How to increase speed and thinking in exam?
Increasing speed and thinking in the exam is the same as being calm in front of a lion. The image above is given just as an example.
Those in the image consider the lion as a exam for a while and we can consider a little girl as our mind.
Imagine for a while, how many emotions in this image are expressing. During the exam, our speed of thinking becomes the same as, a lion came in front of us.
- The exam is a phobia, has unintended fear and it directly attacks our thinking speed, during the exam, we forget to remember everything we want.
As soon as you exit the exam hall, the answers to the questions begin to be missed. It happens in the student life all along.
What is the reason for this happening? Let us find the solution of this question.
Why does thinking speed affect in exam?
Similarly, our mind gets warm during the preparation of the exam. And we do not think properly in this environment.
- Weak memory is a natural process. The biggest reason for this is we do not come in harmony with time.
- Emphasize more on your body and mind during the exam.
Not being able to organize myself during the exam.
How can I increase speed and thinking in exam?
Exam preparation demands time. If the student has practiced continuously, do not open the book the night before the exam.
On the night before the exam, go to sleep peacefully after eating 80% of the food. This will cause an excess amount of melatonin hormone secretion in your body.
Due to good sleep at night, your energy level will be above normal and the mind will be away from the problem of overthinking due to calm.
- Do not eat strong food during exams. Use less spicy food.
- Non-vegetarian, eggs and fried things should be avoided.
- Drink a balanced amount of water, if possible, drink a glass of water every hour like tea.
- Take fresh juice and juicy fruits.
- Do not talk to anyone during exam preparation or in the exam hall. Try to be as calm as possible.
- Don't look at other candidates or think about them. What are they studying and doing?
- Maintain your confidence, it is very important.
- We do our minds not by lack, but by thinking about others and doing our bad.
- Watch the comedy movie during the exam . This will help recalling your knowledge from your memory.
- Use green vegetable during exam and try to live simple life.
- During the preparation of the exam, one should always wear comfortable clothes.
- If anyone wear clothes made of cotton, it is even better, because clothes made of cotton heal our body and are helpful in controlling overthinking.
In Conclusion:
Every student wants to know how to increase the processing speed of your mental level in the exam. How to increase your brain memory speed? And give your best in exams
The only answer to all these questions is, to pay attention to the food of our body and mind, that is, to try to keep the mind calm only , then the speed of our mind and speed of thinking will increase.
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