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What is the meaning of the thought believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet?

What is the meaning of the thought believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet? 

meaning-of-the thought believe in-yourself

Believe in Yourself means that we know our body and mind very well. That is, they are using their body and mind abilities better. 

This means that we are full of happiness and are walking on the road to success. This means that the world will be in your feet.

  • We are only a small part of this nature, but the thoughts we think in our mind, the thoughts together with the air create changes in our body and mind.

Every thought spreads with the wind in nature.  Because we are all part of this nature, it is a natural phenomenon.  We already have the ability to accept every change that occurs in this nature.

  •  Every event in this existence impacts us knowingly and unknowingly.
  •  We are completely dependent on nature.  Therefore, whatever thought we generate strongly, it always influences our work.
  • Every thought of ours affects every cell and every cell in itself works like an ideal computer.

Thoughts generated in our mind pervade this existence.  Just like tree plants we exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and are alive.

In the same way our thoughts also start to flourish in existence.  These thoughts form part of our life. 

What is life ?  Life itself is you. When we become aware that we are part of this existence and are completely dependent on nature, then it becomes easy to move on the path of our life.

  • When our thinking is made in such a way that there is no difference between us and existence, then we are living life.  
  • Deserves the grace of this existence. This means that thought believe in yourself and world will be in your feet.

The thoughts of the mind have more influence than the nature of our actions(karma).  When we accept this nature, then nature also accepts us.

Existence works for us when we thank to existence for each of our actions.  

The grace of existence starts from where our thinking ends with the mind.  This is how to bring the world to your feet.

  • Except the ingenuity of the mind, life is the name of meeting the nature of our life.  One should be wise not to be cunning if only we will have the grace of existence.

Because to have a sense of self knowledge and dedication to life is to be worthy of this existence.  

Because of this ability, this existence maintains its blessings on us and we start moving towards success. 

 And whatever we want, this existence is revealed to us. The world will be at your feet

Best easy thought believe in yourself.

  • The first main thing is, do we know the inner process of our body 100%? Most people would say no to this answer.
  • Secondly, have we noticed in depth how such a large body is formed from a small cell?

We all get our main things like food, water, air, energy etc. from this existence. So you tell me that our life is not entirely dependent on nature?

All the time, inside our body, various systems in the body coordinate among themselves and do their work with the help of Inner Life Software.

Does not the above facts lead to the conclusion that we are all children of this nature?  Isn't we and nature the same?

We all know very well that one day this body has got into the soil from where it is made. That is, we and this existence are one.

How the world will be your feet?

By believing in inner life software and taking full responsibility of your life, you can make yourself worthy of this existence. 

  • This existence works for us only when we are capable. This means gaining energy by understanding the process of your body and mind.

When our body and mind work together in a complete way, then a huge beam of energy will potentially be born in us. 

The voice that comes from within us from the deepest dimension of the mind reaches this existence.

Whatever we want, it is brought to us through existence.

We and every substance in existence are one, so whatever is determined by our mind will definitely appear in this existence.

In Conclusion : 

"The Alchemist "   is written by Author: Paolo Celilo. He writes in this book famous line as : When you really want to get something, the whole creation creates a conspiracy for you to help in its attainment.

The name of realizing your dreams or looking at life from a new perspective is the only thought believe in your self and the world will go your feet.


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