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Top 3 belief system useful for perception and destiny

Top 3 belief system useful for perception and destiny.


Our belief system has been imposed on us by society.  Belief system works to control and direct our perception.  

Let's try to find out how a belief system affects our perception and destiny? Is Our belief system works in the creation of our destiny or behind our problems? 

It remains in our mind as a strong seed.  Which triggers and works under any circumstances.

We are always bound by our belief system and consider it as the base and do some work.  Our belief system triggers emotions to generate emotions in us.

Our emotions result in our work behavior and our work behavior changes our attitude and builds our personality.  Our destiny is created just as our personality will be.

What are Belief system?

Our one belief system can change the whole journey of our life.  Each person's belief system depends on their place, moral values ​​and way of living.

Let us take the example of vegetarian and non-vegetarian for a while.  Vegetarian people consider vegetarian food to be good and energetic.  

On the other hand, non-vegetarians consider non-vegetarian to be the best way to get energy and protein.

The belief system affects both types of individuals' feeling and cognitive development.  Perception of both types of individuals is formed according to their own belief system.

The construction of their destiny in both types of individuals will also be based on their belief system.

The belief system and perception are two sides of a coin.  Science and spirituality give their own definition of perception.

For example, if you want to understand a flower, science can prune  it and explain one thing of the flower to us in a very good way.

But science could hardly explain where the fragrance in the flower is coming from.  How did a soil turn into a flower of this color?  

It is a belief and plays games at the level of our mind, how we live life.

Science cannot define the results that comes after working honestly.  This is also a perception, it is also the way to live our life.

But spirituality can define this, that you do get the results of your karma.  Here too there is a strong belief system which is useful for our perception.

Three Major belief System: What they are and how they affect you?

  1. Labeling
  2. Mind Reading
  3. Fortune Telling

1: Labeling:

We have a strong belief system, that we always consider ourselves right.  We always justify our thinking.  The same kind of feelings are born with this thinking.

Thought is just a game of words, but our belief system is formed by emotions.  I am right and the other is wrong.  This perception is formed.
  • Our understanding is 100% correct.  Is this perception correct?
  • We are well aware that the environment in which we live becomes the same type of thinking.
The environment definitely has an impact on our thoughts and body and mind.
  • Can we understand this existence through our thinking?
  • Can we now understand 100% of any functions of our body and mind?
By scrutinizing the answers to these questions, our perception of seeing and understanding of things can change.  Our thinking is not necessarily right.

If we understand this much then we can change our destiny. We Can solve your problems easily.

The reason for our thinking to be true is our belief system and we label others.  What does not match our thinking, put labels on it and follow it.
  • As if that person is angry.
  •  That person is greedy.
  •  That person is happy.  
  •  That person does not listen to me.  
  •  That person does not agree with me so he is a   bad person.  
These types of belief systems affect our perception and destiny.

Therefore, one should not label on a person.

We keep one level on a person forever.  According to this label, we keep generating our thoughts.

By walking with a label, we keep digging for ourselves in our thoughts.  For the other, we do our good or bad on this base.
Is it true ?  You cannot bathe twice in a river.  That is, once bathing cannot be bathed again in the same water.  The second time you take a bath with the new water of the stream.
The same person also varies with time.  Labeling is not good.  Just as good food gives strength to the body, in the same way good thoughts give strength to your brain.

2:Mind Reading:

We are all mind readers.  Are We The Right Mind Reader?  No .  We read the minds of others on the basis of our belief system.  

Through our thought process and belief system and past information,read the mind.

The biggest identity of a normal person is that he considers himself intelligent and others stupid.  This is the thinking of every person.  

He considers his thinking to be paramount and despising the other is the identity of the ordinary creature.  

Due to this thinking, overthinking starts and aggressiveness comes in the thoughts.

This is where mind reading begins.  Due to this perception, we all keep reading the minds of others.  

We keep reading the mind of others on the basis of our belief system.  Our strong belief system is that we are knowledgeable and the other cannot explain us.
  • You tell me the circumstances, problems or way of living you are living your life, do other people also?
  • Are they living with the same conditions, problems or way of living? 
Despite this, we keep reading our thoughts on the basis of this perception by reading the other's mind.

Whereas truth is something else.  The other person is not necessarily thinking as we are thinking.  Often we make meaning of the statements of others on the basis of information or perception already stored in our mind.

This is mind reading but in the wrong direction.  As a result, the speed of our thought process gets faster.  

As a result, the heartbeat increases and we are under stress.  Many diseases such as BP, Sugar, Heart Disease start falling prey to stress.

This belief system causes stress and depression.

Truth is something else and we keep whispering our thoughts in our mind.  The dilemma arises due to this mind reading.  
There is no problem of any kind in the world.  The problem is in our mind.  Due to the information filled in our memory, problems arise.

We would continue to take our decision by reading the minds of others according to our perception.  This becomes our personality. 

Hence problems arise and we continue to destroy this beautiful life.  Will we thus be able to change our Destiny?

3:Fortune Telling:

According to the understanding and awareness and knowledge that our parents had, they were doing best in their life.  On the basis of this knowledge, he was also making his conception.

They were living their lives on the basis of their belief system and their perceptions were also being formed on the basis of them.

On the basis of this perception, they were also raising us.  Fortune telling all have a strong belief system.
Like "there is no use of  trying".
Because most people are failure in their life or due to being surrounded by their problems, they keep telling fortune telling in this way.

Due to the large number of people living this type of life around us, we mostly get to hear the same love lines ………
  •  There is no use of trying.
  •  I have no choice
  •  you are wrong and I am right.
  •  The other one needs anger to motive.
All these sentences fall under the category of fortune telling.  We also believe.  Whatever we believe becomes true for us.  

All these belief systems  affect our perception.  Our experiences are formed on the basis of this and all our experiences of life are completely different.

Fortune telling acts as a seed in society and we keep growing that seed by giving it compost water based on our thinking.  It is from here that our destiny and perception gets affected.

In Conclusion

Different person's mental level would be different.  Just as the fingerprint and Irish of each person or creature is different, the level of thinking of each person also varies.  

Every creature has a unique personality in this existence. There is no one like you in the world.  Always remember this sentence and build your own destiny.  

When we are unable to meet our own expectations, then how can others fulfill our expectation? 
How is the other person?  It doesn't matter much.  Our belief system and our perception that is generated by our thinking, matters more.

The second person reacts according to the thoughts we keep in our mind.  Therefore the other person cannot disturb us anywhere.  

Rather our pattern of thinking makes us feel upset or nice.  Hence the creation of our destiny lies in our perception.


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