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What are the best five thoughts of self reliance?

Best Five thoughts of self reliance

Before discussing about the best five ideas of self-reliance.  I would like to say one thing clearly that we live in different places in this material world. Our way of living is different.  
Due to this self-reliance, the thoughts of each person may differ.  According to my experience, the five ideas of self-reliance are as follows.

Best Five thoughts of self reliance 

  1. I am not a body.
  2. I am not mind . 
  3. I am Inner Software. 
  4. There is nothing bad or nothing good in this existence, just thinking is good and bad according to our thinking.  
  5. I am the best creation of this existence. 

First thought of self reliance: I am not a body.

If we look at the journey of human development, such a large body has been created from a cell. 

  • Can we adjust in a cell?  
  • Am I aware of every part of this body?  
  • Can I control my food digestion process? 
  • How is my body's digestive system functioning?

Do we have answers to all these questions? How can we say that I am a body. We are only bodies at the level of experience. 

Each of our experiences is through this body. The whole game in this body is of these 5 senses. Because of which we consider ourselves as bodies. 

  • How are our body parts operating at the time when we are asleep. This means that I am something other than the body. 

The creation of this body from a small cell means that I am something other than the body. 

If we  Do Self reliance not consider yourself a body. If you want to achieve with this thought we generate thoughts of self-reliance

Second thought of self reliance: I am not mind .

We have collected all the information in our mind from this material world, through the five senses. It is also necessary to live a normal life. 

  • Why are we not happy in this information age despite everything? 
  • Today at the click of a smartphone everything is going to be sitting at home. Our happiness should have increased, but it is not so.    
  • Today everyone is suffering from some problem. 
  • All these problems begin at the level of the mind.  

Because information enters the mind from outside and produces the same kind of emotion and thought, and as a result comes out at the level of our body. 

  • My name is so so   
  • I belong to that religion. 
  • I belong to the caste. 

All this type of information is stored in our mind. Am I really, my name is "I" or my designation is "I", it is all information, which is sitting in the mind, that is, let us know that I am not even in the mind. 

Is it just a pile of garbage then? We will all self-reliance move towards the second step of the attainment of and we will get soul knowledge and we can get rid of all problems. 

Third thought of self reliance: I am Inner life Software. I am an energy source. 

How our body is made by a little cell? 

  • Our food itself is digested.
  • In us, the granules in the blood continue to perform their work well. 
  • The heart keeps beating in a rhythmic way.  

Who is controlling all these? The function of any organ is not abnormal. All the organs continue to function according to their best management. 

All our organs continue to operate their work perfectly. The software to control and manage our organs is present in our mind, it is called  Inner life software. 

Audio visual data transfer from one mobile phone to another mobile phone, how? 

  • This data is only a type of software.  
  • There is only one type of energy.  

In the same way, vibration from our mind also reaches another. Our body control is in our inner software itself.

  • If we know a little bit of our inner life software, then we can move a step self reliance towards, and if we start living with inner life software  then we would attained grace from that existence.

Fourth thought of self reliance: Life is eternal life. Life is neither good nor bad  

Life is neither good nor bad, just our way of living makes it good or bad for us.  

  • Like there is no color of air. 
  • Water has no color, it becomes the same color in which it is mixed.  If water is added to clean water, it remains clean and if it is mixed with dirty water, dirty.  Similarly, there is wind.

Now what shall we call water, air? This is also in life. It is the same in life. 

  • According to us, if something happens to us, we consider it good and on the other hand if someone opposes our views, we consider it bad.

Therefore, there is neither good nor bad here. Just our thoughts  make anything good or bad. 

If we become aware of this truth, then this thought will be our  self reliance the fourth step of.  

Fifth thought of self reliance: I am the best creation of this existence .  

I am the best creation of this existence. All the machines of the world have been invented by this creation. 

We still have not fully understood the activities of our brain, how does it work? 

  • Each of our cells has its own brain.  
  • We do not have to do anything to for proper functioning to the body. 
  • Food only has to be provided for water, for energy.  
  • Our breath is running freely. Still we are upset, why?  
  • At the level of mind or body, we have limited time and energy.   
  • Nobody has been here forever. 
  • Why are we still involved in race ? 

Aren't we a perfect answer to questions? We cannot recognize existence until we have this body and mind. 

This is where all the problems begin. It is up to us to consider ourselves the best creations. 

Our body is also like nature, how to use it? If we use our brain to bless, heal and like people, then we are sowing seeds of harmony and peace in the field of this mind.

This is what we will get back, just as nature does not discriminate with anyone, similarly this body also keeps reacting to our action. 

If we use the mind in its opposite functions, we get the same back. This is the fifth thought of self reliance. I am the best creation of this existence.  

In Conclusion:

If we have known and imbibed these five thoughts of self reliance, then we can take the reins of our life in our hands. We can be successful in all our fields.

With patience and faith we can move forward in our lives. You can give a new dimension to your life, you can solve your problems.

By taking these five thoughts in our life, we can change the way to living with self-reliance.


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