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3 best easy way for harmony between actions and results

3 best easy way for harmony between actions and results.

How-to-make-harmony-between-actions and results.

What is the harmony between actions and results? Is our results are based on our actions? What is our karmic account?

In this article I am going to discuss in detail the answers of these questions.  

In this article I have presented the method of understanding the results of actions  in 3 ways.

  • Why don't we get answers to our prayers? 
  • Why are we all sad and disappointed even after good deeds?
  • Why our prayers are not affected? 
  • Why does this happen to me? 
Many times such thoughts keep going in our mind that, why did God do this to me?

While i'm good .I'm doing a good job. I am performing all my responsibilities well. I am afraid of God. 

I follow ethical rules. I am honest, dutiful. Why is it wrong with me anyway?

  • When we do not get the answer to the prayer we are sad. Sometimes blaming God, sometimes blaming others.

Do the deeds of our own past come out in our form? Do our deeds reward us?

Such thoughts keep going in our mind. The causes of these thoughts do not occur in our actions and results harmonies. 

What should we do in such a situation? That our actions and results, come to harmony. Let's first know, what is actions?

What is Actions/Karma ? 

Let us first know, what is karma? 

"the good or bad effect of doing something"

Actions takes place in three ways.

  •   With the mind,
  •   By promise or words,
  •   From the body,

What is the relationship between actions and results?

The body, mind and words of all three of us react, it becomes an impression. It stays with us as a shadow of the result. 

When we do actions with these three, we have a lot of impressions in mind, and we become like toys operated according to these impressions. We become puppets of our past.

How do we do deeds? Accordingly, we continue to write our destiny. 

Once we have a tendency to do some kind of actions, then we start doing it accordingly. 
  • This impression creates some kind of structure in the collection part of our mind and we are enslaved by it.
At the level of the mind, the mind keeps bringing it to us again and again. 

Repeated notice of the impression of deeds in the memory of the mind is thought.

It appears to us again and again, because the thoughts running in the mind have been sown by us. 

We get caught in the harmony between actions and results.

It is for these reasons that the results we get in our future are determined. 

This means that we get answers to our prayers according to the thought generated by us and the actions performed.

1:From the mind

  • Whatever idea is generated in the mind.
  • Whether it is a good idea or a bad idea, we get the result of both.
  • The mind is directly related to the body.

How do your thoughts affects your feelings ?

If  kind of thought is generated by the mind, then it remains in the mind for only 1 minute. 

But our reaction to thought forces this thought to leave an impression in our minds. 

Our response is always based on information stored from outside.

So this reaction causes a lot of sadness, because if we had believed our inner life software, 

then whatever thought would have been generated in our brain is correct, or we could have stopped this thought.

  • As soon as there is a thought implant in our mind, the conscious mind sends the thoughts with logic to the  subconscious mind.
  • Subconscious mind imprint this thought in the cells.

This force is forced to change into a form actions (karma) inside the cell and results in the functioning of the entire body.

This thought process is implanted in our body when several diseases emerge as a result of this thought in the body .

Feelings generate actions .

We do any work in any good way. No matter how honest we may be? 

No matter how dutiful we may be? But if there is some kind of thought going on in our mind, then the result of action is reversed.

  • I am the honest person, the  rest are all thieves.
  • I am duty-bound, the rest is free man. Are doodles
  • I am good, everyone else is bad, dirty.
  • I am a moral person, the rest are engaged in immoral work.
  • I did so well for him, he did not treat me well. He is such a sly person.
  • I worship God, the rest are atheists.
  • I am a pure vegetarian person, while he is an alcoholic, abuses.

What is the relationship between  actions and results ? According to Bhagvat Geeta

In response to these types of questions, Bhagvat Geeta  says that the kind of thoughts/actions that are generated in the mind/body by us for others. 

We also get that thought as a result of ours. 

  • Whenever we do some work, there is a feeling in me that I am doing good work. This feeling is fine, but when you think that I am doing good, everyone else is bad, doodle, or I am honest

  • The rest is dishonest, so bad, doodle, cheat-like thoughts are added to the account of the result of your actions. In future you will get hundred percent result.

When you enjoy doing evil to someone, you implant the thought of his evil in your mind in a way and this thought gets imprinted in the subconscious mind. 

This will definitely change a thought  into  actions. Because Thought is a type of energy, which must change from one form to another.

  • We definitely get to see the results of these actions in future. 
  • When you think wrong for someone, first of all your energy is displayed. 
  • Your only bad Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the selection of thoughts. 
  • Because Thought is a type of energy and it has to be transformed from one form to another.

So we do not get hundred percent of our prayers or results of actions. Due to negative thought, we get only half the results of our accumulated deeds.

2:By promise : What is the difference       between words and actions ?

Language is a powerful medium to convey our thoughts to others. Language reaches others in the form of speech.

Words are written in the form of language, it is non living things in a way. 

But the meaning of those words emerges in our mind as emotion. Mind turns this feeling into action.

  • You are very beautiful, good-natured, your way of working is the best.

  • You are a very bad person, you do not know how to do anything. You are a burden on the earth.

These two types of statements are said to the same person at different times. But the meaning of both the sentences will be different.

  • The brain accepts both types of thought. Positive vibrations are generated in one. 
  • In the second, due to negative thought, the heart is hurt and there is negative vibration generation.

A thought can make a life. The second thought can destroy the life. 

Words did not do anything in the form of language, but rather the information filled in our mind has forced thought to convert into action by reacting to the words. 

