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One best natural remedy for normal weight in 10 days at home

One best natural remedy for normal weight in 10 days at home

One-best-natural-remedy-for-normal-weight-in-3- days-at-home

Neither I am  a doctor nor an expert for weight lose. On  the basis of my experiences, I am expressing my point of view  on" natural remedy for normal weight in 10 days without any exercise".

You do not necessarily agree with me, because according to medical science there may or may not  be the solution of normal weight.

This is my personal experience. If you want, you can put it in your experience. First of all, we have to clearly think  that only we are responsible for each of our problems. 

Whatever the problem may be, for example, you get upset about the problem of body fatness.

And again and again, they keep thinking about obesity rather than thinking about normal weight. This is the root of our problem.

The principle or rule says that the thing you pay attention to increases further. We always think about being normal weight, but in the picture, we are upset, considering ourselves as fat.

Every time we keep making images of obesity in our mind. This is our biggest mistake.

Our mind thinks very quickly about the image rather than thinking in words. And we remain obesity .So we are not able to normal weight.

Natural remedy for normal weight

Louis L Hay, a world-renowned motivational writer and founder of the internationally acclaimed publishing group "Hay House".

I am referring to this writer because he freed himself from a deadly disease like "cancer", without any operation.

Therefore, the problem of normal weight is nothing compared to that disease.

She has given a formula to solve all his problems at chapter 8 pages in his book "You Can Heal Your Life".

Say 400 times in a day these three sentences to yourself. This the one best remedy for normal weight at home.

  • I love myself
  • I like myself
  • I would accept myself.

"Louis L. Hay" says that fighting negativity is a complete waste of time. The more emphasis you put on what you don't want, the more you increase it.

Whatever you have always loved to hear about your life may be with you right now.

For example, not having a normal weight is a problem with you even today.

Pledge to do normal weight.

Practice one of the following vows.

  • I don't want to get fat in that place, I am getting leaner.
  • I do not want to get sick that place is happy, young and healthy and I have a normal weight.
  • Nobody loves me because the weight is too much, that the place, I like it, everybody likes me.

Thinking positively and anything you say can be a vow. As we speak positive vows continuously, your conscious mind starts working by accepting this knowledge as an obedient servant.

Like I have something right now and I do not want to say that I will have it. This is a matter of the future. Will only be in future, not necessary.

Ready for weight loss.

When we accept our body as it is, that's the same time our subconscious mind do work start on our thoughts.
We feel good when we are at normal weight. We feel lighter in our body. At that time we do not need to BMI check.
Our body tells us that we are overweight or normal weight. Whether we are having health problems or not, our body gives us a signal.
What to do and what not to do?

  • Step 1: No matter how fat you are, accept yourself as it is.
  • Step 2: Start respecting your body.
  • Step 3: Stop mistaking yourself.
  • Step 4: Stop thinking of yourself as inferior
  • Step 5: First you learn to trust your subconscious mind. How to awaken this belief. Depends on you here.

As all the functions inside the body are carried out by our subconscious mind and we do not even know. Thousands of cells are being formed each moment. Thousands of cells are dying each moment.

Every minute new cells are making our life new, but we do not even know about such a big event.

Similarly if we. Anyway, research says that in 11 months our whole body changes. By understanding this general rule we can believe how easy it is to do normal weight.
Step 6 : Give thanks to every cell in your body with confidence.
Our weight has increased due to our negative thoughts and habit or fear. Only we are responsible for this. But now we want to be free from this overweight. So put your hand and thank each cell like this. To this day, you have supported me a lot and support me even further. Thus as soon as we accept our cells, thank you, then the cells start working for your good because the thought you have sown in your subconscious mind and the subconscious mind works to nurture the thought.
We all own thoughts but we do not know how to act and react to thoughts. Obesity is a mental illness, it can be solved at the level of the mind itself.
Why am I repeatedly saying that thinking affects our bodies.
  • For example, think for a while that lemon slices are being made.
  • Thinking of lemons leads to a saliva secret in our tongue. The saliva in our tongue is secreted only by thinking.
So if we do not think about our obesity and think about healthy and normal weight then it will definitely make a difference.
Because our thinking has an effect on the whole body. Hormones are released through thinking. So I believe that we can lose weight at the level of thinking.
In this blog, I am talking about the natural remedy of normalizing weight. With this natural remedy, you can lose your weight while sitting at home in 3 days.
  • Our respiratory process is made in such a way that the fat inside us is burned in each breath. The higher the amount we adopt the self-healing process, the greater the proportion of fat burn.
We can lose weight by adopting visualization as a weapon by adopting visualization.
In Visualization, for 30 minutes we fill each and every breath inside with the belief that it is burning our fat fat.
Similarly, on every breath coming out, message that the fat of our obesity is coming out. Visualize 30 minutes every morning, then you will see the difference in the third day itself.


The process of metabolism converts food into energy. This energy provides fuel to our cells.

The metabolic rate of each human being depends on various factors including its age, sex, weight, physical activity and eating habits.

According to research, after sitting in the same place for 30 minutes, the process of metabolism is reduced by 90%.

The process of burning fat starts to slow down. Therefore, due to getting up from its place for just 5 minutes, the process of normal weight also starts.

And after about 2 hours, the amount of cholesterol is reduced by 20%.
Therefore, walking around every 5 minutes is the best remedy to lose our weight.

We all know that software to control our metabolic rate is stored in our brain.
If we are mentally healthy then our metabolic rate will also be strong which means that whatever we eat will be digested properly by the digestive system.

Children and teenagers  weight gain problem.

Nowadays, children and teenagers are doing a lot of junk food intake. Due to this the chances of affecting the metabolic rate of children become more.

Due to which the problem of obesity is increasing in children and the possibility of health related problems is increasing due to their weight not being normal.
All of us are eating habits changed. It somewhere affects our mental power and metabolic rate.
Therefore, in the case of children, if we connect them with the habits of meditation, pranayama from childhood, then a happy future with normal weight will be in front of them.

In Conclusion:

I deserve the best and I accept it now. These set of convictions will contain everything you want to change in your list. 

Loving and accepting yourself, having a strong belief, qualifying and accepting will normalize your body weight.

Accepting and loving yourself presents your body and mind as a child.  It works by giving a message to our cells and Inner live Software by turning it into love and happiness. 

Solving whatever problem we have, it takes a subconscious mind.  That is why it is best remedy your normal weight problem to subconscious mind for normal weight.


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