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How to effectively make your point of view easy way ?

How to effectively make your point of view easy way?

How to present your point effectively among people?  How to attract people instantly?  How to build an influential personality?

Such questions keep coming in the mind of all of us.  The answers to such questions lie within us only.  But we keep looking for answers to these questions outside.

What is the only reason people are attracted to these types of questions?

The most important reason is to feel important.  Why do we want to attract people?

The root of all problems lies within us, not outside.  When we want to prove ourselves important, the other person also wants to make us feel important.

The solution to the problem is also hidden in this question.  The solution is that we should give the same respect to others that we want from others.

The simple rule of the art of influencing is to make others feel valued.

In this article we will consider how we can effectively present our views to others in an easy way?

How to speak effectively?

The influential persona never says, saying, "You are wrong" Or too short a sentence to make enemies and argue.

We all consider ourselves to be good and important and the best person in the world and always consider the fault of others.

We all get irritated if we are told directly that we are wrong.  Calling someone wrong has not brought any improvement till date, rather it hurts the self-esteem hundred percent.
  • Telling someone's mistake directly is not an effective way to make your point effective.
  • Why does this happen?  Because each person considers himself important.  
  • Today in modern thinking, no person in the society wants to be run over by them. 
  • His understanding should be underestimated.  Nobody wants to misunderstand something.

What are the reasons we are not able to make our point of view effectively ?

Fact 1: No person wants to be changed. No one can ever change anyone.  
  • Because we do not love our thoughts but love our self-esteem. 
  • Everyone feels that their self-esteem is in danger in such a situation.
Therefore, a person does not change himself even if he was wrong.

What is the solution to speak effectively? 

Protect the self-respect of everyone, even if it is a small child.

Tomorrow, this child will grow up and treat you the same way you did with him in childhood.

Any person can change himself.  If he wants from inside, he should change it.  This is the only way to help the person to transform into himself.

Fact 2: We always react with two things, be it the thoughts, talk or physical shape or knowledge of others.
  1. Assessing Prejudice.
  2. React and jump to conclusions  immediately.
  • Respect the views of others to impress.
  • Try to understand the other completely before presenting your point of view effectively.
  • Try to understand the perspective of others.
If anyone's fault, then we should try our best to save his / her self-esteem.

We do not have to impose our words directly on anyone.  
  • Even if we are right. We should not attack directly even if the other person is not aware of anything.
With this we cannot change that person and we will lose him.  Will he give us a sense of harmony on his mistake?  Never .  

This direct response is the only way to create and debate the enemy.

We can never present our point of view effectively in this way.  Therefore, give respect to others as well.

How to effectively make your point of view easy way?

Solution: Easy way to present yourself to others
  • I can be wrong too.
  • I think this can happen.
  • I think that the meaning of this talk  can   be another way.
We can avoid the debate by tying the bridges of agreement on these sentences and remove the solution.
 Never try to prove yourself.
If you keep proving yourself, then your enthusiasm, energy will be depleted and self-esteem will be broken.

It nourishes your ego and others feel that you are degrading them.

Fact 3: Inner life all are equal at the software level, so all are equal, then what is ego?

No one has benefited from the debate till date.  Even if you win the debate, you will lose the person, that is, you still lose.

SolutionTherefore, immediately agree with your opponent, only then you can put your point in front of him effectively.  
  • This will not make the other person feel bad and will also agree with you.
  • Always welcome disagreements. It makes us look at the other side of the coin.
  • Our life is shaped by the quality of our thinking.  Our objectives determine our priorities.  Life spent with a purpose is the most powerful.

 In Conclusion:

We should always be ready to change our thinking.  Special attention should be paid to the quality of your thoughts.  To put your point of view in front of others effectively, one should aim high.
The most important thing is to make others feel valued and to respect their views is an effective way to make your point of view.


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