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How to overcome back pain natural easy ways at home?

Back pain relief naturally at home. 

Is it possible to get rid of the problem of back pain by natural way at home without medicine?  

To know the answer of this question, I am sharing my experiences in this blog.

Today the back pain is common problem. We see that most of the people are suffering from back pain

I  was also suffering from this problem for some time. I also got treatment from many good doctors.  
  • I took medicines and got physiotherapy several times. I Relieved for a while but did not get relief from back pain forever.
Medicines can provide relief from back pain for the some time, but back pain can again cause discomfort.  

I am discussing in detail here how I have got relief from my back pain in a natural way?

There can be many reasons for back pain I am discussing two main causes of back pain here.
  1. Back pain starts due to negative thinking.
  2. Overthinking is the main cause of back pain.
I am sharing my experience only on back pain relief arising due to these two reasons.

Back pain relief by natural easy way at home.

We can get rid of back paint by natural way in our home in two ways.
  1. By changing the thought process.
  2. By changing the way of living, that is, by changing eating habits, you can get rid of any pain forever.
Today the living standard of all of us has been developed according to society.  We are all in the information age.  

Not everyone has to work as hard as our ancestors had to.  Our body is constructed in such a way that we must shed sweat by working at the level of the body to strengthen the cells.  

But today's lifestyle and way of living has become comfortable.
  • We are using Escalator instead of walking on the stairs. We are working against the body somewhere. 
  • The second aspect is thought process or overthinking.  Is also  Its effect is presented to us by the body in the form of pain.  We must listen to the body.

Main Reasons for Back Pain:

There may be many reasons for back pain, but according to my experience, I have discussed some of the main reasons here.  

What are the causes of back pain? 

1: Casual Life style.

Today we are living in the information age. With a single click, all the work is done by sitting. While body cells require physical exercise. Our body works on this rule.

Some of our lives have been made easy by technology and some we have started giving more comfort to the body.

This is why our body is getting weaker day by day. The cells of the body need to work. 

The cell of the body is formed in such a way that we make it work. Otherwise this will appear before us as back pain.

2: Making the mind a pile of garbage from a pile of information.

Our body takes as much food, air and water as it needs and leaves the rest. But it is not so at the level of the mind.

Here we are constantly storing information on information, whatever it may be. 
  • Collecting information means that we are being acted upon by others. The waste is being filled in our minds by others. It is an idea or may be any data.
It has a direct impact on our thought process. Due to this, our mind starts getting the same kind of emotional changes. 

Just like the mind will have the same kind of effect on the cells of our body. The same effect emerges as back pain in the body.

3: Social media / news

Social media and news channels nowadays propagate negative news or fear more. TV channels and smart phones that have made inroads in our homes generate 90% thoughts of fear, scarcity and negatives.

Now-a-days social media hurts our ego, like or dislike someone, it becomes a question of one's own image.
  • Social media is not making us social but it is negatively affecting the feelings and emotions inside us.

Feelings are directly related to our mind and body. This feeling is received by our brain. 

By its effect, the emotional information received by the cells of the body is reflected in the form of back pain.

4: Wanted more.

The only difference between an animal and a human is that the animal hunts only when it is hungry and sleeps comfortably when its stomach is full.  Man is the only animal that hunts even when its stomach is full.

That is, "wanted more".  The tendency to hoard persists.  The same thing applies everywhere.

Despite everything, the feeling of dissatisfaction emerges somewhere in the form of pain in the body. This is one reason for Back Pain.

5: Sitting posture 

Not keeping the back bone of the body straight and not sitting , getting up, walking properly are also a big reason for back pain.

6: Overthinking

Our food and drink has a direct effect on our thinking. Toxic food has an effect on the mind. 

Generally, sometimes we give more emphasis to something. Or start giving justification on their behalf about something. 
  • Despite not knowing the real meaning of the matter, we start negative thinking from our side, whereas in reality, the matter does not have negative meaning. 
This is where our mind gets warmer than necessary. We cannot stop our thinking even if we want to. This effect comes in the form of our back pain.

