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What are the pros and cons of the meaning of simple living high thinking?

What are the pros and cons of the meaning of simple living high thinking?

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Living with a simple life and high thinking is quite difficult in today's society.  In case of  teenager, this is even more difficult.  
Because the pressure of false pride of society makes us compelled to leave simple living and high thinking and live a life of flamboyance. 
If we are young or mature then the idea of ​​simple living and high thinking can be adopted to some extent.  Because hormones also start becoming balanced with age.
Our common problems in simple living and high thinking are as follows.
  • The elders of the house, parents start thinking of us as unacceptable.
  • If we are in the role of a father, then the children  start calling us  saint.
  • If we are in the role of a husband, then the wife will make it difficult for us to live with a thousand taunts.
Where the people are reached?  You are in same position, you are sitting as a saint.  This type of taunt is the identity of today's society and family.

Pros and cons of the meaning of  simple living and high thinking

The thought of ​​simple living and high thinking is made for you.  
There can be many reasons behind why you celebrated this thinking, but according to me one of the main reasons is living with spirituality.
  • Spirituality helps us to come to know about our true identity.  And that's why first prepare yourself for it.  
The first step of preparation is simple living then only there will be purity in thoughts. 
Therefore one adopts simple living and high thinking in "search of the meaning of life".
  • This type of thinking can be presented in a good way by a person who is a nature lover and has begun to understand the meaning of his being.
If we live life with the thought of ​​simple living and high thinking, then its pros and cons are like this.
  • We will have to struggle the most with our friends and our relatives.
  • Secondly, we will also struggle with ourself because we will have many thoughts in our mind whether we are on the right path or not?
But I have said before that it is difficult and hard to live a normal life, but it is fruitful in future.
Sometimes this modern society will not give you proper respect by considering it as a simple, sometimes it can also ignore you.
  • But everyone knows very well that gold shines only after being heated in fire.
Similarly, a winner emerges from all these external circumstances.
If you leave fighting with society and live on your simple living and high thinking, then not only your present but also future will be fantastic.
The seed of simple living and high thinking that you had sown over time, you will reap its beautiful magnificent crop and you will prosper.

Benefits of Simple Living and high thinking

1:First of all you win everywhere.  Losing to someone means nothing.  One does not have to impress.
  • This saves energy.
  • Saves money
  • Saves time 
  • You are always happy and when you are happy, this is the name of success.
Today's thinking says that it should be a big car, a big bungalow, to show others, not for its comfort.
This thinking cannot increase high thinking
When you adopt simple living and high thinking, it affects your family and you.  

2: Your children and society are influenced by this and begin to understand the meaning of life.
  • Because simple living and high thinking is the first step of spiritual process.
  • Success and happiness are the result of this step.
3: You will always be healthy.  Simple Living means simple food, simple clothing and ethics.
  • As a result Whenever you are in simple living high thinking, there is no secretion of adrenaline hormone. 
Because of this, toxic acid does not build in your body, as a result you will be healthy and calm.
4: This is the surest way to receive the grace of existence.  As we try to connect ourselves to this soil, in the same proportion we become filled with immense peace, faith, happiness and joy.  
This is the ultimate result of simple living high thinking.

Effects of simple living and high thinking

Life is governed by this existence under eternal rules.  We are all a small part of this life.  Whatever happens in this situation happens to us.

To understand this life one has to be normal and not need any great worship.
Living a normal life is yoga, and only by staying normal can we know the value of this life to some extent.
Let's try to understand with an example.
Our sages such as Gautama Buddha and Mahavira were princes.  Why did he leave the Raj Bhavan and pursue Buddhism, Religion and Jainism as a simple living and high Thinking.
Even today people are following their stated religion.  
  • Just like every moment, breath is happening in and out.  In the same way there is life.  It is not known but we are alive with this breath.
Similarly, simple living is also a fundamental quality of life, but it acts like a powerful tool.
This thinking also works like the secret heat of steam.
Simple living and high thinking is like turning inwards.  It is like discovering your real  identity.

In Conclusion.

We all are a part of this society.  This type of thinking of society definitely affects  all of us.  
Anytime we believe in simple living and high thinking, we never do.
If our routine is right and the first equation of our life is correct, then we are moving towards simple living and high thinking to a great extent.
If we consider our health as more important, then we will definitely move towards simple living and high thinking.  
While simple living is one way of living life, on the other hand high thinking is its effect.


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