at the physical level, we lose our enthusiasm.
  • Due to this negative thinking, 70% of the diseases are mental and 30% are physical.
  • Psychosomatic diseases arise due to the use of negative thought energy and the disease is reflected in the body.
Let us try to understand the use of negative thoughts energy by taking the example of a negative thought "hatred" and "Drought".

 1: "Hatred".
 Due to "hatred", negative feelings begin to develop in the mind. 
  • Due to this, toxins start to collect in the body.  
  • These toxins are as deadly as snake venom, turning them into deadly chemicals.
  • This poison spreads to all the nerves of the body.
  • Now we cannot stop this poison from spreading.
  • As a result, important parts of the body get affected and stop working.
  • Such as loss of digestive power.
  •  Effect of blood formation.
  •  Loss of body energy.
 2: "Doubt ".

The second negative thought is to "doubt". The negative thoughts energy gives such results.
  • Do not believe in your ability due to "doubt".
  • Hormones that increase blood pressure are produced.
  • The person always remains humbled and loses his self-power.
  • A person can never do a big task.
  • The productive energy of the brain begins to run out.
  • Failure, frustration and despair go hand in hand.

How to control negative thoughts or negative energy?

There are three main steps for controlling the negatives thought's are

  • Do Not Absorb
  • Reflect Negative thoughts,
  • Transform It new direction.

1. Do Not Absorb negative thoughts:

It's easy to absorb and recreate the negative thoughts or energy of others especially if we take it personally. 

  • The best real-life example in the world is watching television and being exposed to other forms of media. That's where many people practice getting sucked into the drama of others and recreating the emotional states of others within themselves. 

  • And then, when they step out into real life, they are conditioned in judging and perceiving others that way and generating negative energy of their own towards others. 

Always keep one positive thought of spiritual wisdom in your consciousness in the entire day. An empty mind weakens our shield of positivity.

2. Do Not Reflect negatives thoughts :

If we send back negative thoughts what will they do? 
  • Likely send it back to us.  

  • And what will we do? 

  •  Send it back to them.  And so on.  

  • It's called the ding dong of relationships. 

  • And how long does it go on for?  Sometimes years in corporate organisations.  Sometimes lifetimes in families.  

3. Transform it new direction:

Each of us has the ability to transform thoughts and energy.  

  • When the child throws the angry tantrum does the mother throw it back?  

  • No, she accepts the energy of the child's mood, receives it, turns it around, and gives back love in the form of understanding or empathy or support.  

  • So if we can do it with children, why not with everyone? 

  • Someone has to break out of the repetitive cycle and what usually becomes a habitual creation and projection of negative energy. In any relationship let us be the one who transforms and sends back positive energy.

How to get rid of your negative emotions?

First of all, accept negative thoughts because these thoughts are originated in your mind.

There is a general law of the mind.

Whatever the mind considers its authority, then it pays less attention to that thing. 

So by accepting negative thoughts, we get 80% success.
  • If any negative thought is generated in your mind then it means that thought is in your memory.
  • Tell yourself worry is a negative energy.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to overcome from negative thoughts before turning them into emotions.
  • If any kind of thought turns into emotions, then this negative thought cannot be thrown out quickly.
  • Apply the full stop when challenged by difficult situations. Don't create a large number of negative and waste thoughts and magnify the situation.

There is a general rule of life.

If attention is given to any anything it increases further.

As soon as the plant is fertilized and watered, it grows.

Use water therapy to get rid of  negative thoughts

First of all take water in a pot and look at that water like nectar and think in your mind it is helping to remove the negative thoughts inside me. How many times to do in a day is up to you.

  • As soon as wrong thoughts come, then do this experiment at that time.
  • The power lies in your belief and not in the healing.
  • Practice the art of introversion. Just like the tortoise goes inside its shell, detach yourself from your sense organs and feel your inner being and your shield will protect you well.
  • You can do this for several days. It can help you to remove your negative thoughts.

 In Conclusion:

All of us have been through negative thought  at some time or the other.  As human beings, today we all suffer from many types of diseases due to the use and effects of negative thought energy.

Whether we blame ourselves or not, but I would like to say that if we cannot think positively, then at least do not think negatively.  Will it be good because of the use of negative thoughts energy? 


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