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What are the opportunities to develop different types of thinking?

What are the opportunities to develop different types of thinking?

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All of us are effigies of our habits and thinking process. that is, we live the same life as we thought.

But at the core of these habits, our  thinking  works as a seed, so it is important to develop different type of thinking.

Let's find out through this blog, how many opportunities we have to develop our thinking.

Opportunities to develop different types of thinking.There are two ways to develop different types of  thinking.
  • By body
  • by mind.
We all change our thoughts about thinking about life at different stages of the stage.  
When we are in childhood or in our teenage years, there is a lot of difference between our thinking and thinking of adult age.

How to devlop different types of thinking by body?

We all change our thoughts about thinking and  life at different stages.  When we are in childhood or in our teenage years, there is a lot of difference between our thinking and thinking of adult age.
  • If we plant the right thought in our mind during adolescence, then by creating the right habits in our mind, life can become  pleasant and happy.
The question arises, how to generate such thinking in childhood or adolescence?
In teenage years, we pay less attention to the mind.  Therefore in this stage the importance of thinking decreases.  
Because this state is full of energy, enthusiasm  and enthusiasm due to the change  of hormones in the body.  
Therefore, in this adolescent stage, there is more emphasis on bodywork.
  • In this state, channelizing energy in the right direction is also a very important task.  This also gives an opportunity to expand thinking.
In some examples, the opportunity to extend and devlop different types of thinking may be as follows.

 1: Playing cricket.

If playing cricket is made its hobby, it gives an opportunity to develop different types of thinking of team spirit.
  • Playing cricket develops the idea of ​​achieving success by being part of the team and working with the team.
  • Secondly, playing cricket also shows that a person can emerge like a strong leader in the team by doing one job in a very good way.
  • Just like someone is a batsman, the other is doing well as a wicketkeeper.  The third specializes in bowling and someone specializes in fielding.
  • In cricket, all the players give their best performance and get an opportunity to develop the thinking of achieving success.
Secondly, it enhances the sense of discipline in the game and the idea of ​​achieving success by playing within the rules.

 2: Example: Dance:

To dance means to perform by balancing your energy, that is, to develop the thinking of ​​balance between your energy and opportunities.

3: Trekking:
Those who are tracking, especially at a young age, handle the adverse situations of life very well.  This is my personal experience.  You can study my blog on this topic.
Tracking the power of the body, it creates a balance between the excitement of the mind.  Whatever the pressure in tracking, no matter how tired we are, no matter what the circumstances are, the main focus of tracking is to reach our point.
There is a kind of main focus, it is the best method to give new dimension and expansion to a thinking.

Develop different types of thinking by mind.

1: To chang way of living 

Thinking is also easy to develop by the mind at any age and it is more effective and important as well.  With increasing age, bodily functions become less.
Therefore, there are the following three ways for the mind to develop different types of thinking.
  •  Affirmation
  •  Visualization
  •  Meditation

Any thought we want to impose in our mind, it is affirmation to say that statement repeatedly in our mind . 
It is like printing that thought in Subconscious mind as if the print was taken out from the computer.


The kind of lifestyle or way of living we want in the future.  What we do not have today but want to become or succeed in the future, then visualization is to create that picture clearly in our mind.

It is a powerful medium to expand and devlop our thinking because our brain thinks not in words but in images.  
  • Subconscious mind conspires to make this picture come true.  This is also the work of existence, that it works for us.

Meditation is the union of your body and mind, that is, creating a balanced relationship between body and mind is what meditation is and it provides the best opportunity to develop different types of thinking.

2: To write:

Writing is the easiest way to expand thinking.  When we write our talk in a diary, our fingers have direct contact with our brain and now the more we write, the more our mind develops.

Psychologists have also said that by hand writing, the reticular activating center of the brain becomes active.  This center acts as a filter for the analysis of the brain.
  • This gives us the opportunity to develop good thinking along with the selection of good words and from here we also get the opportunity to expand a new thinking.
3:Be ready to fight the circumstances.

Our thinking should be expanded while fighting the circumstances.

But it is more important to fight situations with positive thinking.  

Positive thinking gives us the courage to fight against situations.  And this also provides an easy opportunity to expand our thinking.
4:Participation in debate competitions. 
Debate competitions are a best opportunity to develop different types of thinking.  Sometimes we get an opportunity to speak in such competitions, both in favor and in opposition.  
If we do not agree on any issue or matter and we are asked to speak in favor on that issue, then our thinking ability develops.  
  • This type of competition is important in understanding the points of opposition and due to research on any opposing side, our different types of thinking are formed.  

In the debate between opposing points, thinking from each side with their points of argument gives a new dimension to thinking.

In Conclusion:

Exercise suggests to us that all the cells of our body continue to act like skilled workers and demand work.  
When we do exercise work with great vigor, our body and mind are filled with calm, blissful happiness and our way of thinking is also affected. 
In this way, by working on the body and mind, you can develop diffrent types of your thinking.


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