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Difference between thought and message

Difference between thought and message 

Basic definition of thought and message 
  • A thought is a mental process, often unconscious, that can result in a belief or an idea. It is something that happens inside someone's mind and is not directly communicated to others.

  • A message, on the other hand, is a piece of information that is conveyed from one person to another, either through verbal or nonverbal communication. A message can be a result of a thought, but it is the act of communicating that thought to others that distinguishes a message from a thought.

Basic Concepts of thoughts and message

  • A thought is subjective and personal, whereas a message is objective and meant for others to receive and understand. 

  • Thoughts can be complex and abstract, whereas messages are often simple and concrete, designed for easy transmission and comprehension.

  • Thoughts can also change and evolve over time, but a message remains the same once it has been conveyed. 

  • Additionally, thoughts can be influenced by a person's emotions, beliefs, and experiences, while a message is a deliberate attempt to impart information without personal bias or interpretation.

In this blog I am trying to describe my point view' on the basic difference between thought and message.
  • The language of Thought is realized by Vibration. If the thoughts movement on in our mind are calm and positive, then the result of mind will be reflected through the body.

Because of this, the same kind of vibration will be generated in the environment around us, which is generating on in our mind.  
This  vibration caught the person who knows his self to some extent.
In this way, due to the thought generated in our mind, a message is generated in the form of a actions in the body.  

This message was prepared in a non linguistic and this message also imprint an impact.
  • For example, due to negative thoughts in a person's mind, anger arises due to the same kind of reaction in that person's body.  This response reaches others in the form of a message.
Thus, one can say that the deepest form of the message is thought.  If thought is the root, then the message is its fruit.  
In this way, the thoughts are non linguistic but the messages are both linguistic and non linguistic.
So we one can say that thought and message are two sides of the same coin.
The message is created by coding thought as a language.  The message must be clear and understandable.  
If the message is not clear and understandable, then it is more likely to have different meanings.
  • In this way, the meaning of any message can be varied depending on the individual's thoughts. 
As a result, by changing the meaning of the original message, its effect on the work done is clearly visible.

What is the main difference between thought and message?

While the form is personal, the person whose thought has been generated as a thought has also been beneficial for him.  
In a way, that is the thought of ​​the person while the same thought may not be beneficial for the other person because in the final form the other person cannot assimilate it.  

There is a very close difference between thought and message.  As milk is present in butter.  Thoughts always originate in the mind .  
When a good thought is identified in writing, it takes the form of a message.
  • Thought hides a very deep emotion and this thought  can inspire anyone.  
  • Thought is the seed of feelings.
  • The message is information written in a formal form and the message is delivered to the receiver by the sender.
The message needs to be in the correct code.  To understand its true meaning by the receiver, the message is properly arranged by each sender.
  • So only a message works correctly under a protocol.  
  • While no protocol is required for Thought.  
Our mind generates 70000 thought in a day.  Do we work heartily on one of the thoughts?
Message is very important when we have to work or get it done at office, home or any other place.  
The main quality of a message is that the right thing is finished in the right time.
Therefore, the correct network is needed while forwarding the message.  
  • It also occurs from top to bottom in network office work culture and from bottom to top in the form of feedback.  
  • Therefore, it is necessary for any message to be in the correct code and format.
Thoughts can produce energy.  You can also turn a happy environment into despair and you can also make this environment full of energy.  The same messages are in neutral form and continue to be part of our work.

In Conclusion: 

The importance of thought is based on that person's personal experience.  When it is transmitted among people in the form of a message, the impact of this thought is lessened because thoughts are generated on a person's personal experience. 

In the form of a message, this idea is not necessary in anyone's mind, that can leave an impact. 
Therefore one's thoughts are not very effective for the other person. So we can say that thought and message are the different part of same coin.

While thoughts and messages are related, they are distinct concepts. Thoughts are internal mental processes, while messages are external means of conveying information.


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