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Words thought and its effects

Words thought and its effects


What is the words? Is the thought an abstract force? Which word or thought has more power.

I am presenting my views about these questions.

The effect of thought is always in the brain. If our thoughts can bring changes in someone's life, then these thoughts remain as an effect of words even after we are no more. 

Words are formed by adding the alphabet to the language. A sentence is formed by adding words and the sentences help to communicate with someone.

  • One person communicates his thoughts through language to another person. The whole game is about words, it is about the composition of the sentence.  

But even more importantly, our brain that gives meaning to words by catching words. These words change as thoughts by flutter.

Our brain works like a receiver and sender. That is why mankind is also developing, that we are understanding each other on the basis of language. 

What words evoke thoughts?

Before the word is the alphabet, which is made into a word in the form of a garland.

Words may have one or more meanings, but the meaning of a word used in a sentence plays its role in understanding language differently. 

The effect of words tries to understand the rules with examples.

  • You are a bad person, 

  • you are a good person, 

here you are a human being. Used in both sentences. You must have understood its meaning, but one word bad and good changes the effect of the whole sentence

  • You are a bad person 

The words here did their job but the bad words acted as a trigger to generate thought .

This bad word triggers the information already filled in our brain and starts generating bad thought of ​​bad word.  

This bad word only caused a bad thought in the brain and this thought triggered our emotions.

Due to the influence of this word and thought, a sense of evil was awakened in us.

This bad word creates the effect of bad in us and we feel bad. Due to the effect of feeling bad, bad is reflected in our personality and it becomes our personality.  

  • Similarly, you are good. 

This word generates good thought. Due to the effect of this good word, a good thought puts a good effect on our mind and body.

Here a word of good and bad has changed the thought process of whole life.

Throughout the day we constantly create and radiate energies: thought energy which then comes out as word energy.

So, if we have too many thoughts, we start talking too much. That haste to speak does not allow us to choose our words carefully or speak in a pleasant manner.

How do words affect thoughts?

If we want our words to be impactful, impactful, and transformational, words need to be short and of high-energy vibration.
When we do this, we naturally speak correctly, speak less and speak slowly. We will not only influence people but also influence conversations.
  • Don't say bad 

  • And you are a bad person. 

Both of these sentences contain bad words. 

  • The first sentence is positive, if you are a bad person, then the effect of his thought will also be bad. 

  • but doubts not say that this sentence is negative the effect of this thought arises like a positive sentence. 

The word bad makes the picture of bad become bad based on the information already filled in the mind.

Don't Any kind of picture of the word does mind because not make a Don't meaning has no and has no image.

Say the picture of the word makes up the mind and how to say it?

  • Therefore the mind produces the effect of the thought of the word, saying bad rather than bad.

So whenever any negative words are spoken in this way. 

  • Don't listen bad 

  • Don't speak bad 

  • Don't mess it up

  • Do not abuse.

Despite the negative impact of the thought of all these sentences, the brain thinks of all these sentences as positive.

It is said therefore, that the mind should always make positive suggestions.

Which generates positive thoughts. Positive energy will be conveyed by the effect of positive thought. 

That is why do not listen to bad, do not speak bad, instead of us .

  • look good to. 
  • OK listen. 

  • Speak good.

  • Be healthy  

  • Keep cleanliness with 

such words we can produce the effect of positivity. Whereas, do not listen to bad and do not speak bad will bring awareness of bad feeling

Why does the word, thought have an effect?

Our brain does not think in words. The mind always generates the imaginary picture of words first. Then presents that picture in the color of emotion.  

The language of the mind is in the image, in the picture. Hence the sign board of danger is displayed in the image before words or sentences.

  • The mind immediately grasps an image and a sketch before language.

The creation of fate from the language of the influence of words and ideas. 

Words are essential for normal communication and it is because of words that we keep our life alive by talking in a simple way in normal life.

Do words have much power to influence our thoughts? 

Truth is something else. Words are powerful only when our brain nourishes these words.

Thoughts are generated by words, but the real work is done by our brain. Therefore, care is taken in selecting words and speaking them.

  • Which thought do we generate? 
  • How is the expression of our language?

All this arises from the influence of our words and thoughts. As we use words destiny is created.

Because when a word is uttered, it leaves no effect but when it gets stored in the subconscious mind of our brain, then the same type of thoughts and feelings are produced

Let your words raise your vibration, the vibration of the situation, and the vibration of the people around you. Remind yourself – I choose words that create my perfect world. I speak only what is right, in the right way and radiate the highest vibrations.

In Conclusion:

These feelings settle in body and mind. The effect of these words becomes thoughts and becomes part of our brain.

Therefore, if you want you to produce the effect of the right thought, always choose only positive words because the said words are energy in a way.

And these words and thoughts continue to affect the environment around us with its vibration. 

The words we think and say are kind of seed. We have to reap the effects of the thoughts generated by these words. Therefore, be aware of each word and say it.

Our thoughts are helpful in building our future. In this way, the influence of words and thoughts creates our future. 


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