What are the best easy natural way and method to relief from back pain at home ?

Prohibiting thought process.

First of all, any negative thought is going on in the mind, then do not stop it.

1: Natural easy way : How to stop the thinking?

Thoughts are nothing but the information which is present in the memories of our mind, we are constantly like shuffling cards.
  • Energy is needed to shuffle playing cards . The brain consumes more energy than other parts of the body anyway.

When any thought is constantly moving in the mind, then other thoughts related to it which are already present in the mind in memory, also connected with privious thought.

This is like add the carry . Due to this the brain needs more energy and the brain gets warm. At this stage one cannot stop an thought only by positive thinking.
  • As soon as a thought is generated in the mind, do not hold that thought, do not pay attention to that thought, let it flow like water.
  • Do not wish to stop, do not focus on that thought.
  • Thinking that every moment is changing, then this thought will also  be changed.
The easiest and the hardest way is also. Let the thoughts flow, accept the thoughts that are bothering you.
We cannot control overthinking at the level at which overthinking begins. This is like the law of momentum.
If we stress the mind during overthinking, then it is the same as giving water and fertilizer to some thoughts. This idea will come back to us again in due course of time.

Therefore, we cannot control the level at which the idea thrives. In this way, we can control overthinking ko by changing the thought process.

2:Method :  Feed energy drink

First of all, drink a glass of fresh juice . Drink fresh juice, eat fresh fruits, and wait. 
  • Let the thought process go on. It is necessary to cool the mind. As soon as the process of thinking of the mind is done, our body will also react in the same way. That is, it will help you emerge from the back pain
Be sure to drink fresh juice. Think that after some time after half an hour, the mind will calm down and the thought process will be controlled. 

Wait, you will get relief from this only. This will control your brain's over-thinking.

3:Drink plenty of water 

Drink plenty of water as soon as a negative thought comes to your mind. Immediately go to the toilet and immerse the urine. 

The mind has to think like this, that this negative thought has come from outside in my mind. This idea is not mine. This negative thought is passing out with urine.

By doing this process of back pain relief a week or two, you will come to control thoughts. This will affect the back pain, this is my experience.

4: Method: Do Visualization

Always get relief from back pain by using your subconscious mind. Think of the picture in your mind free from your back pain.
  • Say no in words
  • Think in the image.
What to say and why to say it?

Each cell of the body has its own inner software system. It also has its own mind. Cells are formed every moment. Therefore, it is natural to create an image free from back pain thought by us.

Do Affirmation

Think with the belief that my old cells, which have been damaged, are not being replaced by healthy cells by inner software. I thank these old and new cells.

Pay thanks to the cells of the back by touching each part of the back with both hands. 

Thus to say, hey all the lovely cells of my back bone you have handled me till now, you continue to play with me in the same way. Take care of me and thank you very much.

  • Who is saying this? This is our #I # saying. This is our inner software system which works according to our say. 
You can also understand this on a thick swim, that we have given the work of back pain relief to the subconscious mind. 

Now the work of relief will be transferred to 100% cells. By starting our work with cells, we can overcome the back pain or any pain.

5:Method : Sit in the proper posture.

Keep the Back Bone upright for at least 3 hours each day. While eating, while sitting, while walking, getting up, keep the back bone straight in the right way. 
  • This is the most common and effective rate method or meditation . It works hundred percent, this is my personal experience.

6: Always Live in present 

But the most important thing is not to hold on to any thought or thing. Do not think of any old bad memory again and again. 

This is the biggest reason for back pain. Leave it back and you will get rid of it forever.

In conclusion :

Negative thinking and overthinking are the two main causes of back pain. Society traps us and we get trapped in this physical realm. 

The body puts negative thinking and overthinking in front of us as back pain.

In a way, the body warns us in the form of pain, that change your way of living, otherwise it will appear in the future as a big disease. 

Therefore, by changing our thought process, we can overcome of our back pain from natural easy way at home.


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