Is happiest and motivated people live long in this world?
The happiest and motivated people in this world are those who constantly bring forward the best in them.
That is, a person who feels happiness in himself and is ready every moment to motivate people.
The best happiness is the person live in present. This means that the best happiness person loves himself first and likes himself.
To love is a sign of happiness. Happiness and virtue complement each other. Similarly, giving motivation and being happy complement each other.
The idea of being happy is the idea of happiness generates the same kind of emotions and first of all it benefits the same person who generates such feelings.
That's why the happiest and motivated people live a long life in this world.
- Happiness is not lies outside, it is already present in our inside as experience. If you find something you like, then happiness is felt from inside us.
A fountain of happiness swells inside. If there is pleasure in something you like.
That happiness should have been lived even later, whereas it does not. Over time, we are not as happy with that favorite thing as it was the first time.
That favorite thing only triggered our happiness, which was already present inside us.
Therefore, accepting ourselves as we are is the first factor in being happy and motivated.
Who are the happiest and motivated people?
1: Those who consider their mind as a memory, they are more happy and motivated. These happy and motivated people know that both good or bad experiences of the past are always stored in the memory of the mind.
These people are well aware that they cannot delete this memory. So happy people always live in the present and keep motivating others.
- People who think present moment is important are the happiest people. They are also the most motivated people.
Because currently you are sowing the same type of seeds for future crops. This is the only formula to live a long life.
Be happy, stay motivated and pray for everyone's happiness.
2: The happiest and motivated are those who have strong faith in their subconscious mind. These people are well aware that the solution to each of our problems lies within us.
This type of firm belief is in their work behavior and experience. Because of this they live a long life in this world.
3: The happiest and motivated are those people who pay thanks to this body, mind and existence every moment.
- A thanks giving mind always lives long life.
Because every moment he keeps thanking his cells. As a reaction the cells also function in the same proportion.
A thank-giving mind is most generous. Generosity is a sign of living a long life.
Why happiest people live long ?
4: The happiest and motivated people are those who love themselves every moment. He loves his family and society and work and keeps motivating other people with his work.
- Loving oneself is the most sincere and highest prayer. It is the surest mantra to remove all problems and diseases. This is the biggest reason to live long in this world.
5: The most happy and motivated people are those who adopt character based ethics in their experiences.
- They always sow the seeds of their life on the basis of qualities like strong determination, honesty, loyalty, duty.
6: The happiest and motivated people are those who give their hundred percent in every task and do not desire results.
Taking their work as their worship, they are motivated by themselves and work diligently and do not show anyone but act as their duty.
- Accepting every situation as an opportunity for ourselves. People of this type think that "happiness is in our thoughts and our mind not outside", and this is the only formula to live their long life.
In Conclusion.
"The one who knows himself is the one who knows God" . This line clearly states that unless we like ourselves and unless we love ourselves we cannot like others nor love.
Therefore, the fountain of happiness flows from inside ,not outside. The happiest and motivated people know this very well, so they live a long life.
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