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How to do the better thinking on the student in the classroom?

How to do the better thinking on the student in the classroom?


The better thinking of the student in the classroom mostly depends on their teachers and school environment. 

The first and foremost thing to create the best thinking on the student is the environment created by the school, where the student starts learning.

The future of a student is formed in the classroom itself. The future of the students depends entirely on the teacher. 

  • Whatever is taught by the teacher and whatever is explained by the teacher, the student's mind gets engraved on the brain.

In this way the role of the teacher becomes very important. When students go to the school   the student's mind is like a blank note book. 

In the classroom, whatever will be written in the mind of the student in the form of information it would be  matter of thinking.

For better thinking on the students in the classroom.

The future of any country lies in the classroom of the schools of that country. 

Therefore, the role of the teacher becomes the most important that he should be expert of his subject as well as be a high moral character. 

  • Because a teacher influences the school and his classroom with his personality. This is the main factor for making a students'  personality.

Students learn a lot from their surroundings, school environment and classroom environment.  Friends' thinking also has an effect.

  • Also Effect of school administration and management on students' better thinking.

The school's classroom is the best laboratory in the world for better thinking of the student.

In this classroom laboratory many types of programs like curricular activities, seminars, and quizzes are conducted.

All these types of programs have a great impact on students' thinking.  These programs are attended by students and students get a glimpse of their future.

What to do for better thinking on the student's?

Sow the seed of following  thoughts in the mind is students.

  • The first task is to teach students to remain calm.
  • Teach yourself to trust.
  • Teach yourself to be a unique personality.
  • The most important thing is that each person is made to do different work.
  • How to keep yourself restrained under adverse circumstances.
  • To establish the thinking of serving the society.

The curriculum of the classroom should be formed keeping in mind the outline of all these tasks.  These three activities must be done in the classroom.

  •  Meditation
  •  Visualization
  •  Affirmation

In today's society, there is no lack of means to teach and to acquire knowledge.  All that is lacking is patience, faith, peace, prosperity, and elemental love and joy.

A better thinking always leads to good things. In today's era, the way stress and depression are seen in students. 

It seems that somewhere we are not able to nurture the thinking of students properly in the classroom.

Experience Based learnings in classroom

Students should prioritize teaching in the classroom keeping in mind the "learning process".  

Because the students develop their thinking on the basis of what they gain by "learning by doing".

The laboratories of our schools establish the knowledge of the students in their experience.  

Thinking of students is also nurtured on this basis.  Therefore, better thinking of the students should be constructed in the class room in such a way that the gold is heated and purified and refined.

Parents also have the ultimate responsibility with the teacher that special consideration should be given to the foundation of a bright future by prioritizing the thinking and experience of the child.

Apart from the class room, it should also create such an atmosphere in the home that the students emerge as independent, social and justice-loving citizens.
  • There is direct evidence, all the students we have are like a plant.  Just as we will be given compost water to the plant, in the same way that plant will become a tree.
Therefore, it is our duty to create better thinking of the students by taking the spiritual life along with connecting the students' thinking with social service.

In Conclusion:

Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of a teacher in the classroom to establish new dimensions for proper thinking of students. 

We do the same work for parents, that we should raise our children by adopting the above methods, even at home. Thus, to some extent we can do better thinking of students in the classroom.


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