Name of five famous books (fiction and nonfiction) and their good ideas with their writer name
- With the help of these five famous books, I started looking at life in a new way and helped to understand myself in a better way of living.
1:Inner Engineering :Writer 's name : Sadguru
- How did they get knowledge?
- How did they gain the ability to see things in life from a new perspective?
- You forget that when you are sick, you only need medicines. When you are hungry you are the one who needs food, then you are the only one who needs to be cured.
- This has given a new definition of yoga. Yoga is defined as very simple. Yoga is the art of living life.
- Sadguru has said that Karma Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Kriya Yoga have been explained very well, how to bring these four yoga's together in an easy way.
- How can we make very big changes within ourselves through some action method. If we conquer the body and the mind. So we have conquer ourself
- The biggest thing is that if we do some meditation with our body and mind, then it is the process of making ourselves capable of this existence.
- As a result, your body becomes a temple and your mind becomes a klapa tree.
2: The power of your Subconscious mind: Writer 's name :Dr. Joseph Murphy.
The unique feature and good ideas of this famous book is its practicality.
It shows you simple and intuitive technique methods that you can easily implement in your daily work style. It is not an object. Who answers the person's prayer.
When the person sitting in the mind pictures , the idea is accepted by his subconscious mind, then he gets the answer to his prayers.
- It has been told in this book that the law of life is the law of faith and faith can also be called briefly the idea of mind. The way a person thinks, feels.
- Believes The same type of situation is of mind, body and circumstances. A technical system.
This famous book states that your mind is like a garden, and you are a gardener.
Whatever thoughts you sow the seeds in your subconscious mind, you will get the same kind of fruit in your body and environment.
The main thing mentioned in this famous book is that you can change your destiny by changing the thoughts of conscious mind and subconscious mind.
- Conscious and subconscious are not two brains, but two areas of functioning of the same mind. Your conscious mind is about to argue.
- The subconscious mind accepts the arguments given by the conscious mind. Turns these ideas into action.
But the subconscious mind is responsible for breathing and digesting food. In this way the subconscious mind keeps doing 90% of our work itself.
The author has called the subconscious mind a destiny. How can we find out the reason for our sorrows and the lack of answers to prayers by using a subconscious mind through scientific methods.
- We can achieve whatever we want in life and we can rebuild our body using subconsciousness.
- Troubles in life and business stress, social life behavior problems, how can children be raised properly and successfully.
The special thing in this is that your happiness is in your hands. This root is in its subconscious mind.
3:The Bhagavat Geeta -Writer's name : Geeta Press Gorakhpur
- The Bhagavad Gita consists of 18 chapters and contains 700 verses.
- This famous book is beneficial for all. According to me, this is the best learning book in the world.
- Bhagavad Geeta is very big management in a way. In this, each person can get solutions to their problems and each person gets different answer to understand the meaning of their life in it.
- Whatever sense this famous book falls into, it gets its results accordingly.
4: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People -Writer 'name :Stephen R. Covey.
- The power of relocation and the principles of change of development are described. The problem is our way of looking at the problem.
How we can do a better job by combining our abilities and influence.
Volume 2 describes the first habit of personal development Become active.
What happens to us does not hurt us as much as our reaction to it.
Do not let others act on themselves. In these, it has been told to work on the circle of influence except the circle of concern.
- It has been told in this book that there are three types of problems
- direct control
- indirect control and
- zero control
First Habit: You are the Creator
The first habit states that "You are the Creator" "You are responsible" It is based on the four unique talents of imagination, self-reliance and self-awareness.
Second Habit: Start by keeping the end in mind.
- That is, the ability to see imaginary pictures, the ability to see potential, the ability to create in our mind, which we cannot currently see with our eyes.
Third Habit: Put the first thing first
The Fourth Habit :Win Win Strategy
- Relationships are mutually beneficial and satisfying in the outcome of a solution in a win / win mentality.
- All parties feel good about the decision when there is a win / win solution.
Fifth Habit: Understanding for Others
Sixth Habit: Use Synergy.
- The essence of synergy is to give importance to mental, emotional and psychological differences between people.
Seventh Habit: Sharpen the saw.
This is your biggest asset - to develop yourself. It renews the four dimensions of your nature - physical, spiritual, mental and social.
The basic meaning of sharpening saws is to express the four inspirations.
It means regular and continuous practice of the four dimensions of our nature in sensible and balanced ways.
5:The Alchemist -Writer's name : Paulo Coelho.
An epic story of realizing his dream. When you really want to get something, this universe creates a plot to help you achieve it.
This story is about a boy Santiago who is a shepherd. Sheep farming is his hobby.
It is a thrilling famous book based on good ideas like Indra Jal Katha. In which this boy goes on a long journey to a desert to realize his dream and gets the treasure.
During this journey, this boy faced many circumstances. How does he overcome them. The biggest lesson of life in this journey
- We are taught what we are and what we are not?
- What is our destiny?
- What we believe Is how to live in adversity?
- What is the language of existence? How to use subconscious mind?
The biggest thing is to understand the language of existence and build your destiny.
If you want to know the deep secrets of this, then you must have a little spiritual nature or you can also read Sadguru's "The Engineering" before reading this famous book.
This story is told that when God has to help, he helps in any form.
- What are the ways of cleaning the mind? And is everything in life a force?
- Prognostic is the language of God, through which he wants to tell you what you should do?
How does this boy, while struggling with difficulties, move towards different treasures in his life. The story goes on to elaborate on courage, patience, valor, love, valor, faith, listening to the heart.
- This famous book tells us a fascinating story of faith, faith and action. It is told in this story that there is a spirit of the world, that is, why the earth is rotating around the sun on its axis.
It has a soul driving it, who understands this and also understands the language of Prognostic. He can also know the existence of electron, proton neutron in a sand particle in the desert in this story.
- Science also says that a particle has everything. The story emphasizes just learning to live in the present.
If you pay attention to the present, then the future can be improved. If it is improved then whatever is to come tomorrow, it will be better than today.
Quit worrying about the future and if you follow the education of existence, he loves his children.
- Every day brings with it something that is eternal, when a person really wants to get something, this whole creation does a good job in realizing it.
Ultimately the story fulfills a boy's dreams and ends with a fun creative outlook. This is a pleasant saying and tells us the true meaning of our existence.
In conclusion.
Another "Inner Engineering book" focuses on body, mind and energy in one direction.That is, first of all it gives a formula to know oneself in a new way.
The same "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", the book calls for creating a new image to create a new image.
If you have assimilated both these books then we will easily understand the true meaning of “Bhagavad Gita Book”. The Bhagavad Gita introduces our third dimension, the inner software,It makes us understand what our identity really is.
When we read these three books we come to know who I am and for whom I work. I mean live what is this life then it comes to how we develop the art of practical living in life.
How can we become a quality productive person and achieve success in every area of our life?
To solve the problems of life, "The Book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" tells us the solutions to these questions by taking these formulas.
Now that we know who I am, what is the internal software inside me? And how to live in practical life, then it is the turn to know this universe or existence.
Why are we here. What is the reason for our coming here? How do we deal with things and spirit? The Alchemist answers these questions. In this way you can get comprehensive knowledge and good ideas about these five famous books.
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