The result of the action is decided accordingly.


The words we say can destroy and even make someone's life.

  • As a teacher, the words that I say to a child, that child's life can also be groomed and destroyed. like.

  • You cannot do anything in life and another word is you will do the best in life. Your future is great and great.

The words that I say as a teacher, which is a karma, can make and destroy one's life.

Now the question is, what are the correct words we use? Especially when it comes to your children?

 3: From the body:

Whatever action our hands and feet do, our body gets the result of it.

  • For example, if you do the work of writing by hand, then action is done by the fingers of the hand but our brain gets the results. That is, writing is a kind of psycho neural muscle activity.

Which helps in building bridges between the conscious and subconscious mind and concentrating them.

On the other hand, due to our negative thought, if the hand has hurt someone, our whole body and mind have to bear the consequences as a result of action.

Why actions are better then thoughts?

Our body can look calm on the outside. But on the internal tour, many of our functions are still working inside. 

Our inner software is the one to handle these functions.

We have never been taught about our inner software

So we remain unaware of our inner strength, that our own thoughts will be received as a result of actions in future.

This is one reason. To put Harmony between  Actions and results .

How do we get the results of our Actions?

Do thoughts lead to actions

Here we have tried to understand the results of actions (karma) in 3 simple ways.

  • According to science.
  • According to nature.
  • According to Bhagavad Gita.

1: According to science.

According to Newton's Third Law of Motion

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".


  • By banging a ball harder on the wall, the ball will return faster. The ball will come back slowly, slowly hitting the wall. That is, the reaction took place in the same proportion as the action.

Similarly, whatever actions are done by us, whether positive or negative thoughts are received in the same proportion as a result in front of us.

If we make good thoughts for someone, then we are going to be the first. 

Because thought is a type of energy and it will definitely change in actions. So think good for others.

According to Bhram Kumaris 

Newton’s third law of motion states that every action is followed by an equal and opposite reaction. 

This law is one which talks about physical forces but on a spiritual level, every karma – positive or negative will result in me receiving a result of the karma. 

I receive this result either immediately or after some time or after a few births.

2. According to nature.

  • Sowing wheat seed in a field will yield wheat crop.
  • Sowing paddy seeds will yield paddy crop.
  • By applying rose pen, you will get rose flowers.


  • We cannot sow paddy crop even after sowing wheat seeds and wanting our lacquer. Even after praying to God, wheat cannot be converted into paddy crop.

Our prayers are not affected because we do not pray to hundred percent. We do not have complete confidence in ourselves. 

While the truth is, the word is also a kind of energy, and when this energy spreads in this existence, hundred percent will be returned as a result.

  • That is, the law of nature is that as you sow, you will reap what you sow.
  • These facts prove that our actions will come to us one day as a result.

Whatever be our prayers, but by our action/ deeds, we cannot get rid. The result will come before us 

3: According to Bhagavad Geeta

In verse 2, verse 47 of Bhagavad Geeta, Lord Krishna has addressed Arjuna and said.


कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते  मा  फलेषु  कदाचन ।
मा  कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते  संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ।।47।।

In the above verses it was said that you should neither be made for the results of actions ( karma) nor should be attached to not doing karma, that is, karma should not be sacrificed. 

There is curiosity on this, then how should one act? That is why God says-

  • Your right is to work only, but never to the fruit thereof. Be not instrumental in making your action-bear fruit, nor let your attachment be to inaction- (47)

In simple words, Geeta says, consider yourself as an inner software and keep doing your work. 

Do not want any fruit. The results of the actions are not in your hands.

You have actions to do in your hands. Your inner software is a way of life. 

This is neither good nor bad. It is eternal. Like air, water, fire, etc.

How to make harmony between actions and results?

In this verse we have been emphasized to do deeds. That is, karma is done by our body and mind.

It is clear from all these examples that our actions form our destiny.

Knowing that our prayers are answered inadvertently because of our response.

  • We can control the effect of karma by changing our way of living and thought process.

If you want to live a happy life , then you have to sow the seeds of a happy life today, only then we can reap the rich crop of prosperity in future.

3 best easy ways to make harmony between action and results .


Yoga means experiencing these processes differently from body and mind.

Yoga is our experience, which is consciously created by us. 

Yoga helps the body and mind to become aware and handle it brings action and results into harmony.

Only then our experience of life is made 100% percent of us. If we keep our body, mind and speech in perfect harmony, then our  action and results fall into harmony. 

Life will blossom on its own. We will be more alive than we are alive now.

3: Inner Software 

Once you are in contact with your inner software, we do not have to try to achieve anything. 

  • Our inner software is untouched by karma.

  • Yes, there is definitely a store of karma as Record, Memory.

  • This will give the fruits of our deeds in future

We do not need to make any wish or have dreams, because the best thing that can happen to us will happen itself.

3:Spiritual knowledge

Spiritual process means to return to life, that is, to establish one's body and mind and thoughts in harmony. 

The spiritual process does not free the collection of impressions of karma, but helps to make us more conscious of it.

It is a structure about our actions and states that neither karma is good nor bad, karma is karma and its impression is definitely made.

It weakens the grip of actions and results from us. 

In Conclusion.

Our actions determine what our destiny will be? We know that our fate is in our hands. Our prayers are resolved by this existence.

We have seen here  How do we face the fruits of karma?  Solution  already present in our way of living and inner software.

Our actions are the reward of our thoughts. we can not live without any thoughts in this existence. So always we are in harmony between actions and results.


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